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July 26 2024
Elite sports chaplain Ashley Null: 'The gospel is the antidote to performance-based identity' The danger with the relentless researching of your subject in preparation for an interview is that you're bound to make some assumptions.
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July 26 2024
SYDNEY: Archbishop says CofE Blessing of Same-Sex Marriages is "grievous abrogation of responsibility' This decision is contrary to scripture and to Anglican expressions of the teaching of scripture in our formularies, including the Book of Common Prayer, and Lambeth resolution I.10, clearly affirme
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July 26 2024
Breakdown in National Politics and Churches on Same Trajectory * New TEC Presiding Bishop Admits Church in Decline * APB Rowe Sees Solution in Strategic Planning * CofE set to trial special standalone SS services * Nigeria and Sydney Condemn SS Unions. At the Washington National Cathedral, their "labyrinth coordinator" instructs practitioners to pray to God or the Universe while walking the labyrinth, with Christianity left to a matter of persona
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July 26 2024
THE RESPONSE OF THE CHURCH TO PERSECUTION IN NIGERIA Lecture Introduction: Our OCRPL faculty member Dr Anna Belele from Ukraine will introduce the LECTURE.
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July 26 2024
Nigerian Primate Accuses CofE Bishops of Jettisoning the Faith over Same Sex Blessings Though the approval process has been described as a narrow win or victory by a vote by Houses: Bishops 22 for, 12 against; Clergy 99 for, 88 against; and
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July 25 2024
EPISCOPAL JENGA The bishops then reverted to their original plan and proposed to this July's Synod that "standalone services" now simply be commended.
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July 25 2024
Why stay (at least for now)? Some are very happy with what is a clear trajectory: namely for what appear to be sexually-active relationships outside of heterosexual marriage to be blessed, including for clergy.
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July 25 2024
WHAT IS THE ECCLESIOLOGICAL PROBLEM WITH A THIRD PROVINCE? The references in the final sentence of this quotation to 'diverse jurisdictions,' 'a third province' and 'a church within a church' are all different ways of referring to the same idea, the idea
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July 23 2024
July 23 2024
The Battle for Control of the Evangelical Dictionary There are many concerns that I have with Preston Sprinkle's doctrine and teaching, but there are some main issues I want to point out here at the top.
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Trinity School for Ministry
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