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Church of England
July 12 2013 By virtueonline Disappointing Welby

Too many...think that same-sex marriage is merely a question of sexual ethics. They fail to see that gay marriage, and the concomitant collapse of marriage among poor and working-class heterosexuals, makes perfect sense given the autonomous individualism sacralized by modernity and embraced by contemporary culture-indeed, by many who call themselves Christians.

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July 11 2013 By virtueonline You are no longer in marketing, Your Grace

The C of E has only one way to go. "We must accept there is a revolution in the area of sexuality." Only thus can the Church contain some of the pent-up hostility to it.

Let me see if I get this right. The reason people are leaving the Church in droves is that they can't abide by its opposition (rather meek opposition, it has to be said) to an abomination that no Christian can possible countenance while remaining a Christian.

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