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April 22 2004 By virtueonline COLORADO SPRINGS: Archbishop makes impassioned plea for deeper faith

In the second of three sermons delivered on Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians as part of a three-day conference put on by the Colorado-based Anglican Communion Institute, the Evangelical Archbishop said not only do we have a faith we must hold without fear or compromise, but we must go deeper into that faith as debtors of God’s grace.

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April 21 2004 By virtueonline COLORADO SPRINGS: Carey says Episcopal Church has lost its way

While not directly mentioning the consecration of V. Gene Robinson the openly homosexual bishop of New Hampshire, Carey said the modern church has lost the doctrine of the cross, and for St. Paul the cross was pivotal and anchor of the Faith.

Many want to skip the cross, putting the focus on experience, but it must not be separated from the doctrine and redemption of our Lord, said Carey.

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April 20 2004 By virtueonline TANZANIA: Dean Rejects ECUSA Funds

The Very Rev. Jerry A. Kramer, Jr, Diocese of Mt. Kilimanjaro in the Anglican Church of Tanzania, said in his letter to Griswold that his offer to support he and his wife as Volunteers for Mission of the Episcopal Church here in Tanzania were unacceptable. The letter came unsolicited.

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April 19 2004 By virtueonline The 'Passion' of Frank Griswold

He writes in the April issue of Episcopal Life: “Having heard so much about the film, I was quite curious to see what my own reaction would be. I wondered if I would be moved, or repelled by the violence. I also wondered if I would find myself seeing the film at variance with my own understanding of the Passion.

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April 16 2004 By virtueonline ECUSA: A Tale of Two Churches

But now all that is all changing.

Recent events in the Episcopal Church – the consecration of an openly homoerotic bishop - is profoundly affecting the unity of the church and the polity of the worldwide Anglican Communion. It has also affected both these churches, but in vastly different ways.

Here are their stories.

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April 16 2004 By virtueonline ECUSA: Barna Report Refutes Claim That Church Giving is Down

According to Episcopal Church treasurer Kurt Barnes charitable and nonprofit organizations have suffered income restrictions this year due to a poorly performing economy, citing declines of up to 20 percent. "Layoffs affect churches too," he pointed out.

Nationally, donations to the Episcopal Church are down about $3 million, or 6 percent, since the confirmation of New Hampshire Bishop V. Gene Robinson, officials said.

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April 15 2004 By virtueonline NEWARK: Parish Applies for DEPO

They sent the following letter to Bishop John P. Croneberger

Rt. Rev. John P. Croneberger
Bishop of Newark
Diocese of Newark
31 Mulberry St.
Newark, New Jersey 07102

Re: House of Bishop’s Plan for Episcopal Oversight

Dear Bishop Croneberger,

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April 14 2004 By virtueonline ECUSA: Church Annual Blasts Robinson Consecration

The Morehouse Publishing editorial said that few events in recent church history have had the impact that this decision has made on the church and the polity of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

“The controversy has been brewing for many years, not only in the Episcopal Church but in most major denominations and, for that matter, society at large.”

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While some parishes are forced to pay their apportionment (assessment), they are not obliged to pay further monies toward the diocese’s ongoing “mission”. Those monies are optional, though Virtuosity has learned that in dioceses like Pennsylvania and Florida the bishops are twisting arms, using threats and coercion to extort more money out of richer orthodox parishes to support their agendas.

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April 12 2004 By virtueonline NEW HAMPSHIRE: Orthodox Episcopalians vow they will not give up

“We will not give up and we will not accept anything less than we have demanded,” said Jerry DeLemus, senior warden of Redeemer Episcopal Church in Rochester, NH.

“We want alternative episcopal oversight, nothing less. We don’t want the watered down episcopal care options of the ECUSA leadership or Robinson,” said DeLemus in a phone call to Virtuosity.

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