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VOL Viewpoints
July 26 2024 By dvirtue Breakdown in National Politics and Churches on Same Trajectory * New TEC Presiding Bishop Admits Church in Decline * APB Rowe Sees Solution in Strategic Planning * CofE set to trial special standalone SS services * Nigeria and Sydney Condemn SS Unions.

At the Washington National Cathedral, their "labyrinth coordinator" instructs practitioners to pray to God or the Universe while walking the labyrinth, with Christianity left to a matter of personal taste. --- Wyatt Flicker

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July 12 2024 By dvirtue Episcopal Church and Anglican Church in Nth. America Elect New Leaders * Church of England in Throes of Schism * LLF Threatens to Split Mother Church * Evangelical Scion Charged with Indecent Assault * Conversion Therapy Challenged * More

The current custodians of some of England's great cathedrals treat them so lightly that they are used for raves, and that agnostics and atheists arguing for something on cultural grounds could look like a preference for 'external form' over 'interior integrity'. --Joseph Shaw, Crisis Magazine

The prosperity gospel is an "insidious disease" that has "very little of the character of the Gospel in it." -- Gordon Fee

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June 26 2024 By dvirtue GSFA Primates Meet in Cairo * GSFA Communique calls for Re-set of Communion * ACNA Elects New Archbishop * TEC General Convention Struggles with Diminishing Resources * Church of England flirts with Schism * ACNA Dioc.4 the Sake of Others Toys with Pride

"Do nothing that you would not like God to see. Say nothing you would not like God to hear. Write nothing you would not like God to read. Go no place where you would not like God to find you. Read no book of which you would not like God to say, "Show it to Me." Never spend your time in such a way that you would not like to have God say, "What are you doing?" ― J.C. Ryle

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May 26 2024 By dvirtue TSM President Interviewed * TEC Power Struggles * TEC Scandals Rise * TEC Priests Surrogacy * ACNA Bishop Deposed * New Anglican Diocese in England * Church in Wales Elects Gay Bishop * CofE Attendance Rises * Welby & Anglican Communion * More

Pride is more than the first of the seven deadly sins; it is itself the essence of all sin. --- John R.W. Stott

The percentage of Americans who claim no religious affiliation nearly doubled from 2007 (16%) to 2022 (31%), becoming a force in American culture and one of the largest segments of the religious landscape, according to Pew Research. -- Bob Smietana

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May 11 2024 By dvirtue Welby, Primates, Gafcon and the Pope * Three Episcopal Dioceses to Merge * ACoC in Dramatic Decline * Church of England Tightens Screws on Anglo-Catholics * United Methodists Approve Homosexuality * Church of Scotland Collapsing * Antisemitism Exposed

It costs something to be a real Christian, according to the standard of the Bible. There are enemies to be overcome, battles to be fought, sacrifices to be made, an Egypt to be forsaken, a wilderness to be passed through, a cross to be carried, a race to be run. Conversion is not putting a person in an arm-chair and taking them easily to heaven. It is the beginning of a mighty conflict, in which it costs much to win the victory. --- J. C. Ryle

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April 26 2024 By dvirtue Which Primates Will Meet in Rome * TEC News * Where was God in the slave trade? * 'Cult' of transgender transitioning Gets pushback * ACNA Enters into Concordat with Philippine Independent Catholic Church * Homosexual Betrayal by Evangelical Theologian

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
April 26, 2024

WHICH PRIMATES WILL MEET IN ROME? That is the question, perhaps the only question. With less than a week to go before the 2024 Primates Meeting is hosted by the Anglican Centre in Rome, the Archbishop of Canterbury is bound to be feeling a little nervous, writes Anglican Futures blogger.

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April 12 2024 By dvirtue TEC Presiding Bishop Sweepstakes * Is it Nigh for the Church of England? * What will Church look like in 2050 * ACNA Bishop Guilty of Violating Canons * Uganda Anglicans Uphold Anti-Sodomy Law * Nigerian Anglicans Face off Over Property issues * More

Nigeria remained the deadliest place in the world to follow Christ, with 4,118 people killed for their faith from Oct. 1, 2022 to Sept. 30, 2023, according to Open Doors' 2024 World Watch List (WWL) report.

The devil is smart enough to use hollow, cultural Christianity to make us atheists in the long run, to realize that the best way to take down a cross is to replace it with a culture, a crown, or a cathedral--or a Christmas tree. --- Russell Moore

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March 29 2024 By dvirtue Have We Reached the bottom yet? * ACNA to Celebrate 15 year Anniversary * Anglican Church of Canada on Death Watch * TEC Bishop Deposed * Flagship NYC Church in Financial Trouble * CofE Running out of Wardens * Uganda Province in Turmoil

Do not underestimate the will and force of Satan to supplant Christianity with this perverse woke religion through which he seeks to eclipse truth. His aim is to starve humanity of the truth of the Gospel -- Doug Mainwaring for LifeSite News

The Catholic Church saw the largest decline in religious affiliation of any religious group in 2023. -- Religion News Service

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March 16 2024 By dvirtue Is CofE Going to apologize for Christianity over evils of slavery? * Are British Christians Islamophobic? * CofE Givers are Falling * Lay Recruitments for Churches Declining * Asylum Seekers...not *Bishop Curry and six bishops face Title IV canon charges

When on trial for his faith the apostle Peter said that he would continue preaching Christ, 'And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.' (Acts 4:12) Throughout the New Testament there is an unrelenting insistence that Christ is the sole Saviour and anything else is to be utterly rejected. --- By Campbell

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March 02 2024 By dvirtue General Synod is Standing on the Brink of a Precipice * Doctrinal Decay and Dissolution hits Church of Scotland * TEC Title IV Issues Threaten Dioceses * New Global South Primates Rise to Press Gospel to the World

From the point of view of the Catholic analyst of world affairs, for whom politics is always downstream from culture, this is what happens when what scholars call "expressive individualism"--self-absorption on steroids--displaces the biblical view of the human condition: That there are truths built into the world and into us, including the truth that we are male and female, distinct but complementary, ordered to communion and fruitfulness.

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