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June 21 2004 By virtueonline PITTSBURGH: Bishop Duncan Comes To Pennsylvania And New Jersey

The British-born Barnes acknowledged the occasion with a wry grin saying that it was "10 years, four months and 6 days in the making." Barnes had begun his spiritual pilgrimage to the priesthood in the Diocese of Massachusetts under the late Bishop David Johnson who committed suicide and later under Tom Shaw where he did his clinical pastoral education at NYU at Tisch Hospital and fulfilled the other obligations including parish placement at St.

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June 20 2004 By virtueonline Feminization of Church of England Reveals Wasteland

More worrying, writes Low, will be those who will be broken-hearted, betrayed, despairing and go nowhere. "Their experience of Church authorities being so uniformly dishonest, they will shy away from institutional encounter again."

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June 18 2004 By virtueonline Theological Realignment Begins Across Denominational Lines

It took only a few moments and a brief show of 8,000 hands then it was all over. The inerrancy of Holy Scripture and the blessing of same-sex blessings concerned these orthodox Baptists, and so they said farewell to the international body (BWA).) Another issue - a constitutional amendment to protect marriages as the union of a man and a woman - also concerned the Baptists.

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June 18 2004 By virtueonline NORTH CAROLINA: Orthodox Rector Betrayed by Vestry and Removed

"My wife Donna and I came fresh from Sewanee seminary and we were both full of hope, enthusiasm and optimism for a future of shared ministries and the building-up of a Christian community."

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June 18 2004 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: Another Traditionalist Parish tells Bennison to stay away

Fr. Larry A. Snyder, rector of the 700-member traditionalist congregation near Philadelphia, said that during a meeting in the bishop's office, in April, Bennison said that Jesus was not the only Messiah, nor the unique means of salvation for the world; and that each of us becomes a Messiah.

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June 15 2004 By virtueonline LOUISIANA: Bishop's Letter Papers Over Grand Canyon Divide

Plans are being made for the summer and I hope we look forward to a bit of rest and a slower pace. I know that I eagerly anticipate both; life has gotten too fast. Spring is always a busy time for bishops as every board in the church seems to meet in May, but this spring has been particularly busy for me and will remain so through June.

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June 15 2004 By virtueonline UGANDA: Orombi to Roskam - Thanks But No Thanks

"I am writing to make it very clear to you that the Church of Uganda (Anglican) has not changed her stand on the recent events in the Episcopal Church of United States of America (ECUSA) and all those who support them," wrote Rev. Canon Stanley Ntagali
Provincial Secretary for the Ugandan archbishop.

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June 14 2004 By virtueonline COLORADO SPRINGS: Orthodox Rector Rebukes Colorado Bishop

In a letter to Bishop O'Neill, Armstrong said the blessing of same sex
relationships had no basis in the Prayer Book formularies and defies Canonical prohibitions against sex outside of marriage. He went on to say that this "new thing" will never be accepted because it is an aberration, diminishes our witness and makes us look profoundly sick and silly!

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June 11 2004 By virtueonline KANUGA: Episcopal Communicators fail to address central issues

Meeting in Kanuga, NC the Episcopal communicators drew fellow journalists from England, Australia, El Salvador, Ghana, Kenya, Haiti, Panama, South Africa, and Wales. The theme of the conference was deliberately planned to "listen" and called for a more intentional approach to local, national and global church communications, said its leaders in a press release following the meeting.

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June 10 2004 By virtueonline AAC: President Blasts ECUSA at Plano-West Conference

"Who should be surprised when we get to sex that we are worlds apart?" The Anglican Church globally and locally is in some difficulty domestically, and internationally we have some problems. In Canada this week the church there embarked on the same journey the ECUSA has decided to go on. You would think they would see the wreckage here and be wise, but not so."

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