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VOL Viewpoints
May 12 2023 By dvirtue Welby Crowns King Charles * ABC Ignores GAFCON Plea to Repent * CofE HOB presses ahead to Bless S-S Marriage * Lord Sentamu Failed to Act in child Abuse Case * Bp. of Ontario Inhibited for Misconduct *ACNA HOB Sends Notice to Nigeria to return Properties

"African Pentecostalism has grown large enough to begin to influence world Christianity" -- Evangelical Focus

"The men who really believe in themselves are all in lunatic asylums." --- G. K. Chesterton

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
May 12, 2023

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Lambeth Palace responded, ignoring the ultimatum, attempting to redirect its concerns to the other Instruments of Communion. It was an insulting brush off. The divorce papers were delivered, and the Archbishop of Canterbury must now face the fact that what he called a "ginger group" is, in fact, the Anglican proletariat, the true believers. GAFCON is the upholder of 'the faith once for all delivered to the saints' facing down its cultured despisers.

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April 14 2023 By dvirtue Archbishop Welby Suffers Depression * GAFCON IV set to Open in Rwanda * GSFA Chairman & Uganda Archbishop Blast Welby over SS Blessings * Explosive Tweet Reveals Danger of CofE Disintegrating * TEC Seminary Implodes * D. of Milwaukee Set to Disappear

There is much talk of "Global Anglican Re-alignment," the challenge for the English Anglicans going to the Global Anglican Futures Conference is to have hearts realigned to be the servants of all and master of none. -- Anglican Futures

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April 01 2023 By dvirtue Global South Will Define Future of World Christianity * Lambeth Pulls Evangelical Nairobi Dean into Post * US Anglican Theologian Says Communion is Lost: calls for Separation * Shock and Awe as CofE Faces Rebellion from within over SS Blessings * More

It is not Christian orthodoxy but moralistic liberalism that reduces the surprising news of the gospel to the bland repetition of what people already know. – Michael Horton

Jesus did not become incarnate to make possible the First Amendment or inspire the US Constitution. Civic virtue is essential to sustaining an open society. But civic virtue is not the same thing as Christian belief, and Christianity is not the only source of it. --- Christianity Today

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March 18 2023 By dvirtue Global South Archbishops Berate Welby Over Same-Sex Blessings * Kenya, Jerusalem, Tanzania, Congo, Rip ABC * GAFCON Adds New Bishop * British MPs Threaten CofE to Allow S-S Marriage * CEEC Calls for Resistance * Exclusive Interview with Chilean APB

Last year, 5,621 Christians were killed worldwide because of their faith -- 90% of them were northern Nigerians. -- Christian Post

DNA proves that both Jews and Palestinians (like other Arabs in the region) can trace their roots back to the ancient Canaanites, but there are no ancient Palestinian people--politically or culturally. -- Ron Cantor

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March 04 2023 By dvirtue Fallout from CofE Same-Sex Decision Persists * London Evangelical Parishes Revolt * GAFCON Chairman to Meet Leaders in London * Tanzania Archbishop Blasts CofE Decision * DofFl Debacle Heats Up Over 2nd Holt Election * EC Theological Seminary on the Ropes

Orwell noted in '1984' that by changing the language, you could limit the parameters of thought -- Lifesitenews

The Archbishop of Uganda condemns 'the suicidal path now taken' and prays for the Church [of England] to 'repent or leave' and form their own Communion. --- The Telegraph

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
March 3, 2023

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February 18 2023 By dvirtue Church of England at Crossroads Over Blessing Same-Sex Unions * Gathering Storm Could See Anglican Schism * Welby Called Out For Making False Statements in Parliament * TEC Seminaries Slowly Disappear * Revival Comes to Asbury University Spreads Across US

Even without having a formal statement of faith, Grove City College (GCC) has one of the most theologically conservative biblical and religious studies (BARS) departments among non-denominational Christian liberal arts colleges in the U.S. More than that: It is also one of the most confessionally coherent BARS departments, with the vast majority of its faculty being either confessional Presbyterians or confessional ANGLICANS who teach unabashedly in the magisterial Reformed tradition.

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"The paganization of the Church of England by persons at the very top adopting heretical positions on sexual ethics. This includes Archbishop Welby, who, had he been a bishop of the early church, would by now have been removed from office." -- Robert A.J. Gagnon, Theologian

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February 03 2023 By dvirtue Defining Challenge of 21st Century * CofE Same-Sex Blessings Pushes Forward and Pushed Back * 14 CofE Bishops Affirm Doctrine of Marriage * CEEC Calls for Action * Canterbury Cathedral Derails Livestreaming over Consecration of Orthodox Bishops

Theology should produce the fruit of the Spirit, not the works of the flesh. -- Ronni Kurtz

The transwomen in prisons row has exposed the sheer derangement of the modern left -- Spiked Online

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
February 3, 2023

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January 21 2023 By dvirtue CofE Faces Historic Moment Over Blessing Same-Sex Couples * CofE Nixes Gay Marriage * Outrage Foments Within CofE * Global Anglican Response Could Lead to Schism * CofE $124M Slavery Reparations Gets Pushback * Central Florida Diocese Elects Pro B012 Bp

Religion is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark -- Stephen Hawking.
Atheism is a fairy story for people who are afraid of the light -- John Lennox

Since it is so likely that children will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage -- C. S. Lewis

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