"Christianity is not our journey to God, it is first and foremost His journey to us. It is not about achieving some spiritual thing that is just beyond our reach, but rather learning to live in the light of 'It is finished.' It's not about self-actualization but about adjusting ourselves to God's story. It is not what we do for Him, but what He has done for undeserving sinners like us." --- Chuck Collins, Center for Reformation Anglicanism
Read more"We have lost so much moral capital in the West that we have forgotten where our conception of human rights come from: they are predominantly an outgrowth of Christianity. Not only have we grown to despise the faith that inspired us; we have even learnt to declare evil the civilisation it built. Wokeness is the weakest of substitutes for what we have lost in the West." --- Kurt Mahlburg, MercatorNet
Read moreDistinguishing tolerances. It is very easy to tolerate the opinions of others if we have no strong opinions of our own. But we should not acquiesce in this easy-going tolerance. We need to distinguish between the tolerant mind and the tolerant spirit.
Read moreScripture and systems. I do not believe that the Bible provides 'a complete system of theology' or 'a comprehensive guide' to ethics. Systematic theology is certainly a legitimate and even necessary academic discipline, but God did not choose to reveal himself in systematic form, and all systems are exposed to the same temptation, namely to trim God's revelation to fit our system instead of adapting our system to accommodate his revelation. --- John R.W. Stott
Read moreAnglican teaching. Although it is sometimes said in Anglican circles that Scripture, tradition and reason form a 'threefold cord' which restrains and directs the church, and although there are not lacking those who regard these three as having equal authority, yet official pronouncements continue to uphold the primary, the supreme authority of Scripture, while accepting the important place of tradition and reason in the elucidation of Scripture.
Read moreDear Brothers and Sisters.
July 2, 2021
CORONA AND JUDGMENT. Is the coronavirus the judgment of God on a sinful and rebellious world? Short answer: it certainly could be. God can and does use plagues, sickness, disease and related measures as acts of judgment. It is at the very least being allowed by God. Perhaps the reality of it, seems to me is how have we responded.
Read moreDear Brothers and Sisters
June 18, 2021
COVID-19 has changed us in three important ways. There has been an unprecedented outpouring of creativity and change, the move online has broken barriers of time and distance, and we have transformed our liturgy, writes George Barna.
Read more"My beliefs don't have to be your beliefs. But my beliefs make me who I am. My commitment to God and to the truth of a book I believe to be His Holy Word is the defining premise of my life, the focus of my faith, and my guiding directive for my actions. If you ask me to separate that from my work, from my decisions, from my art ... I simply can't do that. Not just won't -- can't.
Read moreDear Brothers and Sisters,
May 21, 2021
It was two of weeks of mayhem in the Anglican Communion, with occasional shafts of light to lighten our way. The Archbishop of Canterbury demonstrated his wokeness in spades.
Justin Welby launched a film series exploring how Christians can be peacemakers and how Christians can cross divides in a complex and hurting world. The films unpack the themes taught in the Difference Course that was created by the Archbishop's Reconciliation Ministry team.
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