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VOL Viewpoints
April 18 2020 By virtueonline CORONAVIRUS: SPECIAL REPORT * ACNA Archbishop says Western Anglicanism is Neo-Pagan * Nigerian Primate says Province Under Pressure from Homosexuals * ABC Threatens Priests with Disciplinary Action * Bishop Love Hearing Postponed * Anglican-TV bust up

The Episcopal Church, unlike Samaritan's Purse, is the leading mainline denomination supporting LGBTQ people, the first in the United States to ordain an openly homosexual bishop and one of the leaders in special liturgies to marry LGBTQ people. --- Associated Press

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April 04 2020 By virtueonline ACNA Archbishop on COVID-19 * Coronavirus News From Around The World * Bishop Steve Woods Goes Home * ACNA Bishop faces Ecclesiastical Trial * Bishop Grant LeMarquand appointed Interim Bishop of Great Lakes Diocese * CofE Launches LGBTQ Chaplaincy * More

There is a demonic side to the sentimentalism of saving lives at any cost. Satan rules a kingdom in which the ultimate power of death is announced morning, noon, and night. But Satan cannot rule directly. God alone has the power of life and death, and thus Satan can only rule indirectly. He must rely on our fear of death. --- R.R. Reno

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March 21 2020 By virtueonline Coronavirus Shuts Down Anglican Communion * New Irish Primate * Lambeth Conference cancelled? * GAFCON Conference in Kigali Postponed * ACNA Bishop Contracts COVID-19 * Anglican Diocese of Great Lakes gets new Bishop * Plague of Locusts Haunts African

This is a strong and definite judgment because the world has been arrogant in going its own way. We are reaping the consequences of our moral degradation, as well as the environmental damage that we have caused. . . . We are in serious moral trouble because every type of lifestyle is now regarded as legitimate. . . . Our government has been playing the role of God in saying that people are free to act as they want. . .

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March 07 2020 By virtueonline Welby blindsided by Lesbian Led Pre-Lambeth Eucharist * Welby Sidelined at Uganda Consecration * ACNA in Mexico Grows * ACNA Archbishop Rails against False Teachers and Immorality in Communion * Islam in Vancouver Cathedral * TEC Failure over Porn Priest

And let's be clear, Evangelical Christians have as much at stake in this issue as do Catholic charities and other organizations of a religious convictional nature there in Philadelphia and, of course, all over the nation, because this case in Philadelphia now becomes ground zero for the future of religious liberty in a very real sense everywhere throughout the United States of America. --- Albert Mohler

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February 22 2020 By virtueonline America's Cultural Divide Reflected in the Churches * Houston Episcopal Priest Rolls over on homosexual Marriage * TEC will cease to Exist in 30 years * New APCK Archbishop * Bishop Fairfield Dies * NZ Dean says Sex outside of Marriage is Okay * More...

Christians may be free to "retire" from their occupation, but as disciples of Christ we aren't ever free to retire from serving God and others. If we're fortunate enough to be freed from the demands of working for a living, that opens a door of opportunity to do more work for the kingdom using the wisdom, experience, talents, and resources the Holy Spirit has given us through a lifetime of discipleship. -- Chris Cagle

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February 08 2020 By virtueonline CofE Archbishops/Bishops Agonize over Homosex * GAFCON launches Anglican Reality Check Website * Lawsuit settled in Diocese of Quincy * Is Anglican Communion Split Inevitable? * New Nigerian Primate * Franklin Graham Banned in UK

I once asked Archbishop [Chaput] why he thought the Catholic Church had so rapidly declined in North America and was surprised (and again instructed) by his answer. He told me that even though his generation was the best-catechized in the Catholic Church's history, nobody had ever told him that he needed to trust in Christ for his salvation. There was no existential urgency or personal imperative attached to the dogmas he was taught. Again, is there not a lesson for all Christians there?

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January 25 2020 By virtueonline Sth. American Primate Pushes Back Jordan Communique * Albany Bishop Faces Hearing to decide his Future * ACNA College of Bishops Affirm Biblical Stand on Sexuality * Church of South India gets new Primate * CANA now has 8 bishops for 2 Dioceses * More...

It would appear that the term "born again" has evolved somewhat among the American public. What used to be seen as a touchstone experience for many evangelicals who went forward at a revival, youth camp, or especially moving Sunday worship service, now seems to mean something more. In essence, the word seems to have been adopted by people of other faith traditions as a way to indicate that they are a devout believer.

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January 25 2020 By virtueonline Sth. American Primate Pushes Back Jordan Communique * Albany Bishop Faces Hearing to decide his Future * ACNA College of Bishops Affirm Biblical Stand on Sexuality * Church of South India gets new Primate * CANA now has 8 bishops for 2 Dioceses * More...

It would appear that the term "born again" has evolved somewhat among the American public. What used to be seen as a touchstone experience for many evangelicals who went forward at a revival, youth camp, or especially moving Sunday worship service, now seems to mean something more. In essence, the word seems to have been adopted by people of other faith traditions as a way to indicate that they are a devout believer.

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January 11 2020 By virtueonline RECONCILIATION, Anglican's Vain Hope * Dio. of CT settles with St. Paul's Darien * Anglican Church of Canada Faces Extinction by 2040 * United Methodist Church Splits * Trinity Wall Street Rector Resigns * Ructions in Uganda * ACNA Ordains first Mexican

By slandering our deeply held Christian beliefs about human sexuality as "hate speech," Facebook violates their own definition of such. --- Robert A. J. Gagnon

More than 42 million abortions took place globally in 2019 according to new figures that found abortion to be the single largest cause of death. --- Right to Life-UK

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December 28 2019 By virtueonline Anglican Communion Faces Crisis in 2019 * Trump Impeachment Divides Evangelicals * Evangelical CofE Vicar Could Face Criminal charges * Hong Kong Archbishop Walks into Political Minefield * Another Vicar Flees CofE * New APB of York is Affirming Catholic

White evangelical Protestants made up 60 percent of our sample. Of those white evangelical Protestants, we found that 60 percent believed that atheists would not allow them First Amendment rights and liberties.

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