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VOL Viewpoints
November 01 2024 By dvirtue When Population Falls * Welby's Capitulation to Homosexual Unions * ACNA Investiture * Three TEC Bishops Die * Rwanda ABC Called Out over 90 Church Closures * ADNE Reawakening * Third Diocese of the Anglican Network in Europe Formed * More

Knowing what Jesus has done for us is enough; we think it's unnecessary for us to do anything after that. In fact, pastors are often hesitant to preach the plain meaning of the passages denoting our obligations as followers of Christ, for fear of being accused of preaching justification by "works." As a result, many Christians become anemic on biblical teachings about morality and our responsibility. --- Chenyuan Snider

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October 18 2024 By dvirtue 32 Million Christians will sit out Presidential Election * ABC Has Mislead Church over Prayers of Love and Faith * York ABC Makes Canadian Tour to Shore up Floundering Church * CEEC Advocates for New Parallel Province in CofE * Arctic Bishop Resigns *More

21% of Americans said they attend religious services weekly, while 9% said they go nearly every week. However, 11% of respondents said they attend about once a month, 25% reported attending "seldom," while 31% said they "never" go to worship. -- Gallup Poll

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October 05 2024 By dvirtue Indifference marks Unchurched in America * Structural Change Highlights TEC and ACoC as Decline Sets in * Diocese of Sydney Eases Chastity Rule * Southern Africa Province Nixes Sames-Sex Blessings * ABC Silent in Face of Evil over War in Israel * More

"Perhaps the transformation of the disciples of Jesus is the greatest evidence of all for the resurrection." ― John R.W. Stott

Sicknesses, losses, crosses, anxieties and disappointments seem absolutely needful to keep us humble, watchful and spiritual-minded. They are as needful as the pruning knife to the vine and the refiner's furnace to the gold. --- J. C. Ryle

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September 20 2024 By dvirtue Reconciliation: Anglican Style * Pope Sacks Savior of the World to Kids * CofE Crisis over Crown Nominations * Sydney Warns of 'impaired Crisis' with CofE * Diocese of Nicaragua Dissolved * ACNA Priest Elected Bishop of Madagascar *FCE Bishop Fires Priest

We must give up the vain idea of trying to please everybody. That is impossible, and the attempt is a mere waste of time. We must be content to walk in Christ's steps, and let the world say what it likes. -- J. C. Ryle

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
September 23, 2024

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September 07 2024 By dvirtue The Colossal Failure of Justin Welby * South African Rabbi Blasts Welby and Pope Over Israel * Sacked Chaplain Will Appeal Case * ACNA's 'Wall of Silence' * Largest Anglican Seminaries * Barnabas Aid Power Struggle * Conmen for the Lord * Mary's True Role

"There is evidence for the deity of Jesus -- good, strong, historical, cumulative evidence; evidence to which an honest person can subscribe without committing intellectual suicide." ― John Stott

Vocation is "where our greatest passion meets the world's greatest need." -- Frederick Buechner

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
September 6, 2024

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August 24 2024 By dvirtue The West's Civilizational Moment * Church Decline Equals Loss of income * TEC Faces Fails Safeguarding Concerns * Diocese of Georgia Sells off Diocesan HQ * Fewer Evangelicals in US Than Thought * Evangelicals Rally for Harris; Should They? * More

There must be a recovery of the church, the institution which shaped our culture. If we are ever to recover our country and our culture it is imperative that we first recover our church. This is a task for all biblical Christians whether by prayer, encouragement, or action. The recovery begins with us. --- Campbell Campbell-Jack

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
August 23, 2024

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August 10 2024 By dvirtue 4500 Churches Close Across U.S. * TEC Diocesan Mergers * Anglican Church of Canada Collapses * Rioting in England * Welby Blasts Israel over Occupation of Palestinian Territories * Patriarch Promotes Peace at Expense of Israel * Persecution of Christians

History demonstrates time and again that freedom is a binary choice. You either believe in a transcendent, unchangeable moral order or subscribe to manufactured, human-made disorder, well-meaning though some may be. --Michael Giere

Nobody of whom I am aware ever came to faith in Christ because of the rantings of the online unhinged. Many have been transformed through the random Christian kindness of strangers. --- Carl Trueman

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July 26 2024 By dvirtue Breakdown in National Politics and Churches on Same Trajectory * New TEC Presiding Bishop Admits Church in Decline * APB Rowe Sees Solution in Strategic Planning * CofE set to trial special standalone SS services * Nigeria and Sydney Condemn SS Unions.

At the Washington National Cathedral, their "labyrinth coordinator" instructs practitioners to pray to God or the Universe while walking the labyrinth, with Christianity left to a matter of personal taste. --- Wyatt Flicker

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July 12 2024 By dvirtue Episcopal Church and Anglican Church in Nth. America Elect New Leaders * Church of England in Throes of Schism * LLF Threatens to Split Mother Church * Evangelical Scion Charged with Indecent Assault * Conversion Therapy Challenged * More

The current custodians of some of England's great cathedrals treat them so lightly that they are used for raves, and that agnostics and atheists arguing for something on cultural grounds could look like a preference for 'external form' over 'interior integrity'. --Joseph Shaw, Crisis Magazine

The prosperity gospel is an "insidious disease" that has "very little of the character of the Gospel in it." -- Gordon Fee

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June 26 2024 By dvirtue GSFA Primates Meet in Cairo * GSFA Communique calls for Re-set of Communion * ACNA Elects New Archbishop * TEC General Convention Struggles with Diminishing Resources * Church of England flirts with Schism * ACNA Dioc.4 the Sake of Others Toys with Pride

"Do nothing that you would not like God to see. Say nothing you would not like God to hear. Write nothing you would not like God to read. Go no place where you would not like God to find you. Read no book of which you would not like God to say, "Show it to Me." Never spend your time in such a way that you would not like to have God say, "What are you doing?" ― J.C. Ryle

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