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VOL Viewpoints

Unity, it seemed, was more important than truth and equally elusive. "Truth and unity must be held together, but church history also says that this sometimes takes a very long time to reach a point where different teaching is rejected or received," said Justin Welby.

But the truth he sought and pushed onto his fellow bishops was "plural truths", truths that can and should be held together till, presumably, God decides which set of truths He alone would accept and not we ourselves.

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August 01 2022 By dvirtue Lambeth Conference Hits Stride Amidst Conflict and Division * Archbishop of Canterbury in Control * Sudanese Bishops Present Headache to Welby * "Calls" Cancelled * More

CANTERBURY: The weather here is dry and humid; the state of the Anglican Communion is equally dry and spiritually humid.

It is apparent to this writer that the liberals are doing their best to control the narrative here. All the press conferences are run by liberals from the West with token appearances from carefully selected Global South bishops. Nothing is left to chance. Welby is in complete control and his minions do his bidding.

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July 23 2022 By dvirtue Lambeth Conference Heats Up * Pushback from GFSA and Revisionist TEC Bishops over 1:10 * LA Bishop Accuses Welby of Bait-and-Switch * CofE Cannot define 'Woman' * TEC in Rapid Decline * ACNA Inherits Anglican Chaplains

Protestant identity is evaporating before our eyes. Does it matter? It does to me. While there is great diversity among Protestants, being Protestant means holding to the gospel of salvation by grace alone through faith alone and to the Bible as authoritative over extra-biblical traditions. --- Roger E. Olson

Anti-intellectualism and the fullness of the Spirit are mutually incompatible, because the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. --- John R. W. Stott

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Instead, deputies and bishops focused on fast tracking Bishop Barbara Harris (Massachusetts suffragan) to Episcopal sainthood; championed unrestricted access to abortion; demoted a noted Episcopal theologian, cancelling him and putting him out with the trash; created a virtual Prayer Book to house the growing "authorized" liturgies for trial and experimental usage; dealt with The Episcopal Church's supposed "legacy of racism;" focused on increasing the church's multilingual, multilinguistic,

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July 09 2022 By dvirtue South Sudan Archbishop Says Welby Must Uphold Lambeth 1:10 * Three Primates Blast Welby over Lambeth Omission * Slim Down TEC 80th Gen. Con. * TEC Assault Data deemed "horrifying" * Diocese of CT Approves Homosexual Bishop *Rehearing Sought in SC Dispute

God chooses the few in the furnace of affliction and it is only a few that can pass the affliction test. God spoke to Isaiah, saying, "See I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction" --- (Isaiah 48:10).

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June 25 2022 By dvirtue Belief in God all time Low -- Gallup * What Will Happen at Lambeth? * Welby Threatened Rwandan Abp * Global Leaders call for Reinstatement of Trad. Teaching on Sex * ACNA's Annual Provincial Assembly

One has to give Welby credit for sheer industry and determination: he has sought out and endorsed just about every single progressive cause he can think of in recent years, which is no mean feat given the proliferation of such campaigns.

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June 11 2022 By dvirtue Archbishop Welby Denounces Boycotting African Primates * Should CofE Be Disestablished? * DofVA Elects "Orthodox" Bishop * DofFlorida Standing Ctte Fights Back over Election * TEC Gen. Con. Slim Down Costs $1.1 Million * Dof Chicago Under Scrutiny * More

Salvation is not the finish line, it's the starting line. I want them to know that following Jesus is a lifelong decision. It's a one-time decision with lifelong implications for their life. --- Jonathan Freeman

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May 28 2022 By dvirtue BARNA: Most Pastors Embrace Syncretism * Christianity declining in UK- Report * Diocese of Florida Election Challenged * Diocese of Ct. Elects Queer Bishop * CA Bishop Okays Pelosi for Communion * TSM Gets New President * Nashotah House on a Roll

Walk more closely with God. Get nearer to Christ. Seek to exchange hope for assurance. Seek to feel the witness of the Spirit more closely and distinctly every year. Lay aside every weight, and the sin that so easily threatens you. Press towards the mark more earnestly. Fight a better fight, and war a better warfare every year you live. Pray more. Read more. Subdue self more. Love the brethren more.

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May 15 2022 By dvirtue Religious Neutrality is Over * Anglican Church in Australia Faces Moment of Truth * Three African Provinces say No to Primates Communique * Welby Continues apology Tour * ACNA Bishop Blasts Former ABC over Transgenderism * New African Primate * TEC News

Much secular commentary has assumed that the conservative side of this divide is doomed to cultural irrelevancy and decline. In fact, the opposite is true, as theological progressivism is everywhere associated with denominational decline, while conservatives thrive. --- Mark Durie

God, who foresaw your tribulation, has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain but without stain." --- C.S. Lewis

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April 30 2022 By dvirtue Putin, Western Conservatives and Ukraine * The Queering of TEC * TEC Pushes Free money onto Dying Dioceses * The Daniel Declaration * Global South Teeters over Women Bishops * Line in sand over future of Australian Anglicans * S.Carolina Property War Ends

Fragmentation is indeed an awful problem. I grapple with the pain of it every day as I think of name after name of those I love who will no longer speak to me--after the earthquake that has been the past five or six years in this country and in whatever the evangelical movement is or was. --- Russell Moore

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