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January 10 2004 By virtueonline City of San Diego cancels pact with Boy Scouts of America

The Boy Scouts, however, vowed to continue fighting for its 18-acre headquarters even without city support, because it believes its constitutional liberties are at stake. Last month, the group received a letter of support from the U.S. Justice Department, stating the group's predicament raised "substantial concerns" that the group's rights were being violated.

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January 10 2004 By virtueonline PLANO PLUS: Eastern Meeting Of Episcopalians Eclipses Dallas Gathering

"We are nearly 3,000 strong," Guernsey said, with bishops, clergy, laity
and seminarians, persons of all ages, "from 45 dioceses in 25
states–including, praise God, New Hampshire!"–home to Vicky Gene Robinson,
the actively gay cleric the August General Convention approved as the
state's next bishop.

The turnout is the more remarkable considering that there was less lead
time or publicity for "Plano-East." agreed AAC media officer Bruce Mason.

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January 10 2004 By virtueonline CHURCH OF ENGLAND: Bishops meet to discuss women joining them

A motion before the Synod in July 2000 asked the Bishops to “initiate further study on the episcopate focusing on the issues that need to be addressed in preparation for the debate on women in the episcopate in the Church of England and to make a progress report on this study to Synod in July 2002”.

No View from Rochester
The Bishop of Rochester, Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, who chairs the working group, would make no comment this week in advance of the Bishops’ meeting.

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January 10 2004 By virtueonline Southern Baptists to pull out of ‘leftward’ world body

A key element in the rift is a report of the BWA study committee prepared for the Southern Baptist Convention by Professor Paige Patterson of the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Southern Baptists were not being given a fair hearing, said Professor Patterson. The BWA showed a “leftward drift”, which included an anti-American tone, continued emphasis on women as pastors, and no open discussion about abortion.

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January 09 2004 By virtueonline Australian Anglicans Face Change of Direction

At 59, Archbishop of Sydney Dr Peter Jensen is a relatively youthful bishop.

The most senior contenders for the position, Archbishop of Adelaide Dr Ian George, and Archbishop of Melbourne Peter Watson, are set to retire in the next few years.

The church's other senior bishop, Archbishop of Brisbane Dr Phillip Aspinall, has only been in the job for two years, but could be a compromise candidate.

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January 09 2004 By virtueonline South Carolina Church severs Episcopal ties

Of 507 voting members present, two stood to voice objections. "What's the
rush?" said Guerry Green. "We need to keep trying."

The denomination's approval of an openly gay bishop last summer might have
been the last straw, but the separation had been coming for a long time.

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January 09 2004 By virtueonline Southern Cone Primate writes to Frank Griswold & ECUSA

Our deep sadness comes on two fronts. First of all, you have done what you had no right to do. You have represented as God's blessing your promotion of an unbiblical agenda. You must know that the overwhelming majority of the people in this province view that as absolutely scandalous. Our concern is very great for those who embrace the deception you foster. Spiritually, it is a terrible place to be.

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January 09 2004 By virtueonline All Saints Pawley's Island Leaves ECUSA

A congregation that claims over 1,000 parishioners and deep roots to its
founding in 1745, All Saints officially amended its charter to reflect a
revised statement of purpose, as well as its official affiliation. The vote
affirmed the unanimous decision of the church’s vestry, made in October. The
church joins nine international Anglican provinces that recently severed
ties to the ECUSA—an institution whose revisionist and liberal actions are

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January 09 2004 By virtueonline Presbyterian Pastor Says He Will Stand for Truth -- Even at Cost of His Ministry

A committee in the Presbytery of Western North Carolina is recommending
that Pastor Parker T. Williamson be removed from his position as CEO of
the Presbyterian Lay Committee and editor-in-chief of its publications.

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January 09 2004 By virtueonline Priest leads other Episcopalians to join Orthodox Church

The Rev. John Flora, 57, retired rector of St. Stephen's Episcopal
Church, w ill lead the new congregation, which will begin worshipping at
St. George's Orthodox Christian Cathedral in Wichita at 10 a.m. on Sunday.

Flora said he and the group of former St. Stephen's parishioners have
grown frustrated with the Episcopal Church, including its approval of
its first openly gay bishop in August.

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