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Culture Wars
March 12 2023 By dvirtue Drag queen shows in churches are desecrating holy places. This blasphemy must stop

Thus it was an article appeared in the Basildon and Southend Echo, complaining about the "trolls" who had "viciously targeted" St Mark's CofE church in Southend after they posted photographs online of children sat in the pews, "enjoying an age-appropriate drag queen event".

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March 02 2023 By dvirtue The power of woke: how leftist ideology is undermining our society and economy


The term as it's widely used today differs from earlier significations. "Woke", which plays on African American vernacular, once meant "awake to" or "aware of" social and racial injustices. The term expanded to encompass a wider array of causes from climate change, gun control, and LGTBQ rights to domestic violence, sexual harassment, and abortion.

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The decision to bless same-sex marriages is outrageous and deeply saddening. I myself lived as an openly gay male for 12 years and it ruined me, but by God's grace, not permanently. I thank God every day that I was shown the truth. I wasn't a Christian when I decided to step away from my gay life however; I learned the hard way that homosexual relationships are dysfunctional and the gay identity is self-seeking and by default self-destructive.

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January 20 2023 By dvirtue Christian charity worker prosecuted for 'conversion therapy'

Matthew spoke about how he does not agree with the term 'conversion therapy' and said that the deeper he went into his Christian faith and exploring the Bible, the more "I understood that in the Bible, homosexuality is not an identity as we make it nowadays. And neither is it a feeling, but a practice.

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January 20 2023 By dvirtue North Korea is again the worst country for persecution

Following North Korea in the top 10 were Somalia, Yemen, Eritrea, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan and Sudan.

North Korea reclaimed the top spot this year due to the introduction of an "anti-reactionary thought law" that has led to "a new wave of violence" and the persecution of anyone found with foreign materials or literature.

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January 17 2023 By dvirtue Opposing Gay Marriage May Seem like a Lost Cause. History Suggests It Isn't

This partly explains why, in December, the Respect for Marriage Act passed both houses of the U.S. Congress with bipartisan support. Thirty-nine Republicans in the House and 12 in the Senate joined every Democrat to codify it into federal law. Support for gay marriage is so widespread that it's easy to forget how recent it is.

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January 16 2023 By dvirtue "I will be who I will be": Exodus 3 and Gender Identity

The self-identifying of transgenderism is in essence a claim to be our own creators -- our own gods. It is in fact the same sentiment expressed in Genesis 3:5 by the enemy, "you will be like God".

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January 05 2023 By dvirtue A Major Scientific Study Confirms What We All Knew: Men are Different From Women

Recognizing That Biological Sex Matters

Without this presupposition, namely, that there is such a thing as women and men, the study would have no meaning. In fact, it would be impossible even to conduct the study. Otherwise, all we would have is the difference between humans and humans. That’s it!

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December 31 2022 By dvirtue FREEDOM AND THE FATE OF AMERICA

from bondage to spiritual faith.
from faith to great courage.
from courage to liberty.
from liberty to abundance.
from abundance to complacency.
from complacency to selfishness.
from selfishness to apathy.
from apathy to dependency.
And from dependency back again into bondage.

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December 30 2022 By dvirtue Santa Claus in same-sex interracial marriage in children's book

Kibblesmith is a married straight white man who depicts the bespectacled Jolly Ole Elf as a black -- ebony-colored -- gay man who after years or decades and even centuries of living together with his white partner finally marries David who promptly became Mr. Claus.

David Claus does help Santa by making various shopping mall appearances but he is careful to always identify as "Santa's husband," not Santa himself.

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