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July 26 2024 By dvirtue SYDNEY: Archbishop says CofE Blessing of Same-Sex Marriages is "grievous abrogation of responsibility'

This decision is contrary to scripture and to Anglican expressions of the teaching of scripture in our formularies, including the Book of Common Prayer, and Lambeth resolution I.10, clearly affirmed by the Archbishop of Canterbury as the standard of Anglican doctrine as recently as the Lambeth Conference in 2022.

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July 26 2024 By dvirtue Nigerian Primate Accuses CofE Bishops of Jettisoning the Faith over Same Sex Blessings

Though the approval process has been described as a narrow win or victory by a vote by Houses:
Bishops 22 for, 12 against;
Clergy 99 for, 88 against; and
Laity 95 for, 91 against; it nevertheless shows the true state of a Church whose Bishops have abandoned the truth of God's Word and have sacrificed the authority of the Scripture for a postmodern Cultural trapping.

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July 23 2024 By dvirtue KENYA: Anglican archbishop shares a message to Kenyans following recent unrest, calls for peace, unity and prayer

The anti-government protests happened in Nairobi and across other cities in Kenya. The demonstrations in Nairobi took a violent turn on June 25, with rights groups accusing officers of firing live rounds at demonstrators. Around 50 people have been killed to date.

Since that time, Sapit has called for stability and peace, lamenting injuries and casualties caused, and calling the international community to take notice of what is happening to the people of Kenya.

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Like the Pharisees of old, they incur the same judgment of Jesus that they are blind guides, who will be uprooted, for they refuse to believe that sexual immorality defiles a person (Matthew 15:10-20).

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July 16 2024 By dvirtue Moving Forward in the Worship of God

In 2024, the process appears to have been relatively smooth, with Wood (whose name had not been publicly circulated) selected on the second day. In a final vote held after it was clear Wood had secured the necessary support to become Archbishop, Wood received unanimous support from all diocesan bishops. This cannot be waived off as a mere courtesy vote: it communicated that every diocesan found Wood to be acceptable to serve as the top bishop in the ACNA.

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July 12 2024 By dvirtue GSFA Pastoral Letter Following The Church of England's General Synod (July 5 - 9 2024)

Despite the continued opposition of almost 50% of the Synod, the bishops of the Church of England have now succeeded in gaining support for services of blessing for same sex couples and the endorsement of a timetable to enable clergy to enter into same sex marriages.

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July 12 2024 By dvirtue The Episcopal Diocese of Texas leaves seniors sweltering following Beryl-generated power outages

By Thursday afternoon (July 11) -- three days following Beryl's exit -- the number of customers without power dipped below one million, yet at least 500,000 of those who had lost power might still be waiting until next week for electricity to be restored to their properties. Post Beryl July temperatures have already soared into the mid to upper 90s with heat indexes hitting triple digits.

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July 11 2024 By dvirtue IDF denies Episcopal Church claim it ordered evacuation of Gaza hospital

Responding to the allegation, the IDF told Reuters in a statement that it ordered civilians in certain areas of Gaza City to evacuate so it could reduce potential civilian casualties as it launched new military operations against terrorist groups. The IDF says it told Palestinian health authorities that hospitals could remain in use and there was no need to evacuate.

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July 11 2024 By dvirtue Former vicar of Emmanuel Church Wimbledon Jonathan Fletcher charged with historical sex offences

He has been charged with eight counts of indecent assault and one of grievous bodily harm, for offences dating between 1973 and 1999.

He was bailed to appear at Kingston Crown Court on August 7.

The Met said: "We encourage anyone who has been a victim of abuse to come forward and speak to us.

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July 10 2024 By dvirtue CofE evangelicals start parallel province in dispute over same-sex marriage

The CEEC has already started a fund in which churches opposed to same-sex blessings can deposit their money, rather than with the CofE. It has also already organised a service this Friday, at All Souls Church, Langham Place, to create "overseers", who will take over the bishops' role of pastoral oversight and spiritual help to clergy opposed to same sex blessings.

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