Readers across the US will be familiar with the problems currently facing us here in the UK. No doubt you will be in receipt of news from the usual suspects, sorry, news channels, purveying the approved version of events here in the Old Country. Let's have a look, shall we?
Read moreOf course, those responsible denied any intention to offend Christians: "Clearly, there was never an intention to show disrespect towards any religious group or belief," organizers said in a statement to The Telegraph. "On the contrary, each of the tableaux in the Paris 2024 Opening Ceremony were intended to celebrate community and tolerance." Organizers further noted that pop culture, from The Simpsons to The Sopranos, has parodied The Last Supper for decades, if not centuries.
Read moreThe French opening ceremony of the XXXIII Olympics in Paris managed to undermine both of these goals as drag queens parodied the Lord's Supper, as depicted in Leonardo da Vinci's famous mural. Instead of nature, they celebrated anti-nature. Instead of good will, they mocked. In the name of some distorted notion of freedom, they hailed the freedom to abuse their guests. In the name of inclusion, they excluded.
Read more1. What is there to be proud of?
Why should one take pride in being erotically aroused by the distinctives of one's own sex, which is either narcissism or self-deception (viz., the failure to apprehend that one is already fully one's own sex)?
Read moreThe danger with the relentless researching of your subject in preparation for an interview is that you're bound to make some assumptions. My first was that Null, a Yale and Cambridge alumnus who is a leading expert on Thomas Cranmer and the theology of the English Reformation, might be intimidatingly intellectual and inaccessible to us mere mortals.
My second was that this might make for a difficult interview with an overly fastidious subject.
I was wrong on both counts.
Read moreLecture Introduction:
Our OCRPL faculty member Dr Anna Belele from Ukraine will introduce the LECTURE.
The references in the final sentence of this quotation to 'diverse jurisdictions,' 'a third province' and 'a church within a church' are all different ways of referring to the same idea, the idea put forward by the Alliance and the Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) that in the event that the House of Bishops and the General Synod continue down the path of permitting the blessing of same-sex sexual relationships and allowing those in same-sex sexual relationships to serve as ordai
Read moreThe second death at the Trump Rally was the shooter who was quickly "neutralized" -- shot dead -- by the Secret Service.
Read moreHaving been raised in Episcopal parishes, I was used to tepid sermons, indifferent liturgy and ministers more interested in their sinecures than in preaching the word of God. Tom changed that perception. When he preached, I thought that he was speaking to me personally. I can still recall the sermons he preached on the movie "Ordinary People," filmed in my home town, and the movie "Chariots of Fire," which he proclaimed the greatest ever.
Read moreThat same day, The Alliance (which describes itself as "a broad coalition of leaders of networks across different traditions supported by more than 2,000 clergy within the Church of England") released a public letter supporting those bishops "in their endeavours to remain faithful to the orthodox teaching of the Church of England." They made it clear that "What is proposed is clearly indicative of 'a departure from the doctrine of the Church of England in an essential matter,'" and expressed
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