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Culture Wars
November 27 2023 By dvirtue "Wake Up': Staggering Global Christian Persecution Sparks Alarm as Expert

"I've been doing this for 20-some years, and ... that's bigger than the populace of Christians in the United States," he said of the startling estimate. "It ranges from light [persecution] to the decimation of the church, which is the murder and assassination, and torture."

Watch King explain:

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November 22 2023 By dvirtue Disabled Santas and queer nutcrackers

Did not Target learn from this year's Pride Month debacle which was pushing "tuck-friendly" swimsuits for children? Or from the flap that developed in 2016 when Target unveiled its transgender bathroom policy.

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November 14 2023 By dvirtue The Men's Marriage Strike: What the Political Class Has to Lose

This is not new. "Have anti-father family court policies led to a men's marriage strike?" some were asking more than two decades ago. In an undeservedly neglected book, Helen Smith has thoroughly documented how men are refraining from marriage when they realize the devastating effects of divorce inflicted on them unilaterally through literally "no fault" of their own.

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October 26 2023 By dvirtue The New Axis of Evil

The new axis of evil includes Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. All four nations pose a direct threat to the West. Each is working to subvert the world order. All four are autocracies or dictatorships who see the United States and our allies as decadent, weak, rich, and temporary. All four are deeply rooted in history and driven by an aggressive ideology.

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October 19 2023 By dvirtue Christians ready to take legal action if conversion therapy bill tramples on religious freedom

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak plans to include a draft bill in the King's Speech after coming under pressure from Tory MPs, the newspaper reported.

The Christian Institute has said it will take legal action if the law prevents ordinary church activities like preaching, prayer and pastoral counselling.

The Christian Institute's Deputy Director for Public Affairs, Simon Calvert, questioned why a ban was necessary.

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October 09 2023 By dvirtue Western Europe has turned its back on Christianity -- and forgotten the power of religion

President Macron's government has decided that it is a visible statement of religious affiliation -- in this case, Islamic. As such, it cannot be tolerated in the rigorously secular French education system. The hijab was forbidden on similar grounds some years ago. The majority of the French population find this restriction of individual liberty entirely reasonable. In a French state school, only one community can be visible: the state itself.

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September 25 2023 By dvirtue Andrew Brunson Offers a View of Impending Persecution -- Part 1

Brunson believes that "persecution can be much more difficult than many people expect." Christians who have lived in religious freedom, such as has existed in America, know of persecution mostly from what they hear and read. Biographies of saints who remained faithful under enormous pressure are recounted and are inspiring, but persecution which is personally experienced is far different.

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September 21 2023 By dvirtue Survey: Mainline clergy are more liberal than their congregants

In this sense, they are the inverse of evangelical clergy, whom surveys find to be overwhelmingly conservative and vote Republican.

Mainline clergy are also more liberal than their congregants, who tend to be divided among Republicans (36%), independents (35%) and Democrats (24%).

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September 15 2023 By dvirtue Mainline Protestant pastors are often more liberal than church members. Does it fuel conflict?

Church leaders are also more likely to identify as Democrats. Nearly half of mainline Protestant clergy members (49%) describe themselves as a Democrat, and just 14% say they're Republican.

Among churchgoers, the balance between the two parties is more equal: 30% of mainline Protestant worshippers identify as Democrats, while 34% identify as Republican.

Political Conflict in Churches

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September 09 2023 By dvirtue Liberals Have Won the Culture War

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Once Bush locked up the nomination, he did the traditional party building gesture of inviting his opponent to speak at the Republican National Convention. On August 17th, 1992, he delivered a speech that will be remembered for decades. Buchanan stated,

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