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VOL Viewpoints
September 30 2023 By dvirtue Episcopal Church Statistics Show Decline * Curry's Leadership & Legacy Questioned * Egyptian Archbishop Challenges Anglican Communion-Pt 2 * Nigerians and ACNA Faceoff * CEEC Questions their future in CofE * Oxford Safe Churches * Future of Evangelicalism

"I don't know how you could be a leader without having faith in God. How do you become a good leader? One of the first things you need to do is put on the full armor of God." -- Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

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September 16 2023 By dvirtue The Great Dechurching: Some Good News * GSFA Appalled at CofE over SS Blessings * Bishop Mouneer Anis Says Communion Deeply Divided * CofE faces Safeguarding, SS Issues. Schism Looms * Times Survey "a Con" says Theologian * GAFCON Europe Forges Ahead *

We do not need MAGA churches (nor do we need MSNBC churches). And we must guard our prayer and devotional time from the ever-encroaching news headlines. We must preach the gospel, worship God in Spirit and truth, and disciple the nations according to the teachings of Christ. Christianity must remain a religion and not a partisan of the flesh. The Christian should participate in the political arena, including voting, organizing, or even running for office.

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September 01 2023 By dvirtue Refocusing VOL's Vision * Former Albany Bishop Speaks Out * New Anglican Church Plants * Anglican Missionaries Offer New Paradigm for Missions * Sydney Anglicans on the Move * TEC: Funerals Up; Ordinands Parishes Down * Britain No Longer Christian Country

"What was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, 'I'm literally quoting Jesus Christ,' the response would not be, 'I apologize.' The response would be, 'Yes, but that doesn't work anymore. That's weak.' When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we're in a crisis." -- Russell Moore

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August 05 2023 By dvirtue 40 million Americans have left Church * Push-Back over Welby's Climate Change * Wannabee Florida Bishop Denied * Canadian Church sees Sharp Decline * Episcopal Seminaries in Trouble * 2nd Anglican Parish Heads to TEC * Integrity Org. Fails

"There are some that don't want to recognize the important distinction of biological womanhood. We're taking a stand against this out-of-control gender ideology. Today, we take another step to preserve women's spaces and opportunities." -- Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt

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July 21 2023 By dvirtue CofE Synod in Disarray * Uganda Primate Appeals to Iran * Bp of Arctic Stands Firm Against ACoC * Curry's Failed Revivals * Angola Gets First Woman Bishop * Sparkle Creed * ACNA Dioceses Thrive as TEC Dioceses Fall

"Let it be known to you that this salvation from God has been sent to all peoples" (Acts 28:28).

Jesus is very clear that the field is 'the world' (Matt 13.38) not the ekklesia. This is a parable about being a disciple in an evil world, not about being faithful in an evil 'church'. -- On the Parable of the Weeds in Mt. 13 by Ian Paul

Our mandate comes not from identity politics but from our identity in Christ. -- Nigel Genders

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July 07 2023 By dvirtue CofE at Crossroads over Same-Sex Unions * Orthodox CofE Leaders Pushback at LLF Process * CofE Safeguarding in Shambles * Anglican Church of Canada on Death Watch * Central Florida Bishop Compromised. Canterbury Conf. Center Suspends Operations * More

There are occasions in which civil disobedience is morally justified. As a general rule, we will assume that the law is the moral minimum. Obeying the law is the beginning of our moral obligations, not the end. -- Ethicist Scott Rae

Dear Brothers and Sisters
July 7, 2023

THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND is heading towards the cliff over prayers for same-sex unions.

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June 24 2023 By dvirtue Episcopal Church Stats Reveal Inevitable Collapse * Queering of TEC * Bishop Singh Ripped for Abuse * More TEC Dioceses Sell Headquarters * Sewanee Celebrates First Trans Postulant * CofE Sacks safeguarding Board; celebrates First Trans Archdeacon * More

We, in GAFCON and GSFA had earlier declared unequivocally that we no longer recognise the Archbishop of Canterbury as the head, leader or spokesperson of the Anglican Communion. --- Rwanda Archbishop Laurent Mbanda

"What good is freedom to you! If you're free, your faith will soon be choked by thorns! Be glad you're in prison. Here you have time to think about your soul." --- Alexander Solzhenitsyn

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June 09 2023 By dvirtue Anglican Communion Moves Closer to Schism * Uganda APB Upholds Anti-Homosexuality Act * Kaziimba Excoriates Welby * Kenya Shocked at CofE Departure from Faith * Pride Month is anything but * New PB Will Not Change TEC's Direction * CFL Bp Spins Communion

Does the Bible preach "God helps those who help themselves" and prosperity for all those who believe hard enough, or does it preach a very different gospel, something like "Blessed are you poor, for yours is the Kingdom of God." -- Luke: 6:20)? --- Ben Witherington

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May 26 2023 By dvirtue Future of Anglican Communion Up for Grabs * New See called to Replace Canterbury * CofE Safeguarding in Shambles * DofFl SC Appeals to Give Holt Consent * Anglican DofSC Wins on Final Property Appeal * Kenyan Bishops Appalled at CofE over Gay Marriage *

"Persecution is coming. Let us not deceive ourselves but prepare for it now in order to thrive. In Christ, we will be victorious. Rather than fearing persecution, let us fear sin and the loss of grace." -- Fr. Paul John Kalchik

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