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April 12 2004 By virtueonline AAC: President Says DEPO Plan Inadequate

The Primates called for adequate provision, and any provision that frustrates delays or denies the process isn’t adequate.

The AAC on the other hand will work in a grass roots manner to help orthodox ECUSA congregations that are already known to the bishop, apply for DEPO. Although the AAC doesn’t believe that DEPO is adequate, it is the vehicle produced by the House of Bishops, and AAC wants to see it in action.

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April 09 2004 By virtueonline CONNECTICUT: Bishop Lays Down Law on DEPO

What he laid down was this. He said that he would “continue to exercise constitutional and canonical jurisdiction in all congregations of the diocese.” Furthermore he would be involved in the life and mission of the parish with a yearly meeting with the parish Vestry, “and in other ways as are appropriate.”

But then he added a proviso.

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April 07 2004 By virtueonline PENNSYLVANIA: Priest and Retired Bishop Exchange Letters Over ECUSA Crisis

Zabriskie described himself as one who sits on several national and international boards on behalf of the ECUSA, wrote that “good Episcopalians can differ regarding important theological and ethical matters” but crossing diocesan boundaries is going too far.

He concluded his letter saying, “it is my deepest hope that the Communion will stand, the Church will flourish and we will not be self-consumed and broken irrevocably.”

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April 07 2004 By virtueonline WESTERN NEW YORK: Bishop Garrison Just Doesn't Get It

Garrison believes that sex outside of marriage, particularly homoerotic behavior is good and right in the eyes of God and so he voted for V. Gene Robinson’s election, confirmation and consecration.

A lot of his people don’t share his beliefs, and they believe that if they support his non-biblical agenda they might jeopardize their own souls. That price is too high to pay and so they have cut him off at the knees.

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April 05 2004 By virtueonline VANCOUVER: Six Orthodox Clergy Leave Diocese of New Westminster

The priests involved are the Rev. Barclay Mayo, rector of St. Andrews, Pender Harbour, the Rev. Silas Ng, rector of the Church of Emmanuel, Richmond, the Rev. Ed Hird, rector of St. Simon’s, North Vancouver, and the Rev. Paul Carter, a priest on leave from the diocese.

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April 04 2004 By virtueonline ECUSA: Widening Rift, Growing Anarchy in House of Bishops

The Lamb of God would never have gained admittance however, because he would have failed the photo identification test at the gate. “Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any one hears my voice…” takes on a whole new meaning.

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March 31 2004 By virtueonline PITTSBURG: Former Iowa Bishop Has Been Functioning Illegally In Diocese

The revisionist bishop, who walked away from charges that he violated the canons for ordaining a non-celibate homosexual man to the deaconate in 1990, has been caught red-handed in the Pittsburgh Diocese without ever obtaining the approval of Bishop Duncan.

Righter had argued, “How can the Bishops ‘allow’ what the canons and constitution do not allow? How can the Bishops ‘cede control’ that is not theirs to cede? Even if they wanted to, they cannot.”

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March 31 2004 By virtueonline ECUSA: Unspinning Griswold's Letter to the Lambeth Commission

GRISWOLD: Rather than respond to the questionnaire I thought it would be more helpful were I to send to you to share with members of the Commission a description of some of the workings of the Episcopal Church, pertinent to your deliberations, and also to try to give some sense of how we have come to a point in our life where we find ourselves having given consent to the election and consecration of a man who shares his life with a member of the same sex.

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March 30 2004 By virtueonline The Tragedy That is Rowan Williams

It is an unbridgeable divide.

But what is truly tragic is that the leader of the Communion’s 70 plus million Anglicans is squarely on the side of the Western mindset. That is not opinion, it is fact.

And almost weekly, the utterances of Dr. Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury lends credence to that fact.

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March 30 2004 By virtueonline ALABAMA: Orthodox Dean Says HoB DEPO Statement "Unsatisfactory"

The Very Rev. Dr. Paul Zahl says that what is needed for the dissenting minority, is a suspension, in love, of business as usual, indeed a suspension, for a period of time, of the constitution and canons of ECUSA analogous to the Act of Synod in the Church of England, which would provide us a safe place to stand.

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