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Culture Wars
July 23 2024 By dvirtue The Battle for Control of the Evangelical Dictionary

There are many concerns that I have with Preston Sprinkle's doctrine and teaching, but there are some main issues I want to point out here at the top. Firstly, I believe his teaching on homosexual desires to not be in alignment with the teaching of scripture. Secondly, I believe his teaching on what he calls "gay Christians" to be not only false but dangerous, as he attempts to domesticate evil.

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July 22 2024 By dvirtue RESTORING SEXUAL SANITY

What is restored? The form of the Song answers the question. It's a polyphonic poem, interleaving the voices of male and female, whose halting dance of mutual desire is cheered on by a chorus. To the consternation of some conservative readers, the Bride initiates the duet, longing for the Bridegroom's inebriating kisses, intoxicated by his fragrance, hoping to escape to a chamber where they can drink together the wine of love. The Lover responds with praise of her eyes, her body, her beauty.

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July 20 2024 By dvirtue Does the World Need the West?

And yet, the West is in a profound identity crisis, to the delight of anti-West ideologues. From Pride parades each June to intellectual elites, including a sitting member of the U.S. Supreme Court, who claim to not know what a woman is, Western society is increasingly unhitching from the traditional beliefs and values that grounded its understanding of human dignity.

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Today, in 2024 America, the phrase "religious war" evokes mostly far-off outrages: Muslim Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria serially attacking Christian villages and massacring every man, woman and child while burning their homes to the ground. Atheistic Communist China persecuting virtually all religions, from Christians to Uyghur Muslims to Tibetan Buddhists to Falun Gong practitioners.

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June 24 2024 By dvirtue From Fringe Heresy to Dominant Orthodoxy: How the Homosexuality Cult Hijacked America

How did nuclear scientists suddenly come to the spine-chilling conclusion that the world is threatened by "vulnerabilities in nuclear decision making" if LGBTQI+ individuals are excluded from making decisions "by a homogenous, cis-heteronormative community of practitioners"?

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June 01 2024 By dvirtue Hope for Struggling Christians During Pride Month

Nothing is more important for children of God than to hear from their heavenly Father, especially during an extreme spiritual attack. This month, millions of voices will attempt to tell you how to think. That's why it's dangerous to neglect your Bible. Heed the command of Romans 12:2: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God."

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May 28 2024 By dvirtue How Americans Said I Do to Gay "Marriage"

The game plan, as described by Dr. Butterfield, was simple and straight forward.

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May 03 2024 By dvirtue Is the tide turning on transgender madness at last?

Predictably, there have been problems. There have been reports, for example, of transgender prisoners transferred to female prisons raping fellow inmates and prison officers. While the NHS had provoked ire by instructing medical staff to stop using terms such as breastfeeding and vaginal birth for mothers-to-be, in favour of 'chestfeeding' and frontal birth.

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April 23 2024 By dvirtue Evangelicals list top issues facing the US: survey

In addition to asking respondents for their views on hot-button issues dominating political and cultural discussions in the U.S., the questionnaire asked respondents to name "the three most critical issues facing the new Congress and administration."

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April 20 2024 By dvirtue Why was gender ideology allowed to run amok for so long?

The review is on the front page of the newspapers today. The BBC is platforming trans-sceptical experts -- and not just so they can be hissed at live on air. Keir Starmer's ever-opportunistic Labour Party is saying it agrees with everything in the report.

Of course it's far too early to be declaring victory, and far too late for many of the victims caught up in this to celebrate, but something monumental happened today. The unsayable has become sayable, on gender at least.

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