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Culture Wars
January 09 2024 By dvirtue Abortion Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2023, Killing 73 Million People

Worldometers bases its daily abortion figures on a fact sheet from the World Health Organization, which estimates an even higher figure for abortions per year than Worldometers. "Around 73 million induced abortions take place worldwide each year," the WHO says.

Abortion is also the leading cause of death in the United States.

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December 30 2023 By dvirtue Contending with Forced Speech

The Case of Peter Vlaming

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December 15 2023 By dvirtue Navy veteran topples satanic display in Iowa Capitol, blasts 'anti-Christian' acts by gov't

"I saw this blasphemous statue and was outraged. My conscience is held captive to the word of God, not to bureaucratic decree," Cassidy told the outlet, paraphrasing Martin Luther's defense before the Diet of Worms. "And so I acted."

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December 14 2023 By dvirtue Drag 'Sister' Indulges Episcopal Washington National Cathedral

The group of male performers parodies religious women by dressing in drag and habits.

Prominent Roman Catholic officials, including Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles, Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, and the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Archbishop Timothy Broglio of the Military Services, lamented the Dodgers' invitation as "not just offensive and painful to Christians everywhere; it is blasphemy."

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December 09 2023 By dvirtue Tim Alberta on evangelical extremism and the pastors who profit from it

You were featured on "CBS Sunday Morning" last week, and some of the online criticism of your book that popped up immediately (from the usual suspects) assigned political motivation and timing to the project. But this book isn't just political; it's also personal. Can you explain why that's so?

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December 05 2023 By dvirtue Disrupting a church service in the name of climate change isn't Christian

As I looked at the photograph of Christian Climate Action disrupting a service of divine worship - the choral Evensong at Chichester Cathedral on Tuesday night -- suddenly I was more than usually involved in an incident I had not been physically present at.

A large four-metre banner of protest is held up in front of the Canon stalls, declaring that "Chichester Diocese funds climate chaos". The place was very familiar.


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December 03 2023 By dvirtue Why is Christian persecution ignored by the West?

There is an extreme reluctance even to discuss Christian persecution. Deborah Samuel Yakubu, a Nigerian teenager, thanked Jesus on social media for helping her with an exam. She was falsely accused by a classmate of blasphemy against Muhammad and was murdered by a mob of Muslim students. In May 2022, a motion to debate the issue of persecution of Christians, in particular the case of Deborah, was dismissed in the European Parliament with 231 votes in favour and 244 against.

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December 01 2023 By dvirtue School chaplain takes legal action over firing, terrorism claim for opposing LGBT ideology

His local Church of England diocese, the Diocese of Derby, later carried out its own investigation and concluded that he posed a "moderate" safeguarding risk to children. He has not been allowed to preach a sermon for the last four years.

His latest legal action comes after he lost his unfair dismissal claim at an employment tribunal in February.

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November 27 2023 By dvirtue "Wake Up': Staggering Global Christian Persecution Sparks Alarm as Expert

"I've been doing this for 20-some years, and ... that's bigger than the populace of Christians in the United States," he said of the startling estimate. "It ranges from light [persecution] to the decimation of the church, which is the murder and assassination, and torture."

Watch King explain:

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November 22 2023 By dvirtue Disabled Santas and queer nutcrackers

Did not Target learn from this year's Pride Month debacle which was pushing "tuck-friendly" swimsuits for children? Or from the flap that developed in 2016 when Target unveiled its transgender bathroom policy.

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