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Church of England

“This is an atrocious and inexcusable act and my prayers and thoughts go out to the young people and their families at this upsetting time. I appeal to those who have taken these schoolgirls to release them immediately and unharmed. This is in a part of Nigeria I have visited and in a country whose people are close to my heart. Let your hearts be open in compassion and mercy to those who have suffered so much.”


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May 07 2014 By virtueonline 7 in 10 Conservatives Believe the Church of England is Left-Wing

Despite concerns about the behaviour of the Church many Conservatives are still opposed to the divorce of Church and state, a political view point known as antidisestablishmentarianism (also one of the English language’s longest words). Only 22 percent of Conservatives support a separation, whilst 72 percent support the link.

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April 28 2014 By virtueonline ‘We are living in a post-Christian Britain and things will get worse’ - Williams

Lord Williams’s comments come in the wake of remarks by David Cameron, the Prime Minister, that Christians should be ‘more evangelical’ about their faith and that Britain is a Christian country.

Mr Cameron’s comments led to a plethora of atheists coming forward to claim that Britain was a secular country culminating in Nick Clegg, the deputy premier, calling for the disestablishment of the Church of England.

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April 27 2014 By virtueonline C of E split fear as African bishops speak out on SS clergy weddings

Their intervention follows the civil wedding this month of Canon Jeremy Pemberton, a hospital chaplain, and his partner Laurence Cunnington under new laws pushed through by David Cameron.

Mr Pemberton, from Southwell, Nottinghamshire, is facing disciplinary action from the Bishop of Lincoln Christopher Lowson for disobeying the House of Bishops’ ruling that gay clergy should not marry because marriage should only be between a man and a women.

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April 25 2014 By virtueonline Archbishop of Canterbury: Sometimes I think: 'This is impossible' - Part 1 & II

That is how an unlikely agreement was reached over women bishops, but the Church’s attitude to sexuality is an even more divisive issue that could lead to walk-outs, if it hasn’t already. There will always be some people who just don’t want to be brought together. “Yes. Quite.”

He also has little control over what the Church does with its money, as we shall find out.

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April 24 2014 By virtueonline UK: Attorney General: Rise of fundamentalism is 'damaging' Christianity

He told The Telegraph: “I do think that there has been a rise of an assertiveness of religious groups across the spectrum. That is why those with softer religious views find it disturbing and say they don’t want anything to do with it.”

It shouldn’t be a surprise that the PM has got religion 18 Apr 2014
Christianity faces catastrophic collapse 'after decade of immigration' 16 May 2013

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April 22 2014 By virtueonline Furious debate after David Cameron claims we are a Christian country

The battle of Haycombe Chapel’s cross encapsulates Britain’s increasingly fractious relationship with its Christian heritage and the tension between those who seek a proudly areligious society and those, including the Prime Minister, who believe we should be more outspoken about our foundation faith.

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April 21 2014 By virtueonline Archbishop of Canterbury likens foodbanks to suffering in Syria

The new Bishop of Durham, the Rt Rev Paul Butler, highlighted the demand for food banks in a sermon on the theme of fear.

Meanwhile the Bishop of Truro, Rt Rev Tim Thornton, criticised Government cuts directly, saying they were having “sinful consequences”.
It comes after weeks of pressure from clergy from the main denominations over whether growing numbers of people are going hungry despite the economic recovery.

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April 21 2014 By virtueonline Muslims and Jews know their sacred texts. Why don't Christians?

If the bishops fail in this, Christians will become a community filled with ignorant and therefore insecure men and women. They will feel threatened both by secularists and the followers of other religions. They will be the uncomfortable element in the all-embracing multicultural Britain the Coalition and Labour like to talk of.

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April 06 2014 By virtueonline Welby wages war on Wonga's Payday loans in Church's classrooms

‘There is a huge amount of work that has already been done in this area – by charitable institutions, by credit unions and a number of Government initiatives. But I think there is room for more to be done, particularly in primary schools.’

The Church of England has no power to rewrite the curriculum and Sants said that it would ‘take time to work out’ how to develop the agenda in collaboration with school authorities.

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