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Elite sports chaplain Ashley Null: 'The gospel is the antidote to performance-based identity'

The danger with the relentless researching of your subject in preparation for an interview is that you're bound to make some assumptions. My first was that Null, a Yale and Cambridge alumnus who is a leading expert on Thomas Cranmer and the theology of the English Reformation, might be intimidatingly intellectual and inaccessible to us mere mortals.

My second was that this might make for a difficult interview with an overly fastidious subject.

I was wrong on both counts.

SYDNEY: Archbishop says CofE Blessing of Same-Sex Marriages is "grievous abrogation of responsibility'

This decision is contrary to scripture and to Anglican expressions of the teaching of scripture in our formularies, including the Book of Common Prayer, and Lambeth resolution I.10, clearly affirmed by the Archbishop of Canterbury as the standard of Anglican doctrine as recently as the Lambeth Conference in 2022.

I'm very grateful for the gracious and courageous way in which many English brothers and sisters in Christ have taken a stand in their General Synod for biblical authority and the trustworthiness of Jesus' teaching on human identity and sexuality.


Lecture Introduction:
Our OCRPL faculty member Dr Anna Belele from Ukraine will introduce the LECTURE.

Nigerian Primate Accuses CofE Bishops of Jettisoning the Faith over Same Sex Blessings

Though the approval process has been described as a narrow win or victory by a vote by Houses:
Bishops 22 for, 12 against;
Clergy 99 for, 88 against; and
Laity 95 for, 91 against; it nevertheless shows the true state of a Church whose Bishops have abandoned the truth of God's Word and have sacrificed the authority of the Scripture for a postmodern Cultural trapping.


The bishops then reverted to their original plan and proposed to this July's Synod that "standalone services" now simply be commended. This was described as being "for a trial period," but that makes no sense given commendation is an episcopal judgment the prayers are already legal, and it was admitted during the Synod that once commended they were highly unlikely ever to be withdrawn.

Why stay (at least for now)?

Some are very happy with what is a clear trajectory: namely for what appear to be sexually-active relationships outside of heterosexual marriage to be blessed, including for clergy.


The references in the final sentence of this quotation to 'diverse jurisdictions,' 'a third province' and 'a church within a church' are all different ways of referring to the same idea, the idea put forward by the Alliance and the Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) that in the event that the House of Bishops and the General Synod continue down the path of permitting the blessing of same-sex sexual relationships and allowing those in same-sex sexual relationships to serve as ordained Church of England ministers, a third province of the Church of England should be created to prov

The Battle for Control of the Evangelical Dictionary

There are many concerns that I have with Preston Sprinkle's doctrine and teaching, but there are some main issues I want to point out here at the top. Firstly, I believe his teaching on homosexual desires to not be in alignment with the teaching of scripture. Secondly, I believe his teaching on what he calls "gay Christians" to be not only false but dangerous, as he attempts to domesticate evil.

KENYA: Anglican archbishop shares a message to Kenyans following recent unrest, calls for peace, unity and prayer

The anti-government protests happened in Nairobi and across other cities in Kenya. The demonstrations in Nairobi took a violent turn on June 25, with rights groups accusing officers of firing live rounds at demonstrators. Around 50 people have been killed to date.

Since that time, Sapit has called for stability and peace, lamenting injuries and casualties caused, and calling the international community to take notice of what is happening to the people of Kenya.


What is restored? The form of the Song answers the question. It's a polyphonic poem, interleaving the voices of male and female, whose halting dance of mutual desire is cheered on by a chorus. To the consternation of some conservative readers, the Bride initiates the duet, longing for the Bridegroom's inebriating kisses, intoxicated by his fragrance, hoping to escape to a chamber where they can drink together the wine of love. The Lover responds with praise of her eyes, her body, her beauty.


Heavenly Father,
We are so grateful that, in Jesus Christ, you broke down the barriers between us and You. Being forgiven, we can now come before your throne of grace without shame or fear. Now, we can fellowship with You, learn from You, and receive the guidance that we need for this life. We thank You for this great privilege.
At this time, we do not ask that You be with us, for we know that You are already with us; You are everywhere. And You have given us Your Holy Spirit.

Does the World Need the West?

