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Church of England
October 15 2015 By dvirtue Archbishop Longley rejects synod proposal on Communion for Anglican spouses

If approved it would mean Anglicans being allowed to present themselves at Communion during Mass if they were married to a Catholic but unable to attend a service in their own denomination.

Archbishop Bernard Longley of Birmingham, co-chairman of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (Arcic), set up to further unity, has criticised the move, however, saying it did not meet the demands of either the Code of Canon Law or the Ecumenical Directory.

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October 15 2015 By dvirtue CHURCH OF ENGLAND: Sir Humphrey Appleby to train ethnic minority clergy for bishoprics

You see it just doesn't seem right to have coloured people in the Church of England wearing mitres and carrying crosiers. Where will it all end? There'll be bishops in the House of Lords with thick Nigerian accents. There'll bishops speaking to Prince Philip at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day with funny Indian accents. And these ethnic minorities might make terrible grammatical mistakes and split their infinitives.

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October 15 2015 By dvirtue Will revisionism save the C of E? We're about to find out

Some Dioceses have already posted their results, and the headline has been the election of Rev Andrew Foreshew-Cain as a representative for London. The background: In February 2014 the Bishops' post-Synod statement reiterated that the Church of England cannot bless same sex relationships nor change its doctrine of marriage.

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October 13 2015 By dvirtue UK: Married gay priest elected to Church of England Synod

But some traditionalist evangelicals called for the vote not only to be declared null but for him to be sacked as a clergyman because of his decision to marry his partner despite a Church-imposed bar on clerics entering same-sex marriages.

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October 08 2015 By dvirtue UK: ReNew Conference draws Hundreds of Clergy and Lay Leaders to Evangelize England

One of the highlights of ReNew was the presence and video message of Revd Rod Thomas, Bishop-designate of Maidstone, who promised to uphold the cause of Anglicans who held to a complementarian position on the issue of women in leadership. Bishop Rod noted the situation of evangelicals as 'feeling rather on the back foot in the Church of England and being aghast at some of the changes that are taking place.

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October 07 2015 By dvirtue UK: Retired bishop Peter Ball jailed for sex assaults

Peter Ball, 83, was sentenced to 32 months for misconduct in public office and 15 months for indecent assaults, to run concurrently.

The former Bishop of Lewes and Bishop of Gloucester used "religion as a cloak" to carry out the abuse between the 1970s and 1990s, the court heard.

The Church of England said there were "no excuses".

Ball was described by the judge at the Old Bailey, Mr Justice Wilkie, as a man who did "so much good and so much harm".

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October 05 2015 By dvirtue Bishop of London: The only division that matters is whether a church is dead or alive

He said the Church must be "vision-led, not problem-led" in the "post-denominational phase" we are now entering, seeking "street-level cooperation" between the Anglican Church and the wider Church body.

The key to growth, according to Chartres, is whether a church is dead or alive, not whether it is Anglican or not.

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October 02 2015 By dvirtue UK: Archbishop delivers on promise to make a "headship evangelical" bishop

Dr Paul Weston from Ridley Hall preached on the readings for St Matthew's Day. He spoke humorously of his experience at a Speed Awareness Course (on which he had been trying to enrol for years). He noted that for many on such a course sin was to be 'caught out'. The apostle's words that "God has shone in our hearts" shows that the real question is whether our life matches that of Jesus Christ. "Jesus came not to call the righteous, but the serious", he said.

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October 02 2015 By dvirtue UK: Gay clergy who defied bishops by marrying their male partners run for CofE Synod

If Canon Jeremy Pemberton and the Rev Andrew Foreshew-Cain win places on the General Synod, it will embarrass bishops who issued guidance last year banning clergy from entering same-sex marriages.

Canon Pemberton, a hospital chaplain in Lincolnshire, is in the middle of a court battle with a bishop who 'sacked' him from his role as a priest, while Mr Foreshew-Cain has been privately rebuked by his bishop,

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September 29 2015 By dvirtue A Catholic Life in the Church of England: New Statement by the Bishops of The Society

The bishops once again reject any so-called "theology of taint" (whereby a bishop who ordains women as bishops or priests thereby invalidates his own orders and the orders of those whom he subsequently ordains). They explain and endorse the aspiration of ordinands to be ordained by a bishop with whom they are in full communion (because they are able to receive the ministry of all whom that bishop ordains).

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