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May 25 2024 By dvirtue A New Diocese in England

More recently Gafcon has recognised other smaller structures: the Church of Confessing Anglicans Aotearoa New Zealand (CCAANZ), the Diocese of the Southern Cross in Australia and the Anglican Network in Europe (ANiE).

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May 22 2024 By dvirtue Apostate Episcopal Priests Use Surrogate to Have Baby, 'Not All Christians Are the Same'

The Instagram announcement of the priests' decision to add a baby to their relationship was reposted by Billboard Chris on X where it went viral.

"Our first match months before meeting our surrogate, Julie, was unsuccessful since that first surrogate had family issues that she needed to take care of and was disqualified on day of the contract signing," the post read.

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May 21 2024 By dvirtue ACNA Bishop Atkinson Deposed from Ministry

The Appeal

An appeal of a final Order by the Court for the Trial of a Bishop can be made in writing to the Presiding Officer of the Anglican Church in North America's Provincial Tribunal within 30 days of that Order (Canon IV.5.5). Atkinson attempted to appeal the Order on May 7, 2024, five days after the canonical deadline. His appeal was dismissed by the Tribunal as being untimely filed, and the case moved on to sentencing by the College of Bishops.

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May 18 2024 By dvirtue THE ACNA: WITHER BOUND?

The current Archbishop, The Most Rev. Dr. Foley Beach has fought to grow the church in North America through the promotion of evangelism and discipleship across the more than 1200 parishes in the ACNA.

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May 18 2024 By dvirtue The start of an episcopal free for all?

However, the fact that one of the bishops laying hands on David Morris was a member of the Church of England, who was there as a representative of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, makes this a very significant event.

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The beginnings of what would become modern day Navajoland reservation was originally created following the 1848 Mexican-American War when Mexico ceded the historic Navajo tribal lands to the United States.

However at the time both the Navajo and Apaches were being held hostage by the United States government at Bosque Redondo in New Mexico Territory to keep them from raiding White settlers.


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The May 4 vote to pursue this course of action was: Milwaukee 155/4 in the lay order and 58/3 in the clerical order; Fond du Lac 48/15 in the lay order and 38/5 in the clerical order; Eau Claire 36/1 in the lay order and 16/1 in the clerical order. The proposal passed handily.

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May 07 2024 By dvirtue A Response to the Primates Meeting in Rome

As the Communique itself acknowledges, however, multiple Anglican Primates did not attend the gathering. To be specific, 12 primates did not attend this meeting in Rome, which means that those who did attend represented 30 of the 42 recognized provinces of the Anglican Communion. Such numbers are misleading, however, since the Primates of the three largest Anglican provinces (Nigeria, Uganda, and South Sudan) were among those absent.

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May 05 2024 By dvirtue Dioceses Seek Sharp Reduction in Assessments to Church Center

The Rev. Everett Lee, a deputy from the Diocese of Oklahoma, said: "A top-down approach is not the structure that the church needs. We're network-driven and network-based, and we ought to support that work and the way in which we are gathered."

"We need governance and administration, clearly, for some things -- but we sure do have a lot of it," said the Rev. Tim Baer, also an Oklahoma deputy.

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May 05 2024 By dvirtue CANADA: Sharp drop during pandemic: stats officer

The figures show a decline on almost all fronts from 2019 to 2022, including a 12 per cent decrease in the total number on parish rolls, 26 per cent decrease in average Sunday attendance, and 17 per cent decrease in regular identifiable givers. The biggest drops came in the number of people attending services on major holy days: a 45 per cent decline in Easter attendance, 37 per cent for Pentecost and 47 per cent for Christmas.

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