And yet, the West is in a profound identity crisis, to the delight of anti-West ideologues. From Pride parades each June to intellectual elites, including a sitting member of the U.S. Supreme Court, who claim to not know what a woman is, Western society is increasingly unhitching from the traditional beliefs and values that grounded its understanding of human dignity. We are, as Os Guinness has often noted, a "cut flower civilization," and this detachment from those roots that brought the world such blessing has only left Western sins more pronounced and obvious.


There was tremendous pressure especially by the Jesuits who controlled Rome at the time to agree to this teaching that no precedence in church history, even though Catholics today are told that the idea goes back to the medieval church and even to antiquity. Arguments for "the primacy of Peter" were not initially directed to doctrinal truth, but rather as an attempt to strengthen the church's power. On this day in 1870 the council overwhelmingly adopted this statement:

Church of England Goes through Sexual Contortions to Permit the Impermissible

The first question is, why is the Church of England following in the footsteps of the Anglican Church of Canada and The Episcopal Church both of whom experienced schism over the issue. This has not been a win for either church. Ignoring reality won't make it go away. Or is there a colonial arrogance that says, 'we are the CofE ol' chap, the Mother Church, and we dictate the terms of Anglicanism...and sexual boundaries.'

CEEC responds to General Synod and plans way forward

Please do see our prayer pointers for the coming weeks as conferences, camps and festivals take place across the country.

Please do forward this email to a friend/church member who would like to be kept informed.

In Christ,


Revd Canon John Dunnett,
National Director, CEEC

The Spirit versus the Letter of the Law, Part I

To what extent are we free? As Jesus proclaimed, we know that Christians are free from the enslavement of sin, and as Paul indicated, we are also free from the enslavement of the Law. What does such freedom mean and what is the purpose of the Law (and of all rules and requirements in the scriptures, both OT and NT)? Here is the result of my biblical research to date.

Thinking about your Anglican future?

In October 2021, this blog predicted that the bishops would bring proposals for same-sex blessings to General Synod in February 2023 - and that they would do it without a two-thirds vote of Synod. It was a call to pray and prepare.

The CEEC have worked hard to rally the troops, first to stop and then to find a 'settlement' in this theological quandry. In recent months they have been joined by others, forming 'The Alliance' whose recent letter has caused so much uproar.


Like the Pharisees of old, they incur the same judgment of Jesus that they are blind guides, who will be uprooted, for they refuse to believe that sexual immorality defiles a person (Matthew 15:10-20).

Moving Forward in the Worship of God

In 2024, the process appears to have been relatively smooth, with Wood (whose name had not been publicly circulated) selected on the second day. In a final vote held after it was clear Wood had secured the necessary support to become Archbishop, Wood received unanimous support from all diocesan bishops. This cannot be waived off as a mere courtesy vote: it communicated that every diocesan found Wood to be acceptable to serve as the top bishop in the ACNA.

Synod: what happened and why does it matter?

This motion in support of all these changes only narrowly passed in the final vote:

For Against Abstain
Bishops 22 12 5
Clergy 99 88 2
Laity 95 91 2

The vote needed to be carried by a simple majority in each house. The laity vote was so close that if only two people had voted differently, the motion would have been lost. A helpful summary of the debate and speeches can be found here.

In the debate Helen Lamb powerfully explained why we have opposed these changes:


Archbishop Beach argued that the actions of the CoN violated the 2008 Jerusalem Declaration, especially Article 11 which states: "We are committed to the unity of all those who know and love Christ and to building authentic ecumenical relationships. We recognize the orders and jurisdiction of those Anglicans who uphold orthodox faith and practice, and we encourage them to join us in this mission."

Beach set out six areas of concern in the letter.

Is it any wonder that trust levels are falling in the Church of England?

In 2023, the Rt Hon Sir David Lidington, Chair of the Project Board examining the governance of the Church of England, told General Synod, "Let me be frank, having never previously been involved in Church governance, I have been personally shocked by the depth of resentment and mistrust that pervades relationships between different organisations, traditions and people within the Church family. Governance reform will not on its own deliver the cultural change needed, but it can help. Without governance reform, I believe it will be very hard to overcome mistrust."

CEEC commissions first set of overseers

At the service, the first 20 overseers were commissioned (with more to be commissioned in due course). The overseers comprise a group of Honorary Assistant Bishops, alongside other clergy from across the evangelical constituency (spanning charismatics and conservatives, egalitarians and complementarians). They will provide informal oversight to clergy and PCCs who feel a loss of confidence in the spiritual leadership of their bishop(s).

Trinity School for Ministry
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