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February 20 2024 By dvirtue BATON ROUGE, LA: Fire reduces St. Luke's Episcopal Church to smoldering ruin

It was an hour past midnight that the Baton Rouge Fire Department was alerted to the growing fire by a Baton Rouge police officer. The Fire Department responded to the catastrophic fire to find the flames chewing through St. Luke's attic. The fire department answered the call with 19 firefighting trucks including eight pumpers, three ladder trucks and other support vehicles. More than 75 firefighters, including some from the St.

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February 20 2024 By dvirtue Global South New Bishops Formation Retreat Kicks off in Kampala

"The main role of a Bishop is to proclaim the gospel to all nations. It's a new calling with new challenges and many opportunities. A lot of doors are opened but not all are meant to be entered," Archbishop Kaziimba said.

"The work to do is so much that we much appreciate the importance of delegation. Work never grows old. It's only us the workers who grow old. Have time for yourself and family. Choose what to do and what not to do," he added.

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February 09 2024 By dvirtue THE DEVIL'S FACE IN GAZA

We heard a messianic Jewish pastor tell of a soldier friend who on October 7 led five comrades in battle against fifty terrorists. On their subsequent race down a road to save civilians, they found a bullet-ridden car. In the front were the bodies of a father and mother; the decapitated bodies of three little children were in car seats in the back, and their little severed heads in the trunk.

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February 08 2024 By dvirtue Anglican "bishopess" before Pope and his Council of Cardinals to discuss role of women in the Church

Three women participated and contributed to this deepening: two Catholics and one who is not. Among the Catholics were Sister Linda Pocher, a Daughter of Mary Help of Christians and a professor of Christology and Mariology at the Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences Auxilium in Rome, and Giuliva Di Berardino, a consecrated member of the Ordo Virginum, from the Diocese of Verona, a professor, and responsible for courses on spirituality and spiritual exercises.

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February 07 2024 By dvirtue Kenya's Anglican Archbishop decries violence against women

He said in the statement, "The country has witnessed a distressing rise in the reported cases of femicide. Sadly, these may only be an insignificant representation of the extent of gender-based violence in our communities - yet a painful reality for those affected, both victims and their families and friends as well as society.

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February 06 2024 By dvirtue Nigerian Primate Sets up Panel to Investigate Suspended Nth. American Bishop

Bishop Adegogun has been charged with engaging in inappropriate conduct and behavior including making utterances to undermine the decision of the General Synod of the Church of Nigeria about the reorganization of the Church of Nigeria Mission in North America and to determine the reasons for any such conduct.

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February 03 2024 By dvirtue Forward in Faith North America response to the Mere Anglicanism conference

Fr. Robinson addressed the Conference regarding the philosophical roots of the current popular liberal mindset, making a connection between Martin Luther & the Reformation, to Marx, to Feminism, to Women's Orders. After his talk, Fr. Robinson was informed by the conference organizers that he would not be permitted to further participate as conference speaker because he failed to address the topic that was assigned to him. Fr.

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A statement made by the Anglican Church of Nigeria communication officer, Korede Akintunde the suspension is by the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) acting pursuant to its inherent powers in the Constitution and Canons (Canon XVI 1 paragraphs (g) and (h) of the Constitution and Canons) to suspend any consecrated Bishop whether serving in Nigeria or outside Nigeria in relation to breaches of the said Constitution and Canons.

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I want you to know that I have privately apologized to Fr. Calvin Robinson for the comments I made about him. And I also thought it was important for me to apologize publicly to people in the Gulf Atlantic Diocese who have been harmed or hurt by the things I've said, and also the way I've caused harm in the wider Body of Christ.

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But before the event was over Fr. Robinson's wings were clipped and he was asked to stand down from the conclusion panel discussion. The reasons are murky and there is enough blame to go around.

Some say the chastising came because he revealed the elephant in the room -- WO, others think it is because he went off script and didn't stick to the assigned topic -- Critical Race Theory.

Fr. Robinson's presence at the conference was a mismatch from the beginning.

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