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August 11 2004 By virtueonline SOUTHERN AFRICA: Ndungane Blames Church For "Destructive Theology" On AIDS

In the paper, extracts of which were released to media on Thursday, Ndungane, who is spiritual head of millions of Anglicans in southern Africa, called for an "exceptional response to an exceptional crisis".

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August 09 2004 By virtueonline SOUTHERN OHIO: Orthodox Priest Resigns Parish. Bishop Outlaws Network

The Evangelical rector of St. Paul's resigned last week and will plant a new church and conduct the first worship service for Chillicothe Anglican Fellowship an Anglican Mission in America church at 90 N. Paint Street, Chillicothe.

A first service on Sunday at a store front Christian cafe in downtown Chillicothe drew 75 worshippers mostly from St. Paul's.

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August 08 2004 By virtueonline Anglican Communion's next Secretary General says Church is about Community

Frank Griswold talks endlessly about community, even as the House of Bishops is coming apart at the seams.

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August 07 2004 By virtueonline LONDON: Telegraph Editorial Blasts Nazir-Ali as Possible Successor to Hope

The Telegraph opined that Michael Nazir-Ali of Rochester, an Evangelical, was singularly unsuitable because he "made a fool of himself by pushing himself forward for Canterbury."

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August 06 2004 By virtueonline URGENT APPEAL

So it is with the cyber journal Virtuosity. I for one think it’s essential, especially in these days of great turmoil, reformation, and realignment in the Anglican Communion. I am guilty of taking Virtuosity for granted. I expect to receive the Virtuosity Digest in my inbox every few days now because David has been giving us increased coverage and analysis with so much happening in the Church on a daily basis. In fact I usually check the website daily to be sure I haven’t missed something.

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August 06 2004 By virtueonline PUERTO RICO: Bishop Fires Orthodox Priest

"I am not surprised at what this bishop has done. He is no lover of the gospel, and he hates people who are orthodox," he told Virtuosity. "I rejoice in my martyrdom." The priest said he was fired on July 23 and is now on vacation but will not return September 1.

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August 05 2004 By virtueonline MISSOURI: Gay marriage ban approved by voters, nixed by Episcopal bishop

Vicky Hartzler, a spokeswoman for the Coalition to Protect Marriage in Missouri. "This is a message of the heart, and here in the Heartland, we value marriage. I'm very gratified and encouraged and thankful that the people of this state understand our current policy's a wise public policy and they want to see it protected from a legal challenge," she said.

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August 03 2004 By virtueonline The Futile journey of The Three Not So Wise Men

"The purpose of the trip is to have conversations with African bishops in the context of the current tensions in the Anglican Communion. We hope to build relationships that can strengthen our communion in Christ, even as we aware of differences."

Pressler says that formal statements publicized by many parties are not as good as "face-to-face conversation." The trip is being pushed by Frank Griswold ECUSA's Presiding Bishop who is now persona non grata in most of Africa.

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August 01 2004 By virtueonline EGYPT: Anglicans Embrace Alpha

"The Alpha course can reach nominal Christians who don't go to any church in Egypt. Try it, and it will bear fruit."

The Anglican bishop warned church leaders that welcoming newcomers may lead to tough choices for existing congregations - and he recommended that they tell their church council.

"When you start Alpha, youth will come to your church. They will come with their problems. They will come with clapping and noise."

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July 31 2004 By virtueonline NIGERIA: Primate Blasts New Anglican Communion Appointment - WORLD EXCLUSIVE

"You will recall that when the Primates met in a private session at the Primates' Meeting, Gramado, Brazil, I expressed the view of many of us with regards to how the ACC secretariat was staffed."

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