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January 06 2004 By virtueonline Columbus Episcopal woman priest resigns over gay bishop

DePriest told The Commercial Dispatch newspaper in Columbus that
she could no longer actively serve as a priest until the gay bishop
issue is resolved.

DePriest finished up with the Church of the Good Shepherd
in Columbus and St. Johns Episcopal Church in Aberdeen on Christmas

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Over 2000 people have already registered for the Virginia event and
registrations continue to come in at a rapid pace. (Over 2700 Episcopalians attended the Dallas conference.)

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January 06 2004 By virtueonline EKKLESIA Appeals for funds for Global South Primates

I have been dispatched with a "diplomatic pouch" of documents to consult with Anglican Primates and Archbishops about finding their way forward. They are deeply committed to Biblical faith. They are also committed to those of us w ho maintain historic teaching and have rejected the actions of the Presiding Bishop and the General Convention.

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January 06 2004 By virtueonline BISHOP BECKWITH'S BLESSEDNESS

In August, I moved into the apartment building owned by Christ Episcopal Church in Springfield. The building was located on S. 7th street, adjacent to the church. The night before I moved in, I was up late painting and a man who lived in an apartment two floors above me. The person I met was Dan Bartlett. I was 19, he was 49. I grew up just a few miles from where Dan did, in Pike County, IL.

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January 05 2004 By virtueonline Evangelicals say 13m back anti-gay move

The move was the latest flexing of muscles by traditionalists who have mobilised recently against any relaxation of the church's opposition to homosexuals. It came against a backdrop of threats to split the worldwide communion which Dr Williams heads.

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January 05 2004 By virtueonline Changes in Episcopal Church Spur Some to Go, Some to Join

Some lifelong Episcopalians have left their churches, saying the vote to affirm a gay bishop was the last straw in what they saw as the church's long slide away from orthodoxy.

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January 05 2004 By virtueonline EPISCOPALIANS GRAPPLE ON WEB

They are men who spend 12 to 14 hours a day sending out posts to message boards, fielding replies or overseeing "blogs," or journals on the Internet, about the conflict tearing the 2.3-million-member denomination apart: the Nov. 2 consecration of the first openly homosexual Episcopal bishop.

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January 04 2004 By virtueonline BISHOP LEE'S CHOICE

The most contentious of the issues, of course, was the nomination of the Rev. V. Gene Robinson, an openly gay priest who had been living with another man for 14 years, to be the bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire. For the 107 bishops in attendance, their vote on his confirmation would be the most scrutinized of their careers. And, based on Peter Lee's record, there seemed little doubt about where he would come down.

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I still remember the excitement that filled the Cathedral last May when
you were elected the Eleventh Bishop of New Jersey, and I believe that
it was indeed your sincere desire to be the Bishop of all Episcopalians
in this Diocese. However, your actions since General Convention, I
believe, make this vital objective impossible.

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January 02 2004 By virtueonline 'Displaced' Episcopalians gather in New Hampshire

This was the largest gathering of a group called the Seacoast Mission
Fellowship (SMF), which is holding Bible studies in private homes and
providing community for Episcopalians who believe Scripture condemns
Robinson's active relationship with his male partner of 14 years.

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