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May 05 2004 By virtueonline Those Contrarian Episcopalians

For the believer, to live “fully” is to live fully into Christ, but that is not what Charles meant. He meant that to live “fully” was to personally fulfill oneself sexually, in this case with another man, despite the fact that neither the Christian Church, 2,000 years of church history nor Holy Scripture gives him that right to do so.

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May 02 2004 By virtueonline ATLANTA: Bolivian Bishop Baptizes, Confirms 330 at new Anglican Parish

More than 450 people worshiped at Holy Cross Anglican Church in Loganville, GA on Easter Sunday. When the church began it officially had only one member (a little girl who was baptized several weeks ago), said Beach

Holy Cross Anglican Church began on February 8th after the Rev. Dr. Foley Beach left the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta and was received into the Anglican Diocese of Bolivia and the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone by Bishop Lyons.

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May 02 2004 By virtueonline COLORADO SPRINGS: Orthodox Think Tank Takes Aim at ECUSA

The CAPA Primates and bishops met in Nairobi recently and issued a sharp warning to the Episcopal Church and Frank Griswold to repent, and put on notice to the whole communion that they would lower the boom, perhaps before the EAMES commission has even finished its work.

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May 01 2004 By virtueonline COLORADO: Lesbian Priest in sordid love affair could face discipline

VIRTUOSITY has learned from a number of diocesan sources that the Bishop and Standing Committee are preparing for possible disciplinary hearings and actions. Under the former Bishop Jerry Winterrowd, whose weak and indecisive leadership earned him little respect from either the orthodox or liberals, the new Bishop Rob O’Neill has informed his clergy that such conduct will not be tolerated and a full investigation will be initiated immediately.

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May 01 2004 By virtueonline THE FIRST EPISTLE OF FRANK - A Satirical Essay

3. We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us and be inclusive and not excluded, for that would be a crying shame and cause many of us to be sad, for we believe in collegiality above all else. And our fellowship is with one another and it is here that we Dance the Circle Dance of Dispossession when the House of Bishops gather, in order to dispossess ourselves of all bad thoughts and rejuvenate our karmas.

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April 30 2004 By virtueonline COLORADO SPRINGS: Pictures from ACI Conference with Lord Carey

Acolytes prepare for procession, evensong and Lord Carey's first sermon, first night of conference, Grace Church

Lord Carey preaches, Evensong, first night of conference

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April 29 2004 By virtueonline BETHLEHEM PA: Bishop Goes After Two Orthodox Parishes

In letters dated April 23, the bishop asked, “Does the Parish of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Whitehall, PA consider itself still to be part of the Episcopal Church and Diocese of Bethlehem? Does the Parish of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church consider itself to still be in communion with the Bishop of the Diocese of Bethlehem and under his canonical jurisdiction?”

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April 28 2004 By virtueonline ECUSA: Orthodox Clergy Give Input to Eames Commission

“I felt that the voices of thousands of clergy should be heard,” said Roseberry to Virtuosity. “With the advent of the INTERNET that is now possible. We strongly urge all those clergy who grieve over the state of Anglicanism in North America and who oppose the recent actions of General convention to write and tell the commission.”

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April 27 2004 By virtueonline COLORADO SPRINGS: ECUSA should be disciplined. Remnant Church must be faithful

The Rev. Dr. George Sumner, Principal of Wycliffe College, Toronto, and former ECUSA missionary to Tanzania, told several hundred churchmen and theologians to an Anglican Communion Institute conference that “members of the traditional wing of the Episcopal Church should endeavor to stay and be the Episcopal Church through various strategies of challenge and witness.”

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April 24 2004 By virtueonline COLORADO SPRINGS: Orthodox Leader says ECUSA is finished if not disciplined

The Rev. Dr. Canon Bill Atwood, general secretary of EKKLESIA, an organization that interfaces orthodox ECUSA bishops with leaders of the worldwide Anglican Communion, said it was impossible to overstate the sickness of the church in the West, and that if there is no repentance by ECUSA’s leader, there must be discipline for the communion to survive.

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