While reporting for a new book, I enjoyed looking back at the long slide of that train wreck known as the Episcopal Church, which is by now a mere postage stamp of a religion, claiming allegiance, by one estimate, of a walloping 0.78 percent of the American public. Despite its micro-membership, the Episcopal Church is often in the headlines.
Read moreYou said something along the line of, I will not allow the issue to consume my time and if "conservatives" want to leave they can go but I will not follow.
The word conservative appeared in the Florida Times Union and I have no idea if such a word was used by you. Your further comments were more or less saying that you were going to get on with the work of the church with the goal to "bear fruit" as well as other laudable goals.
Read moreFollowing a letter which he and sixteen other bishops had written, urging the Synod not to proceed until there had been time for full theological debate on the issue. Bishop Wright is a known supporter of women bishops, and his presence among so many orthodox traditionalists came as an unwelcome surprise to many of the campaigners, at least one of whom went on record as claiming that it was an insult to women!
Read moreNow Senator Ted Kennedy (D-Massachusetts) and others are seeking to get a similar amendment passed in the Senate. If it passes the Senate, it becomes the law of the land. Although the Senate Judiciary Committee passed today a new version of the Child Safety Act without the "hate crimes" amendment (S.
Read moreYou also request that I meet with you to discuss my denial "in compliance with the expectations of Canon 10."
I have reviewed Canon 10 and see no requirement of a meeting following your receipt of my denial of the charge. Canon 10 requires you to withdraw the notice of inhibition upon receipt of my good faith denial.
Read moreThe second paragraph just says everyone agreed to mediate before going to court if Calvary or any other church that wants to leave the Diocese of Pittsburgh. Not a big deal. It is all window dressing, because the process is voluntary, litigation is available.
Paragraph 3 lets Calvary withdraw from the ACN. No big loss.
Paragraph 4 changes nothing. As I noted earlier, "The resolution had no effect vis-a-vis the Dennis Canon anyway, so this was a gimme."
Read moreThose who hold to this persuasion are committed to the belief that this is a genuine work of the Holy Spirit, a progression of Godly revelation, regarding social justice, love, and dignity for the disenfranchised. This view seeks to uphold the great Christian virtues of charity and justice.
Read moreThe Archbishop's central message was straightforward. The Anglican Communion is in crisis. He spent considerable time describing the historical and cultural origins of this crisis. To summarize, the Anglican Communion was once held together by "bonds of affection." These bonds were sufficient when there was "agreement on fundamental principles" (VTS).
Read moreHowever, the issue is far deeper and wider. "What I've seen is a growing disparagement and undermining of Holy Scripture and the unique person of Jesus," says Dudley. "In the Episcopal Church at many levels - bishops, priests, seminary professors - Scripture is no longer the foundation for ethical decision-making. They believe God is teaching a 'new truth,' that replaces the old truth of Scripture.
Read moreMy approach in this Lecture will be essentially personal. Not surprisingly my words stem from over forty years of Anglican Ministry.
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