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January 25 2024 By dvirtue Falls Church reports abuse investigation into ex-youth leader

The leadership of The Falls Church Anglican is deeply grieved by this situation. We acknowledge that the type of conduct we are investigating can have long-lasting impact on those affected, and our goal is not only to bring forth the truth, but also to provide care for those affected. We realize nothing we say or do can change the past, but we pray that through the power of the Holy Spirit and by shining light into the darkness, healing will occur.

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January 22 2024 By dvirtue Africa Anglican Bishops Communique

"African Anglican Women Bishops embarking on a journey of faith: defying conventions and leading with Grace"

Under the scriptural guidance of Proverbs 27:17, "As Iron sharpens iron so one person sharpens another", we humbly adopt the inspiring message of Archbishop Dr. Jackson Ole Sapit to us:

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January 18 2024 By dvirtue Most Revd. Dr. Mbanda Announces Revd. Donison's Consecration

In December 2023, the House of Bishops of the Anglican Church of Rwanda agreed to consecrate Dean Donison as Bishop if the ACNA College of Bishops approved. Furthermore, in January 2024 the synod of the Metropolitan Diocese of Gasabo unanimously resolved that Dean Paul be consecrated as assistant Bishop of Gasabo Diocese.

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January 18 2024 By dvirtue Senior Church in Wales cleric faces allegation of serious misconduct

It is understood that the allegation against Dean Peers concerns a campaign against the former Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, Professor Martyn Percy. Prof Percy left his role in May 2022 following a three and a half year campaign to remove him which included a series of complaints made against him, all of which were rejected.

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January 17 2024 By dvirtue Anglican Church in Kenya condemned for keeping quiet as people suffer

"I am ashamed as a member of the Anglican Church. The church has remained silent when Kenyans are suffering," he said.

Odinga further questioned why churches have remained unbothered by the high cost of living, the unbearable taxes imposed by the Kenya Kwanza government and the war against the Judiciary.

President Ruto has been leading an onslaught against the Martha Koome-led Judiciary accusing it of sabotaging government projects.

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January 14 2024 By dvirtue TURN AROUND FOR THE DIOCESE OF PERU

I watched as tears of joy and sweet gratitude were shed for the love and blessing of God being so active in the diocese. The crowd overflowed into the parish hall as many could not be seated in the Cathedral. There were moments when the congregation exploded with exhilaration as we sang, prayed, clapped, and shouted our approbation and praise. This was emotional, exciting and faith building. God is doing a new thing in the revived Diocese of Peru.

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January 13 2024 By dvirtue Recuperating Presiding Bishop Faces Title IV Investigation

The recusal -- the first official acknowledgment that such an investigation is under way -- comes at a time when Curry is recuperating from emergency brain surgery. He underwent his second surgery for a subdural hematoma in just over a month on January 6. His surgeon reported that the most recent surgery was successful, and the church announced January 11 that he had been sent home from the hospital.

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January 06 2024 By dvirtue Ugandan Archbishop Warns Christians Warns Against False Teachings

Dr. Kaziimba appealed to Christians to use their God given talents while still alive to create a strong legacy like the late Mpalanyi Nkoyooyo.

Meanwhile the Bishop of Namirembe Diocese, the Rt. Rev. Moses Bbanja, praised the late Archbishop for his efforts in the construction of the Uganda Museum at Namugongo.

He also lauded president Museveni for the efforts made in renovation of Uganda Martyrs Shrine at Namugongo.

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January 03 2024 By dvirtue Title IV clergy disciplinary complaint filed against Bishop Alan Gates for ignoring allegations of child sexual abuse/rape

At the heart of the complaint is the allegation that Gates was contacted multiple times via email about the matter yet did nothing. Similarly, Starr Anderson, one of the intake officers for the diocese, was contacted by email but appears to have taken no action.

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January 03 2024 By dvirtue The tragedy of the Nigerian Christian massacre

The recent Christmas attack on Christians in Plateau State of Northern Nigeria is the continuation of the massacre of Christians by Islamists, instigated by and some clerics. A recent report found more than 200 Christians were massacred, over 300 wounded, and over 10,000 displaced and made homeless in the attack. The sporadic attack targeted about 20 Christian villages in the Plateau on the night of Christmas Eve through the early morning of Christmas Day.

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