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Power Struggle at Barnabas Aid Leads to Charges and Counter Charges

The drama began when Barnabas Aid founder Patrick Sookhdeo, his wife Rosemary and two trustees, Caroline Kerslake and Dr. Prasad Phillips were suspended after complaints were made by whistleblowers. A power struggle for the organization began.

The board of Nexcus commissioned an independent investigation into the management of the charity and how donations were being spent. Sookhdeo was in the process of moving on and had announced his retirement, when the shake-up occurred.


Millennia ago, we may have been bound to the land where we were born, but if anything can be proved from the Bible, it is that people of faith are required to obey the call to leave their sheltered lives so that God's purpose can be worked out. Jesus, who never traveled more than 200 miles from the place of His birth, was nevertheless critical of those who relied on their birthrights to justify their actions.

Mariology and the New Testament: A Factual List

2 The number of independent Jesus sayings in the NT discouraging his followers from giving special significance to his mother qua mother (Mark 3:31-35, with parallels in Matthew and Luke; Luke 11:27-28)

2 The number of times in the NT that Jesus addresses Mary as "woman," as though she had no more significance to his identify as the Man from Heaven than any other woman (John 2:4; 19:26)

1 The number of times Jesus rebukes his mother directly in the NT (John 2:4; but indirectly twice more: Luke 2:49; Mark 3:33-34)

Richard Hays Thinks God Changed His Mind About Same-Sex Sex. Is He Right?

Readers might expect to find that Hays has changed his mind about the meaning of the verses that apparently prohibit same-sex sex. But he hasn't. Instead, he and his son, Christopher (an Old Testament professor at Fuller Theological Seminary), suggest God has changed his mind. If we read the Bible carefully, they argue, we'll find that "God repeatedly changes his mind in ways that expand the sphere of his love" (2).


It was not simply to take a hasty break in frantic outreach to the frail and famished in an urgent situation but Jesus intended to recommend, even command, an opportunity to enjoy private and close personal companionship with the unhurried Christ, totally available to his nearest friends in the whirl of their lives. A quiet place and adequate rest with Jesus were graciously afforded to his busy disciples. This was spiritual luxury. Jesus gave special time to tired workers; he saw this provision to be necessarily merciful.

'Wall of Silence,' a podcast about abuse in ACNA, was silenced. Now, it's back.

On Wednesday (Aug. 28), Marchand's podcast resumed with a 13-minute episode explaining the project's sudden return, without being able to fully explain where the calls to stop the podcast were coming from.

Though his bishop, Alberto Morales of the Diocese of Quincy, hasn't granted him permission to resume the podcast, which has garnered 500-1,000 listens per episode, Marchand intends to continue.


Today it is no different, except perhaps the shamelessness with which preachers operate and the tens of millions of dollars they con from their followers. It is not just bad doctrine that is being preached by the likes of Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons, or the heresies of a John Shelby Spong or Katharine Jefferts Schori; it is so called evangelical preachers masquerading as teachers of the word.

Bishop Schneider's False Witness Against the Reformers Isn't Backed by Evidence

He does, however, explain his claim by pointing out that in most cases at the time, a "moral corruption, i.e. a hidden or public unchaste life, was the cause which led these clergymen to intellectual corruption, since they saw in the new heretical theories a justification of their infidelity towards their promise of celibacy (as priests) or of the solemn vow of chastity (as religious)."

The Church must not be 'politely silent' over CofE breakaway, says rector

Holy Trinity Brompton has also expressed support for the creation of an alternative structure with different bishops.

In a recent sermon, Lucy Winkett declared: "We cannot, we must not remain politely silent in the face of this." She argued that such actions would institutionalize inequality and injustice within church structures, excluding women from leadership and isolating those who love someone of the same gender.


The Rabbi said the latest example of Welby coming out in support of the recent ICJ ruling against Israel puts him in direct opposition to the Bible. The International Court of Justice declared Israel to be an illegal occupier of Palestinian land in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Archbishop Welby gave his full backing to the ruling.

Here is what Welby said: “The ICJ has made clear that Isael’s presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is unlawful and needs to end rapidly. It is clear that ending the occupation is a legal and moral necessity.”

What are the Largest Anglican Seminaries?

Largest Anglican (ACNA) Seminaries HC FTE
Trinity School for Ministry 143 90
Nashotah House 112 76
Reformed Episcopal Seminary 12 8

Four evangelical seminaries offer Anglican studies tracks approved by the ACNA: Asbury Theological Seminary, Beeson Divinity School, Regent College, and Gordon-Conwell. United Methodist-affiliated Duke Divinity School has an Anglican Episcopal House of Studies educating students for ministry in both the Episcopal Church and the ACNA.


Christians are persecuted widely across the Arab and Islamic world. Christian communities have played a vital role in the Middle East. Middle Eastern Christians are relatively wealthy, well educated, and politically moderate, as they have today an active role in social, economic, sporting and political spheres in their societies in the Middle East.


But Smith identifies women's ordination as the first and most significant existential challenge to the ACNA, and what he wrote contributed to the flurry of public online letters that the bishops of the ACNA received (here and here) leading up to the June meeting to elect a new archbishop. At one point Smith suggests that the differences over women's ordination are so irreconcilable they could portend a divorce:

Secret communities: Why Afghanistan's tiny Christian population is growing

As a researcher for Open Doors, I have spent these past years documenting the dire realities faced by Afghan Christians. Since the Taliban's return, their situation has gone from bad to worse. Yet, amidst the darkness, there are faint but significant signs of hope, signs of what might be a fresh beginning for these embattled believers.


ALCUIN OF YORK (735 - 804)

With the emergence of the current European Union the Christian values and ideals fostered by Alcuin, and maintained by eminent thinkers of his persuasion, have been rudely discarded by the architects of the current EU constitution and its ambitions for the success of this massive economic community spanning the continent, striving at its center to realize the cunningly contrived ultimate goal of a federated super state able to rival even the USA on the world stage.

The West's Civilizational Moment * Church Decline Equals Loss of income * TEC Faces Fails Safeguarding Concerns * Diocese of Georgia Sells off Diocesan HQ * Fewer Evangelicals in US Than Thought * Evangelicals Rally for Harris; Should They? * More

There must be a recovery of the church, the institution which shaped our culture. If we are ever to recover our country and our culture it is imperative that we first recover our church. This is a task for all biblical Christians whether by prayer, encouragement, or action. The recovery begins with us. --- Campbell Campbell-Jack

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
August 23, 2024

Trinity School for Ministry
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