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SCOTLAND: Bishop accused of bullying urged not to return to role

But now four of the church's Bishops - including the Primus, the Most Reverend Mark Strange - have urged her to reconsider.

An open letter he asked her to consider "whether she is still the right person to lead the Diocese".

Bishop Dyer described the intervention as "ill-considered and inflammatory" and accused her colleagues of threatening her in "an unprofessional and un-Christian manner".

'Shock' that bishop bullying claim not being pursued


Canon Phil Ashey is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the American Anglican Council (AAC). A graduate of Stanford and Loyola Law School, he served as a Deputy DA in Orange County California. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1988 and spent twenty years leading Episcopal and Anglican congregations of all sizes in California, Virginia, and Pittsburgh--thirteen as a Rector and Church planter, and seven as a Senior Associate.

Presiding Bishop's Statement on the Accession of Anglican Missionary Congregations Europe to Anglican Network in Europe

I recognise that some take a more institutional view of Anglican unity, and also that others are pursuing different strategies to contend for the authority of scripture. Whilst we may differ about some views and approaches, our underlining unity continues to be in the truth of the gospel, summarised in the Jerusalem Declaration 2008.

Why are Sydney Anglicans in decline?

Another intriguing aspect is that there are fewer large churches, and the large churches declined faster than the smaller and medium size ones. Large means over 400, medium 200-- 399, and small 40--199. There were 107 'house' (i.e. less than 40), 213 small, 50 medium and 21 large. Meanwhile Hinduism and Islam are both growing -- largely due to immigration.

Church urged to offer hope and choice for people facing unwanted same-sex attraction

In his opening remarks on Friday, Dr Mike Davidson, chairman of the International Foundation for Therapeutic and Counselling Choice (IFTCC ), which organised the conference, said there was a need to engage with the prevailing discourse in the Church around "celibacy versus transformation".

His comments were in reference to the position of a section of the Church that believes it is possible to identify as Christian and gay, while remaining faithful to the teachings of the Bible on marriage and sexuality by committing to lifelong celibacy.

'The Whole of the West Is in Crisis' and for Christians to Disengage Is 'Absolutely Appalling': Os Guinness

Of course, Joseph pointed out, we all hear that there's "still so much more that unites us than divides us" -- a platitude that Guinness called outright "rubbish." "There's a huge difference in the culture, say, of California and the culture of Alabama. And as many people point out, the only unity is Home Depot. But that isn't what once united you. America as the world's first new modern nation [adopted the] motto 'E pluribus unum.' You had to have a 'unum' because you had such incredible diversity." Remember, he explained, the European nations already had linguistic or ethnic homogeneity.

Bishop Marc Andrus suspended, move illustrates TEC's dated approach to ethics and clergy discipline

While we fully support the decision to suspend Andrus, Anglican Watch also believes the move underscores the problems with Title IV and its implementation at the national level:

Former Episcopal Bishop Jack Iker ignored by Episcopal Church in death

Bishop Iker may have had serious theological differences with the Episcopal Church over women's ordination and engaged in a decade-long battle over buildings, but that does not negate the three-plus decades of sacerdotal faithfulness serving in Episcopal Church trenches.

But Bishop Iker's predecessor Bishop Clarence Pope was not forgotten in death by the Episcopal Church, even though he had the shortest episcopal reign in Fort Worth history (8 years) and had left the Episcopal Church a time or two waffling between the Episcopal Church and the Church of Rome.


We are watching as dioceses merge, columbaria fill up with aging Episcopalians, parishes shrink with many now seeing 'For Sale' signs. Bishops are selling diocesan headquarters for cash as they move into unused parishes and downsize to modest headquarters, laying off staff as they go. It is not a pretty sight. The average age of an Episcopalian is 69 I am told and they won't be around with their checkbooks in a decade.

More parishes are sharing rectors to cut costs. Parishes with endowment are doing better but endowments do not last forever.

'Atheism is a hopeless faith,' says John Lennox

Lennox wrote in response that he found himself to be a moral being and his heart cried out for justice.

"Atheism might seem to offer a solution by removing God from the equation, but in doing so, it removes all hope," wrote Lennox. "Without God, there is no ultimate justice, no life beyond death. Atheism is a hopeless faith."

Lennox said he had visited the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz many times "and each time I've wept." He understood why people become atheists in the face of such suffering. He also concurred that the issue of suffering itself is complicated.


Over 100 people gave their lives to Jesus, we saw physical healings, and broken hearts restored by the Lord.

After six weeks spent in Uganda we travelled to the Middle East where we once again had the opportunity to minister to the brokenhearted. We spent much of our time working with Syrian refugees by visiting homes, hosting private counselling sessions and partaking in English classes. In addition we worked hand in hand with local workers by serving them in whatever ways we could.

Is the Archbishop of Canterbury misleading everyone about the Prayers of Love and Faith (PLF)?

He then said, What the Archbishop of York and I, and the bishops, by a majority, by no means unanimous, and the church is deeply split over this. Where we've come to is to say that all sexual activity should be within a committed relationship and whether it's straight or gay. In other words, we're not giving up on the idea that sex is within marriage or civil partnership.

