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Culture Wars
April 18 2024 By dvirtue FATAL LOSSES

Why? The most common reason given for population decline is the debt crisis: people cannot afford children. However, a temporary economic disturbance cannot explain the long-term trend. There are a number of other reasons but the underlying one is that increasingly marriage and family formation is discincentivised in our society and culture.

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April 13 2024 By dvirtue Most gender-confused kids 'grow out of it', according to landmark study

Of the 11 percent who expressed varying degrees of "gender non-contentedness" at the beginning, only 4 percent still reported these feelings by the end of the study period. In real terms, that means 305 pre-teens began adolescence with feelings of gender confusion, and only 111 felt the same way by their mid-20s -- a decrease of almost two-thirds.

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April 04 2024 By dvirtue The Decline of Christianity Means the End of Neutral Spaces

That story, put simply, is the retreat of Christianity in the West and the emergence of a new religious faith in its place -- a new paganism. What comes amid the decline of the Christian faith is not some live-and-let-live secular liberal utopia, not a rational and atheistic political order with neutral public spaces and a culture of tolerance. Instead, we have a new form of paganism with its own moral precepts, obligations, and rites.

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April 02 2024 By dvirtue Richard Dawkins laments decline of 'cultural Christianity' in UK amid surging Islam

Speaking with British journalist Rachel Johnson, Dawkins noted that the United Kingdom is "fundamentally a Christian country," and he still personally values the Christian ethos despite not believing the religion from which it emerged.

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March 28 2024 By dvirtue People say they're leaving religion due to anti-LGBTQ teachings and sexual abuse

PRRI found that the number of those who describe themselves as "nothing in particular" has held steady since 2013, but those who identify as atheists have doubled (from 2% to 4%) and those who say they're agnostic has more than doubled (from 2% to 5%).

This study looks at which faith traditions those unaffiliated people are coming from.

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March 20 2024 By dvirtue The evil trans ideology is in retreat, at last

Most children grow out of gender dysphoria given time and it is often symptomatic of something else; not least that standard condition of adolescence: feeling really rubbish about yourself. There are forces at work, however, which very much don't want children to grow out of being "trans", or to come to the realisation that they were gay after all.

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March 13 2024 By dvirtue This is where the transgender movement is going

Within a matter of mere decades, marriage was redefined and humanity's most basic institution was "expanded" to include same-sex couples. Simultaneously, there were demands that homosexuals be given full recognition and liberation as well. That revolution took a bit longer to gain traction, but then it gained momentum and expanded its aims. The modern LGBTQ movement represents two great achievements of the liberationists.

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March 11 2024 By dvirtue A cry from the heart to keep England's cathedrals sacred

This weekend the nave of Manchester hosted three metal bands, again with the setup emulating a rock concert venue as closely as possible. One of the bands had a blasphemous name, and the lyrics went beyond the cheeky glorification of fornication on the playlist at the silent discos. I'll let you do your own research, but the first set of lyrics I came across described someone being dismembered.

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March 08 2024 By dvirtue Abortion is Running Out of Babies

After Roe v. Wade first came on the scene, abortions shot up all through the 80s and hit a peak in 1990 with 1.6 million. Then, just as the Democrats decided to go all-in on abortion, purging their pro-life wing, abortion rates crashed, and now struggle to pass the million mark.

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March 03 2024 By dvirtue Even atheists can see through the trans delusion

It is insane to suggest that anyone is ever "born in the wrong body." It is insane to argue -- with a straight face -- that a man can become a woman, or vice versa.

And it is insane to spit in the face of the Creator God who, in the beginning, made us male and female -- forever.

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