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As Eye See It
June 24 2024 By dvirtue GSFA: A new wineskin and a new instrument?

Having reaffirmed their view that the Church of England and the Archbishop of Canterbury have forfeited their leadership role of the global Communion, the Assembly elected new leaders from among themselves.

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June 24 2024 By dvirtue NINTH TRUMPET: Communique from the First Assembly of the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches

2. As at June 2024, 11 Provinces have become fully covenanted members of GSFA through their
respective synodical processes. There are also 3 Associate Member dioceses and 14 Mission
Partners comprising Anglican networks, theological colleges and mission societies. We were joined
by special guests and observers. At the 1st Assembly, in total, there were 13 active Primates, 44
Bishops, 46 Clergy and 36 Lay leaders present.

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June 04 2024 By dvirtue Reorienting Evangelicalism to Christian Life Distinct from the World

Relevance, Renn said, "seeks to bring the Kingdom of God, the message of the church, to the affairs of men in their daily life." Keller found mainline Protestantism to be a relevance strategy, but the seeker sensitive movement also focused on relevance. A megachurch sermon might be concerned with social media use, taking a passage of Scripture or a Biblical principle and applying it to social media.

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May 28 2024 By dvirtue MEIN GOTT IM HIMMEL!

It is absolutely shocking!

The redesigned the Episcopal Church shield signifies that the Episcopal Church has become a social change agency with a religious veneer.

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May 22 2024 By dvirtue George Barna identifies biggest threats facing the Church: 'We've reached a time of Christian invisibility'

"People have become more selfish, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible-centric," Barna, who now serves as the director of research at the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, said.

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May 22 2024 By dvirtue THE GREAT BETRAYAL!

There's nothing "Anglican" about this. Nothing! And it betrays everything Cranmer and the English reformers fought for. It betrays the sure foundation of God's inspired Word (sola Scriptura) what Alister McGrath calls "Christianity's Dangerous Idea." It categorically abandons the recognized formularies that have historically defined what it means to be Anglican.

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I propose here a scripture-based and rational argument that ACNA leaders can provide regarding changing the current situation. In ACNA, some of the leaders have unfortunately called their unresolved stance "dual integrities"-- which has been rightly criticized as an oxymoron. Through the prophet Amos, God underlined this point with logic: "Can two even walk together if they do not agree on the direction"? And we all know that "a house divided against itself cannot stand."

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May 15 2024 By dvirtue Valued & precious

We recognise the traumatic and complex situations which may lead some pregnant women to consider an abortion. Such difficult circumstances call for compassion and understanding along with appropriate pastoral and medical care, and the provision of other options besides termination, for vulnerable women in their time of need.

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The New Testament is clear that ethnic Jews and ethnic Gentiles both stand condemned before God as sinners and can only be saved through faith in Jesus Christ. The same God "gives to all mankind life and breath and everything," and "he made from one man every nation of mankind" (Acts 17:25-26). Yet both Jews and Gentiles have broken God's law, so "both Jews and Greeks are under sin," Paul declared (Romans 3:9). "But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law ...

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May 03 2024 By dvirtue Ivy League schools jettison religion underpinnings

There are nine colonial-era schools, seven of which are in the prestigious Ivy League. One other Ivy League school was founded in the days following the Civil War.


The Ivy League schools are considered to have academic excellence, with a highly selective admissions process, and hold to social elitism.

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