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VOL Viewpoints
February 16 2024 By dvirtue America is Secularizing * CofE Rolls from Crisit to Crisis: Immigration; Safeguarding; LLF; Rave in the Nave * Anglican Theologian's Gruesome Report on Israel * Anglican Woman Bishop Meets Pope * Sola Scriptura in Anglican Communion * Lenten Reflection

The most subversive aspect of the He Gets Us campaign (Superbowl ad) may be how it inverts the message of Christ, making "us" the focal point instead of Him. This reflects the therapeutic ethos that defines contemporary liberal culture, and is the antithesis of Christ's call to forsake ourselves and follow him. --- Nate Fischer

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February 04 2024 By dvirtue Mere Anglican Conference Blows up over Women's Ordination * Church of England's Growing Entanglement over Same-Sex Blessings * Two TEC dioceses look to Merge * Nigerian Archbishop Suspends NA American Bishop*ABC called to resign over PO selection debacle

THE ANGLICAN COMMUNION began to crack as traditional leaders -- representing about 85% of the global Anglican worshippers -- declared no confidence in Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and the church's power structures in England. This followed a Church of England vote to allow blessing rites for same-sex unions. -- Terry Mattingly -- OnReligion

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January 20 2024 By dvirtue Archbishop Welby should Resign over L'Affaire Postmaster * Evangelicals in CofE at Crossroads * CofE in Major decline * Turn around for Diocese of Peru * Will that be Sola Scriptura or Prima Scriptura? - Orthodox Anglican Theologians weigh-in * More

Disciples with high CQs (Contextual Intelligence) also have a high missional consciousness. Missional is not a winning or a conquering but an invitation to a feast and festival--a feast in the kingdom of God (Luke 14:16). All mission must be "mission in Christ's way"...which means it is kenotic, self-giving, humble, sacrificial, loving and forgiving. --- Leonard Sweet and Michael Adam Beck

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January 06 2024 By dvirtue 2023 - The Year in Review * Evangelicals Wrestle with what to do now that SS Blessings are Approved * Welby's Mother leaves him $3million * WCC Head Berates Israel over War in Gaza * Evangelical Bishop Colin Buchanan Dies * More

This year marks the eightieth anniversary of the lectures that became C. S. Lewis's book The Abolition of Man. Speaking to an audience at the height of the Second World War, Lewis identified the central problem of the modern age: The world was losing its sense of what it meant to be human. --- First Things

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December 22 2023 By dvirtue VIRTUEONLINE SPECIAL REPORT

It has been hailed as an important first step by Catholics who have advocated for changes in the Church's teachings on LGBT issues, and on cohabitation and divorce and remarriage.

Both denominations heavily nuanced their decisions saying that this was not marriage and that no formal church teaching on marriage had changed.

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December 16 2023 By dvirtue Church of England Allows Blessing of S-S Couples * Nigerian Primate Blasts Welby over Prayer for SS Couples * A New diocese for the Middle East * War in Israel Rated No.1 story by RNA * Mozambique Intrigue * Heresy Hits CofE * Female Perth Apb Ordains Gay

"I saw this blasphemous statue and was outraged. My conscience is held captive to the word of God, not to bureaucratic decree. And so I acted. -- Navy veteran Michael Cassidy who toppled the demonic statue of Baphomet at the Iowa state Capitol holiday display

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November 25 2023 By dvirtue Church of England Formally Approves Prayers Blessing Same-Sex Unions * Justin Welby did not Vote * Liberals and conservative Anglicans divided over Israeli War * NAMS gets New Leadership * Bishop Pytches Dies * Bill to Disestablish the Church in Play

As long as active clergy homosexual activity persists, the Church will continue to fracture and split, where eventually it will all but collapse and disappear. --- Kevin Wells

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November 11 2023 By dvirtue ABC asks if he should Resign * Testy Exchanges in Lambeth Palace between conflicting groups * GAFCON primates meet in UK * Evangelical Alliances call for Ceasefire in Gaza * Central Africa Okays Women's Ordination * Understanding the Anglican Reset

"It does not take an expert philosopher to see that we will soon be experiencing the consequences of our choices. We have chosen prosperity, pleasure and power, and we will reap poverty, pain and impotence. It may be that our race will not self-destruct with a nuclear war, but will simply fade away as the result of immature, wicked and short-sighted strategies."-- Fr. Dwight Longenecker,

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November 03 2023 By dvirtue Anglican Leaders Call for a Ceasefire in Israel * Antisemitism on the Rise * GSFA Primates meet in Cairo * 44 CofE Bishops want SS Blessings * 3 Episcopal Dioceses seek Merger * Reparative Therapy Bill challenged * Malawi to Ordain women to P/hood

"At the very heart of this generous Protestantism was the power of Scripture, through its teaching of justification by faith, to impart saving trust and transforming love to the wayward hearts and wandering souls of sinners. For according to Reformation Anglicanism, the glory of God is to love the unworthy."
-- Ashley Null, is the Theological Advisor to the ACNA Diocese of the Carolinas

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October 15 2023 By dvirtue Church of England Faces Pushback on SS Blessings * Is Schism inevitable in CofE * Will ACNA overtake TEC? * Israel Faces Historical Moment * Antisemitism on Rise * I visit Kurdistan and Central Asia -- Report

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
October 13, 2023

The progressive tide is turning in the Church of England. Its push for prayers via the same-sex project "Love and Faith" is bedeviling its House of Bishops and is roiling the Church's faithful.

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