4. A full apology by Frank Griswold and all the bishops who consecrated V. Gene Robinson.
Read more* Risk Management including embezzlement
* Sexual misconduct, including prevention, education, response to allegations and litigation.
* Breakaway parishes and the presenting real estate issues.
* Privacy issues.
* Anglican Communion issues.
* Updates by the Presiding Bishop's Chancellor, David Beers, and the General Counsel of the Church Pension Group, Barton Jones.
Read more"More of what is known about Africa and Africans come from the western world. There are a number of things that have been misrepresented to the world.
"If we speak for ourselves, we will be able to put the issues straight before the world. This is a way of doing just that" Adebiyi stated insisting that the conference is not a separatist affair.
Read moreIf deemed to have done so, they will in effect be suspended from membership of the Anglican Communion until they come back into line.
In some cases this will mean little more than the withdrawal of invitations to meetings such as the 10-yearly Lambeth Conference and the annual meetings of the primates. But in extreme cases, rebel churches could be denied the right to claim they are "in communion" with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams.
Read moreSix orthodox priests who attended the clergy conference spoke to Virtuosity on the grounds of anonymity, fearing for their jobs if they went public.
"The clergy conference was a disaster," said one of the priests. "This diocese is headed down the tubes."
Read moreHe then went on to say that it was canonically impossible to undo his consecration and that the debate over his sexuality is a mere difference of opinion.
Read more"We are launching out into a fluid ecclesiastical landscape where there is huge transition, but we should never allow geographical or canonical considerations to trump biblical givens," said the former dean of Cathedral Church of the Advent in Birmingham, Alabama.
Read moreThe Presiding Bishop scored heavily with his audience when he seemed to convince or confirm that homosexuality is a hard-wired condition that cannot be reversed.
Read more"It looks like Griswold is in serious trouble," said the bishop.
Griswold has already seen the report as he will post his response to it immediately after the report is released on October 18 and he has apparently set in motion wheels to prevent wholesale departures from The Episcopal Church.
"He knows it is bad news for him and he wants to get ahead of the orthodox and his revisionist bishops to tighten down the Episcopal Church," said the source.
Read more4. Despite all the words, fragmentation of the Anglican Communion will continue. Indeed it will accelerate at a shocking rate.
5. Without a solution, the Anglican Communion will fragment along north/south, revisionist/traditionalist, rich/poor, liberal/evangelical lines. Lawsuits over property will consume immense energy and resources, leading to greater fragmentation within world Anglicanism.
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