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VOL Viewpoints
July 17 2021 By dvirtue COVID has changed the Church * Episcopal Church OOB by 2040? * Advent Cathedral Priest Resigns * 45 Churches Burn in Canada * CofE Lay-Led Churches set off Ruckus * Winchester Bishop Dakin to Retire * ABC Apologizes Once Again * ACNA Diocese in Turmoil

Anglican teaching. Although it is sometimes said in Anglican circles that Scripture, tradition and reason form a 'threefold cord' which restrains and directs the church, and although there are not lacking those who regard these three as having equal authority, yet official pronouncements continue to uphold the primary, the supreme authority of Scripture, while accepting the important place of tradition and reason in the elucidation of Scripture.

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July 03 2021 By dvirtue Corona and Judgement * Racism in TEC? * TEC Bishop gets the boot * Covenant struck between Alabama Bishop and Advent Cathedral * ACNA Numbers remain steady in Coronavirus Storm * Nigerian Anglicans Dedicate New Cathedral * CofE Bishop-gender neutral canon

Dear Brothers and Sisters.
July 2, 2021

CORONA AND JUDGMENT. Is the coronavirus the judgment of God on a sinful and rebellious world? Short answer: it certainly could be. God can and does use plagues, sickness, disease and related measures as acts of judgment. It is at the very least being allowed by God. Perhaps the reality of it, seems to me is how have we responded.

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June 19 2021 By dvirtue COVID is changing Dynamic of Church Worship * Queen is Cancelled * ACNA Diocese Opens in Haiti * Australian Anglicans Face Questions of Sexual Abuse * REC PB Condemns CRT and Homosexuality *Bishop Resigns over Sexting * Anglican Missionaries n ME

Dear Brothers and Sisters
June 18, 2021

COVID-19 has changed us in three important ways. There has been an unprecedented outpouring of creativity and change, the move online has broken barriers of time and distance, and we have transformed our liturgy, writes George Barna.

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June 05 2021 By dvirtue Pastors Face COVID Fallout * TEC-SC Loses appeal * Cathedral Dean Welcomes Hindus and Yoga * More Women Bishops * ACoC Inhibits Bishop * Tale of Three Anglican Archbishops * Albany Diocese Loses Two Parishes to ADNE * Winchester Bishop Urged to Step Away

"My beliefs don't have to be your beliefs. But my beliefs make me who I am. My commitment to God and to the truth of a book I believe to be His Holy Word is the defining premise of my life, the focus of my faith, and my guiding directive for my actions. If you ask me to separate that from my work, from my decisions, from my art ... I simply can't do that. Not just won't -- can't.

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May 08 2021 By dvirtue Archbishop Welby becomes more Woke on Pansexuality and Racism * GAFCON Primates Expand Vision * Who is York ABC Cottrell? * Transgendered Woman Priest Speaks * Ft. Worth Episcopalians Strip Churches as they Lose Legal War * ACNA gets New Bishop * More

It was two of weeks of mayhem in the Anglican Communion, with occasional shafts of light to lighten our way. The Archbishop of Canterbury demonstrated his wokeness in spades.

Justin Welby launched a film series exploring how Christians can be peacemakers and how Christians can cross divides in a complex and hurting world. The films unpack the themes taught in the Difference Course that was created by the Archbishop's Reconciliation Ministry team.

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April 24 2021 By dvirtue Global Christianity Divides Denominations * Leaving and Lies in Ft. Worth * Bishop Benhase sees the Light * St Mary Sisters Leave TEC with Bishop Love to join ACNA * Church of England Roils from Crisis to Crisis * ANIE Commissions * Remembering Stott

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
April 23, 2021

If there were any doubts that Global Christianity was now divided between those who affirm the gospel, decry revisionism and homosexuality, uphold traditional biblical sexuality, then one need only look at recent moves in the United Methodist Church.

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April 10 2021 By dvirtue GAFCON Dodges Bullet * Bishops Love and Herzog Join ACNA * Nigerian Anglicans & Methodists agree on Homosexuality * Christians now a Minority in US * Former Nigerian Archbishop Lashes out at West over Homosexuality * Jonathan Fletcher's Abuse Allegations

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
April 9, 2021

GAFCON dodged a bullet this week. Just when you thought that division between GAFCON chairman and ACNA Archbishop Foley Beach and Nigerian Primate Henry Ndukuba was irreparably damaged and a parting of the ways was inevitable, a compromise was reached.

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March 27 2021 By dvirtue Going Forward After Covid-19 * UK Evangelical Leader Exposed as Abuser * Vatican & ACNA on same page over Homosexual Marriage * Diocese of Eau Claire in Death Throes * Diocese of Nthn. Michigan faces Extinction * Four Bishops have Resigned from TEC * More

Back in March, 2020, many of us pressed pause on "regular" church, assuming we would be back in a few weeks. Four months later most churches are trying to sputter back to some form of in-person ministry, and we've all realized the impact of this crisis will not be measured in weeks or even months, but years. We must prepare for church after Covid-19, writes Derek Allen.

Three hard realities have emerged.

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March 13 2021 By dvirtue 20 Churches Close Each Day * ACNA Bishops Statement Causes Continuous Uproar * Welby Cherry Picks Lambeth Resolution 1:10 * C4SO Diocesan Positions Raises Eyebrows * Welby's Backyard Wedding * Diocese of Albany Parishes Leave for ACNA


A new survey finds churchgoers say they plan to return to in-person services. Many churches are already meeting in person, but attendance has typically been smaller to accommodate for social distancing. That will likely change, a Lifeway Research poll suggests.

A study of 1,000 U.S. Protestant churchgoers found 91% said they planned on returning to in-person worship when it is safe to do so.

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