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As Eye See It
January 24 2004 By virtueonline Bishop Lipscomb Clarifies Position on new NACDP Network

I have been clear that I do not intend to leave the Episcopal Church. I cannot condone any congregation of this diocese acting to leave the Episcopal Church even though I know that individuals who are deeply troubled by the actions of our Church may find it necessary to join other ecclesial communities.

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January 24 2004 By virtueonline On the Parabolic Interpretation of the AMiA by Dr. Joseph Murphy

Surrounding the creation and establishment of the {AMiA} has been charge and countercharge, innuendo, deceit, treachery, gossip, backbiting, lawsuits, and more. Substitute just about any initiative of value that you'd like in between the braces { } in the sentence above, and chances are it will still be true. To prove this point, and for fun, gather a roomful of Roman Catholics and Orthodox folks, and say out loud, "Henry VIII is the beloved founder of our Church."

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January 24 2004 By virtueonline VIRGINIA: ECUSA Priest Flees for AMiA

At the gathering of clergy you convened this past fall at Christchurch School to discuss the actions of General Convention 2003, I made clear to you all my understanding that the Episcopal Church no longer holds the teaching of the Christian Faith that it had received, thus making void the vow of ordination that I, and all Episcopal clergy, have taken.

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January 23 2004 By virtueonline KENYA: Is Split in the Anglican Church Inevitable?

After this, there should be no doubt that there is now an open split between
the liberals and the conservatives in the 450-year old Anglican Communion.

The unprecedented move taken by the Church of Uganda to protest the installation of gay American bishop Gene Robinson, is the biggest jolt to hit the communion since Robinson became the head of the New Hampshire diocese.

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January 23 2004 By virtueonline Frank Griswold writes to the Bishops and to the Church

I continue to be deeply grateful for the way in which you and your clergy are seeking to assist the people in your dioceses, regardless of their perspectives, to live with grace through these unsettling days.

I look forward to our being together in March when we will have an opportunity to consider how the ministry of oversight we share together might best be exercised for the good of all in this present season.

Yours ever in Christ's love,


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January 20 2004 By virtueonline IT'S THE PROPERTY STUPID !

So the main problem now is property. I begin with an anecdote from one of the first AAC Board meetings in 1996.

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January 19 2004 By virtueonline St. Martin’s Parishoners write to the Editor re: Bishop Ingham


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January 18 2004 By virtueonline CONFLICTING & DECEPTIVE MESSAGES

However, we receive a mixed message from others in the same camp. They
say, "We value you...we love you in God...please stay and dialogue with
us" Or, "You may leave, but not with your property."

Maybe we conservative Episcopalians should pick up a daisy, and pull
off the pedals, one at an item, asking,"They love me?...they love me

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January 18 2004 By virtueonline New Anglican Churches begun in Atlanta and Rome, Georgia by CEEC

The CEEC seeks to blend the liturgical, evangelical, and spirit-filled
aspects of the Holy Church.

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Trinity School for Ministry
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