Why C of E bishops are so bland

Helmut Schmidt said politicians who have visions should see a doctor; maybe that should apply to bishops

Archbishop of York Visits and Preaches in Dying Anglican Church of Canada

Now the ACoC is rapidly dying, and his message is unlikely to change anything as the exiting Bishop of the Arctic Joey Royal noted this week when he said; "Isn't it strange that the more the ACoC faces its own extinction, the more its leadership speaks in increasingly abstract terms? Last General Synod [2023], we approved five 'transformational aspirations' with very little understanding of what any of it is supposed to accomplish. The main problem with the ACoC is that for decades it has been 'reimagining' itself into the image of the prevailing culture, and not the gospel.

32 million self-identified Christians who regularly attend a church might sit out the 2024 presidential election, an Arizona Christian University survey found

Sixty-eight percent of respondents suggested they were not voting simply due to a lack of interest, but 57% said they disliked all of the major options and 55% said none of the candidates reflected the views most important to them. Notably, 48% said they believe the election's outcome will be "rigged" anyway.

As with the general public, the top issue priorities of regular Christian churchgoers are the economy and mass immigration, although 41% also identify abortion as the most influential factor of who they support.

New Diocese of Susquehanna could see two more Dioceses Re-Unite in 2024

In 2026, the two dioceses will then become "The Diocese of Susquehanna". At this stage, both bishops will continue to serve, one as bishop diocesan, and the other as assistant. Also, during the transition nine committees will be at work dealing with Constitutions, Finances, Diocesan Staff, Commissions on ministry, Convocations, and other departments.

Critique & Pushback on FCE Story: Murphy Unfairly Treated, Writer Alleges

And so, whatever Biological Anthropology is, we had expected Dr Sture to be trained in logic. However, rather than addressing the substantive points raised by Rev Murphy, Dr Sture resorts to ad hominem attacks, hasty generalizations, and emotional appeals. But worst of all, the critique was a sad demonstration of how effeminate the church has become, wherein the use of strong language to defend God's honor is considered out of bounds, and brings into question the motivation of a critique from someone so far-removed from England and the personalities involved.


The result is an interesting patchwork of many different colours. Not only are the works reviewed different in nature and content, but the styles and expectations of the reviewers also vary. This leades to a mixture of biography, theological reflections, academic analysis, or an easy, direct style of writing. The chosen presentations and their reviews should, therefore, not necessarily be taken as being representative of the writings of their country, or as giving an overall picture of the situation in that country.

A titan of American Anglicanism has died

Bishop Iker was not a cowardly lion when it came to dealing with life threatening issues or The Episcopal Church's and its descent into spiritual decay and its scorched earth method of ligation. Instead, he earned the moniker "The Lion of Fort Worth" for his ferocious defense of the faith and property.

"I stand before you as the most sued Anglican bishop in all of North America," Bishop Iker said in 2010 when he told the United Kingdom's Forward in Faith's National Assembly being held in London, England.

SCOTLAND: Church will not pursue bullying claims against bishop

Bishop Dyer always denied the allegations of bullying and previously claimed she had faced "significant bullying and harassment" since taking up the role in 2018.

Her suspension has now been lifted and, in a statement, she said she believed justice had been served.

In a document outlining his reasons for the decision, Paul Reid KC said: "It has become apparent that the prospect of giving evidence, and in particular facing cross-examination in a public forum, is a source of anxiety for a number of potential witnesses."

A Christian Response to Polygamy, Incest, and Pedophilia

Each of these sins can be argued directly from natural law, yet there are no squabbles between general and special revelation. Christians must be able to defend the sanctity of monogamous, male-female marriage and the beauty of chastity against the pagan practices of the modern age, so what follows is a biblical and theological response to polygamy, pedophilia, and incest.

Polygamy (Nonmonogamous Partnerships)

Colorado Supreme Court sides with Jack Phillips in lawsuit over gender transition cake

Justice Melissa Hart authored the majority opinion, arguing that Scardina's discrimination claim was not properly processed before the lawsuit against Phillips was filed.

"Could the district court properly consider the claims of discrimination presented here? In light of this dispute's procedural journey, it could not," wrote Hart.

Hart noted that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission and the Colorado Civil Rights Division had previously agreed to "dismiss Scardina's administrative complaint against Masterpiece and Phillips" but "without participation by Scardina."


His move will have repercussions not only in the Arctic but across the whole Anglican Church of Canada. His theologically conservative voice will be missed in the House of Bishops and General Synod. He was also an active member of the Council of the North and the Ecclesiastical Province of the Northern Lights, as well as Communion Partners Canada, writes Sue Careless of Anglican Planet.

Unexpected Anglicanism in West Virginia

A successful Anglo-Catholic church plant in rural West Virginia is not something that I would have foreseen, but God is full of surprises. In a denomination in which most new church starts are in major metropolitan areas or college towns, Fitzwater saw God at work in an area that some of us overlook, and knew that historic Anglicanism offered helpful tools for connecting people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Indeed, there has been significant Anglican church planting activity across West Virginia.

Trinity School for Ministry
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