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As Eye See It
April 06 2004 By virtueonline Gay Marriage: The Train has left the Station

The leadership of Grace Cathedral unanimously supports gay
couples and their families. At the same time, we acknowledge this is a
significant and historical departure from tradition. We take very
seriously some people's misgivings. Breaking the law is no small matter.
But what's done is done. Meanwhile, our concern and conviction is that
the time is long overdue for gay and lesbian people to have the support

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April 06 2004 By virtueonline Lift Sanctions In The Sudan, Says Anglican Businessman

Upon arrival, I was met at the airport by Waiel, one of my
clients partners. Waiel is Sudanese, the son of the head of the Nubian tribe. The
Nubian tribe is the largest of the Sudanese tribes. You may remember from the
Bible that Moses first wife was a Nubian. Much of Nubia is in what was the Lower
Kingdom of the ancient Egyptians. Most Nubians today are Islamic, although a

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April 05 2004 By virtueonline Height of Self-Absorption - by Kudzu Read more
April 05 2004 By virtueonline The Implosion of a small group of people at a small parish - by David Thorman

I have remained at Grace where some of my closest friends and brothers in Christ have left. I have been offered and accepted one of the vacated Vestry seats.

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March 31 2004 By virtueonline Creeping Liberalism - by Lee Buck

Here is a bishop who blatantly and arrogantly violated the canons and the constitution of the church. Yet, in his mind, how you violate those documents makes a difference. If you violate the canons, creeds Articles of Religion, and the Constitution, by allowing heresy, or anti-scriptural behavior, that is admissible and proper, but, if you take an orthodox and biblical stand for righteousness then that is sinful and wicked. Do you consider this convoluted thinking?

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March 31 2004 By virtueonline The Implosion of a Small Parish - by Bob Seitz

It became subtly obvious not long after the General Convention that there are two sides to this debate, and they are emotionally incompatible. (The exception, of course, is the larger group of the apathetic and purely parochial in outlook -- the "what's a presiding bishop?" crowd.)

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March 27 2004 By virtueonline Let's Heed the Call to the Promised Land - by Claudia C. Kalis

The Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes has made magnanimous and ingenious efforts to try to respond to the tear streaked faces of the orthodox who stand pleading, … “Fix it. Please fix it.” At some point, and I hope it is soon, the Network will need learn, as did I, that some things that are broken simply cannot be fixed. There are times when what is broken must be set aside and replaced with something new.

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March 26 2004 By virtueonline Crisis in the Anglican Communion - by Rev. Dr. Andrew Goddard

Furthermore, that Communion and the one holy, catholic and apostolic Church of which it is a part, holds those actions to be contrary to Scripture. The Communion has also repeatedly urged restraint from radical innovations until they can be more widely recognised as legitimate expressions of Christian faith and practice.

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March 23 2004 By virtueonline ECUSA: Offical Pastoral Care Statement Being Considered by HoB

We are called to be one, as Jesus prayed (John 17:22ff). While we know
that our unity is strained, we will continue to strive for godly union
and concord. Consistent with the ancient teaching of the Church,
ordination and consecration provide the gifts necessary for the
sacramental effectiveness of all bishops.

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March 18 2004 By virtueonline OHIO: Griswold defiant in face of confirmations

Provisions for "episcopal oversight of dissenting minorities" is thus
clearly a matter to be resolved by the province. That is precisely what this
church is seeking to do. In consultation with the Archbishop of Canterbury
and his chancellor, our bishops have been considering a draft plan for
episcopal pastoral care which they will address further when we gather for our spring
meeting later this week in Texas.

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