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VOL Viewpoints
April 18 2022 By dvirtue Former CofE Archbishop Says Trans is Sacred Journey * No Sex Please, We're Primates * Virginia Bishop Pleads for a More Diverse Bishop Line-Up * Future of Anglicanism is African * Dallas Headmaster Affirms Homosexuality to Students * Sewanee: Sex in Dark

"We're losing touch with the radical political implications that come with saying 'Jesus is King'... When Babylon's politics divide the church, no one wins." --- Dr. Preston Sprinkle

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April 02 2022 By dvirtue Anglican Responses to War in Ukraine * ABC Plays Host to Primates * What Does it Mean to be an Episcopalian * Episcopal Bishops Sign Off on Transgenderism * 150 Pro-Homosexual Leaders want CofE to Solemnize SS Unions * Standing up to Transgender Lies

"So now we know Twitter doesn't believe in free speech. Here is the real question: Do you believe in Twitter?" --- The Christian Post editorial board

"The Christian life is not about a moment of faith at the point of conversion. It is about a lifetime of faith that endures until the end." --- Pastor Dayton Hartman, Redeemer Church, Rocky Mount, NC

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
April 1, 2022

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March 19 2022 By dvirtue Welby and Kirill Discuss Peace for Ukraine * Anger at ROC Patriarch Grows * Diocese of SC Gets New Bishop * Trinity Wall Street Fires Organist * To Leave or Not to Leave, that is the Question * Anglican Abuse Victims Break with ACNAtoo * More

Faced with financial challenges, congregations are using the small-church playbook by turning to part-time clergy. The Church Pension Group reports that 56 percent of active, working Episcopal priests do not serve in a "traditional" model, i.e., full time in one setting. Instead, these 56 percent serve in "emerging" ministry models that can be part-time paid, non-stipendiary, or spread over multiple part-time roles in various settings. --- G. Jeffrey MacDonald

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March 12 2022 By dvirtue Church vs State * Russian Orthodox Church Caught in Crosshairs Over War in Ukraine * Christian Leaders Denounce War * Lesbian Leader Calls on CofE Bishops to Out Themselves * National Poll Reveals Increasing Ignorance about Who Jesus Is * More

Faith, hope and love. Every Christian without exception is a believer, a lover and a hoper (not necessarily an optimist, since 'optimism' is a matter of temperament, 'hope' of theology). Faith, hope and love are thus sure evidences of regeneration by the Holy Spirit. Together they completely reorientate our lives, as we find ourselves being drawn up towards God in faith, out towards others in love and on towards the parousia in hope.

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March 05 2022 By dvirtue SPECIAL UKRAINE REPORT

Under Putin that all changed. In the intervening years, he has transformed Russia back into an imperial power with global ambitions. One of his key tools in that transformation has been the Russian Orthodox Church.

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February 26 2022 By dvirtue Russia vs Ukraine a Religious Perspective * Reformation Anglicanism * TEC is Losing Gray Heads * Lutherans and ACNA Bishops Meet * Fallen Leaders Hurt Us All * Nigerian Anglicans Face Continued Killings * APA and TAC in Concordat * ACoC Silent on Truckers

So here's a little free advice. Before you get furious at the next thing the conflict merchants want you to get furious about, remind yourself of the simple fact that this is a fundamentally good and decent country, in which all manner of good things have happened and are continuing to happen even though no one wants to tell you about them. More importantly, the only thing that can actually ruin this country is believing the people peddling despair to you for their own power or profit.

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February 12 2022 By dvirtue Religious Discourse Grows Uglier * Another CofE Bishop Flees to Rome * Covid and Brexit Bishops for CofE * CEEC Weighs Future in CofE * Church Society Director Raises Questions about Future in CofE * Oxford Dean Resigns.$27 Million in Costs Raises Heckles

Contemporary liberalism has no way of looking death in the face, no way of answering it back with the words "where is your sting?", no way of singing the Nunc Dimittis. No wonder we are all so afraid. --- Giles Fraser

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January 30 2022 By dvirtue Anglican Consultation on Future CofE Leadership Provokes Outcry *: Christians Most Persecuted Group in World * Climate change is the Gospel say Two Bishops * CofE Diversity Mission Has Gone Too Far * CofE Clerics Resign Over Ghana's anti LGTBQ law * More

Church attendance in the US: seldom/never; monthly/yearly; and weekly or more.
Nearly 2/3 of Latter-day Saints report attending services weekly or more.
About half of all Southern Baptists attend weekly or more. For most mainline denominations (PCUSA, TEC, ELCA), weekly attendance is about a third. Only 28% of Catholics go to mass weekly. 1% of atheists attend some sort of service weekly! --- Ryan Burge

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January 15 2022 By dvirtue ABC Welby Meets Online with Six Nth. American Homosexual Bishops * CofE Appoints Married Homosexual in Key Appointments Position * Good News in 2022 * Southern Baptist Leaders Joins ACNA * $2m Bequest Fought over in Ft. Worth * CofE LLF Exposed

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
January 14, 2022

If you had any hesitation why the Anglican Church in North America and GAFCON was needed, then what took place this week should remove any doubt or uncertainty in your mind.

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January 01 2022 By dvirtue 2021: VIRTUEONLINE'S Top 10 Anglican Stories * Trends for 2022 * HOB Wokeness * Christianity Under Threat in Israel. Welby blames Jews * Albany to Allow Homosexual Marriage with New Bishop * Tutu Dies * Fake Indian Ad Promotes Modi and GAFCON

VOL's No. 1 story of the year was the revelation that Rowan Williams, the former Archbishop of Canterbury had tried, unsuccessfully, to manipulate the Anglican Communion into accepting homosexuality, but met resistance in the person of Nigerian Primate Peter Akinola. It was all documented in a book by the African Archbishop; Who Blinks First?: Biblical Fidelity Against the Gay Agenda in the Global Anglican Communion. Williams lost.

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