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Church of England
July 25 2024 By dvirtue EPISCOPAL JENGA

The bishops then reverted to their original plan and proposed to this July's Synod that "standalone services" now simply be commended. This was described as being "for a trial period," but that makes no sense given commendation is an episcopal judgment the prayers are already legal, and it was admitted during the Synod that once commended they were highly unlikely ever to be withdrawn.

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July 25 2024 By dvirtue Why stay (at least for now)?

Some are very happy with what is a clear trajectory: namely for what appear to be sexually-active relationships outside of heterosexual marriage to be blessed, including for clergy.

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July 19 2024 By dvirtue CEEC responds to General Synod and plans way forward

Please do see our prayer pointers for the coming weeks as conferences, camps and festivals take place across the country.

Please do forward this email to a friend/church member who would like to be kept informed.

In Christ,


Revd Canon John Dunnett,
National Director, CEEC

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July 17 2024 By dvirtue Thinking about your Anglican future?

In October 2021, this blog predicted that the bishops would bring proposals for same-sex blessings to General Synod in February 2023 - and that they would do it without a two-thirds vote of Synod. It was a call to pray and prepare.

The CEEC have worked hard to rally the troops, first to stop and then to find a 'settlement' in this theological quandry. In recent months they have been joined by others, forming 'The Alliance' whose recent letter has caused so much uproar.

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July 16 2024 By dvirtue Synod: what happened and why does it matter?

This motion in support of all these changes only narrowly passed in the final vote:

For Against Abstain
Bishops 22 12 5
Clergy 99 88 2
Laity 95 91 2

The vote needed to be carried by a simple majority in each house. The laity vote was so close that if only two people had voted differently, the motion would have been lost. A helpful summary of the debate and speeches can be found here.

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July 15 2024 By dvirtue Is it any wonder that trust levels are falling in the Church of England?

In 2023, the Rt Hon Sir David Lidington, Chair of the Project Board examining the governance of the Church of England, told General Synod, "Let me be frank, having never previously been involved in Church governance, I have been personally shocked by the depth of resentment and mistrust that pervades relationships between different organisations, traditions and people within the Church family. Governance reform will not on its own deliver the cultural change needed, but it can help.

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July 15 2024 By dvirtue CEEC commissions first set of overseers

At the service, the first 20 overseers were commissioned (with more to be commissioned in due course). The overseers comprise a group of Honorary Assistant Bishops, alongside other clergy from across the evangelical constituency (spanning charismatics and conservatives, egalitarians and complementarians). They will provide informal oversight to clergy and PCCs who feel a loss of confidence in the spiritual leadership of their bishop(s).

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July 12 2024 By dvirtue EFAC Global expresses deep disappointment over LLF Milestone

"It is deeply disappointing that despite hearing repeatedly in speeches of the need to build trust by avoiding bad process, and CEEC's continued advocacy of the insufficiency of delegated arrangements, Synod passed the Motion, and the Prayers of Love and Faith bus continues to move forward.

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July 09 2024 By dvirtue LLF - The Decision Point?

The facts were clear:
• Once "prayers are commended it is hard to see a scenario where they will be uncommended". The Prayers of Love and Faith were commended for use in regular services in November 2023.

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July 07 2024 By dvirtue General Synod: a watershed moment?

In summary, the Church of England's General Synod is being asked: to endorse a direction of travel that continues to move away from our biblical and historic inheritance; to support the introduction of standalone services of blessings for same-sex couples; to support a timetable towards allowing clergy to marry their same-sex partners; and to support provision for orthodox Anglicans based on delegation rather than structural rearrangement.

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Trinity School for Ministry
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