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As Eye See It
December 02 2005 By virtueonline Revisiting the Global South Communiqué-Focusing on Fundamentals

The Communiqué reminds the Communion of the Scriptural foundation of ecclesial life: it takes precedence over contextual concerns. The Anglican Communion, over the past fifty years, has increasingly become institutionalised, as if it is an ecclesiastical accreditation agency and a foreign office.

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December 02 2005 By virtueonline Homosexuality - Rome and the Episcopal Church - by Peter Toon

In the case of the priest his affections are ordered by grace towards the congregation of Christ's flock, which is the Bride of Christ, and he is a spiritual father to the flock. This means that a man who is active as an homosexual or even a man who is not mature in his affections (though he is celibate) should not to be ordained to the priesthood.

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December 01 2005 By virtueonline Sermon preached by the Archbishop of York at his Inauguration

It took Jesus' disciples three years of following, in obedience and communal living to find the answer to their question.

In the Gospels, Jesus of Nazareth is often called a Rabbi - and his followers, his disciples. A disciple was someone who had chosen to be with his rabbi as much as possible in order to learn everything he could from him and not just during formal teaching times. A disciple was with his Rabbi all the time.

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November 30 2005 By virtueonline The Gay Invention

Terms Lacking

What might be called the philological evidence calls this notion into question. If it were true, someone would long ago have given this class a name. That no one did until very recently suggests that the notion is not true.

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November 29 2005 By virtueonline Boston Archbishop to Homosexuals: We love you, we cannot accept your behavior

Archbishop O'Malley thus tells some Catholics who are misled into false kindness towards those with homosexual tendencies, "If we tell people that sex outside of marriage is not a sin, we are deceiving people." The pastor of souls, who's first priority is the spiritual wellbeing of his flock, warns that that spiritual wellbeing may be threatened by such false kindness. "If they believe this untruth, a life of virtue becomes all but impossible," he warned.

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November 28 2005 By virtueonline Battle rages, God winning - by Norman Henderson

The ABC's comments are also quite encouraging at:

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November 23 2005 By virtueonline LONDON: Fired Cleric Makes Case to Archbishop of Caterbury

This was written after he wrote to me threatening to remove my licence. I trust this enclosed letter speaks for itself. Naturally I am concerned that when he then wrote to me on 7 November a letter (copied to you and to others) revoking my licence, he made no attempt to answer any of the substantial points made in my letter of 3 November.

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November 22 2005 By virtueonline APA: Archbishop Grundorf Comments on the new Covenant Union with Nigeria

The Meeting was held during the week of December 5, 2005. Bishops Matthew Obadayo and Ikeche Nwosou from Nigeria represented the Primate and Bishops Ray Sutton and James West represented REC/APA. Both Bishop Riches and I thought it would be a good idea that we attend the meeting to meet these two men and be available as resource persons for our representative bodies.

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November 19 2005 By virtueonline Middle East Bishop distances himself from Primates letter to Williams

I attended the Global South Encounter in Egypt with some reluctance, but felt that it was appropriate to be there because the meeting was taking place in the Province of which I am President Bishop. I wished, further, to be supportive of my colleague, the Bishop in Egypt, who was the host of the Encounter.

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Church representatives call this a 'sensible compromise'. To many observers it looks like a mess aimed mainly at keeping sweet the Church's own matrimony of convenience.

That's fine if you think the Church is there mainly to give the state comfort and a religious gloss. But the true cost is a loss of integrity in witness and prophetic engagement, turning pastoral care into collusion.

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