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As Eye See It

Having read both pieces thoughtfully and prayerfully, I can say I feel strongly both ways.

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November 12 2005 By virtueonline PITTSBURGH: Bishop Duncan's opening remarks at Hope and a Future

The delegates of the entire South-South Encounter III spoke these words two days later:

Global South is committed to provide our recognition, energy, prayers and experience to the Networks in the USA and Canada, the Convocation of Nigerian Anglicans in the USA, those who make Common Cause and the Missionary District that is gathering congregations that circumstances have pressed out of ECUSA. We are heartened by the bold witness of their people . . .

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November 11 2005 By virtueonline PITTSBURGH: "Hope stands on the word of God" says rector

The focus of our conference on this opening day is Hope. In the Scriptures, hope is not some vague wishful thinking, as in, "I hope things work out for our Church, but they probably won't." No, hope is a sure expectation, a confident looking to the future because of the victory won on the cross by Jesus, who is called our Hope.

Our readings tonight point us to three vital insights into the hope to which we are called.

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November 11 2005 By virtueonline LONDON: Rector explains why he allowed irregular ordinations

This document plainly requires us not to question the nature of the relationships of those coming for baptism, confirmation or Holy Communion who are in registered Civil Partnerships even though many are likely to be in practising homosexual relationships. This effectively bars us from the kind of patient and loving scriptural discipleship that we regard as fundamental to Anglican ministry.

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November 09 2005 By virtueonline Griswold Acts Like Nixon - by George Naff Gray, Jr.

Griswold has sought at best to ignore the Network and at worst to destroy the Network through Via Media. Griswold does not want the rank and file delegates of ECUSA's next General Convention to be reminded of the Network or the "unscriptural innovations" that he led General Convention 2003 to approve. Being in South Korea and Taiwan helps Griswold to shift attention away from the Cairo gathering and escalating domestic troubles.

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November 08 2005 By virtueonline Central Florida Bishop responds to Dr.Sanders Should One Remain an Episcopalian?

And yet Williams is (at this point, at least) still in communion with Frank Griswold, Gene Robinson of New Hampshire, and Samuel Johnson Howard (Sanders' former bishop, in Florida), and ECUSA and the Diocese of Florida.

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November 07 2005 By virtueonline SAN JOAQUIN: Via Media is "Final Solution" For Orthodox in ECUSA

The battles have been over different issues but the underlying CAUSE is always the same. It's a matter - not only of belief - but revelation and truth. If many had not seen it before, all it took was an announcement by Charles Bennison, Bishop of Pennsylvania stating: "The Church wrote the Bible, so the Church can RE-WRITE the Bible." The first half of that statement is partially true.

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November 05 2005 By virtueonline AND NOW...IDIOTS - by Christopher Johnson

I will urge my own government to reject the policy of preemption that heightens tensions and threatens the well being of peoples both in the north and south. As the two Koreas move forward towards the goal of reunification, I will urge the United States to take the following further steps:

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November 04 2005 By virtueonline Should One Remain an Episcopalian? - A Personal Testimony

I did not leave because I was unhappy with the Episcopal Church, or didn't like the people, or because I felt "led," as if the Holy Spirit were leading me apart from Scripture. Subjective feelings like these are not God's revelation and they can lead you anywhere.

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November 04 2005 By virtueonline 'I in no way question' Akinola's integrity, Irish Primate insists

"I think it is happening. I just don't think it is moral," said Dr Eames. "Is it the might of finance that will influence a theological outlook, and then that outlook come to dominate the Communion? It raises a serious question for me: what is the real nature of their faith and their Anglicanism? It is certainly different from mine."

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