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Church of England
November 19 2013 By virtueonline Church of England discusses overhaul of 'rude and unchristian' Synod

Amid the anger over the outcome of that vote last November, there were calls for Parliament to step in or even for the Synod to be dissolved.

The issue of women bishops will be top of the agenda when the Synod is meeting for three days in London next week.

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November 17 2013 By virtueonline UK: Give 10% of your Christmas spending to food banks, says ABC

'Don't overstretch yourself and end up with an enormous debt hangover.'

Archbishop Welby's warning comes as it was revealed that Britons will spend an average of £28.70 on each present this Christmas - an increase of £1.70 on the figure for 2012.

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November 14 2013 By virtueonline LONDON: Pressure of Christmas 'spoils life': Archbishop of Canterbury

Instead, he urged families to "show" love and affection rather than try to "buy it".

In his first comments on the festive period since becoming the Anglican leader, the archbishop acknowledged: "It's a cliche of modern life that someone gets up and says Christmas is becoming very materialistic, as though it wasn't 300 years ago."

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November 13 2013 By virtueonline UK: Secularists want Christian coronation oath scrapped

Speaking to The Sunday Times, a Church of England source warned that if the secularists' bid is successful it would hasten the removal of Christianity from public life.

Arun Arora, the Director of Communications for the Church of England, said: "As a flawed publicity stunt, this attempt to politicise the coronation is sadly misguided and deeply misjudged by an increasingly desperate campaign group of barely 10,000 members."


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November 12 2013 By virtueonline UK: Theresa May seeks to outlaw Christian street preachers

In a formal legal opinion being circulated to peers, he savages the proposals as opening the way for the outright "suppression" of anything deemed "potentially annoying" with only "vague" justification.

The proposed safeguards to prevent abuse of the new system are "shockingly" weak, he writes.

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October 17 2013 By virtueonline A gap is growing within the Church of England

Recent research on Anglicans suggests that there is indeed a gap between official and popular opinion in the Church of England but that it is not the one that Kelley would have predicted.

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October 15 2013 By virtueonline Since when did the Ch. of England decide to curl up in a corner and wait to die

Fortunately for Bishop Nick, this was not actually the case. The supposed source was a press release from the Church of England announcing their new Pilgrim discipleship course. The course has been designed in particular for new Christians who want to grow in their faith and become more mature disciples of Jesus. The press release mentions that the course offers an approach of "participation, not persuasion".

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October 14 2013 By virtueonline 'Catholic' confession is good for the soul - says Archbishop of Canterbury

He spoke of being part of a wider "catholic tradition", adding: "I've learnt over the last 10 years about the great sacrament of reconciliation: confession.

"It is enormously powerful and hideously painful when it's done properly ... it's really horrible when you go to see your confessor - I doubt you wake up in the morning and think, this is going to be a bunch of laughs.

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October 06 2013 By virtueonline UK: Judges bid to banish the Bible from court - oath no longer taken seriously

It is claimed the new oath would be fairer for everyone and make it easier to understand the importance of what they are saying.

But critics point out non-believers already have the option of promising to tell the truth without any reference to a sacred text, and that the change would further erode Britain's Christian heritage.

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October 03 2013 By virtueonline Discipleship course launched with blessing from Archbishop of Canterbury

The course's core authors are the Bishops of Chelmsford, Sheffield and Stockport, (Stephen Cottrell, Steven Croft, Robert Atwell) and Dr Paula Gooder, writer and lecturer in New Testament studies. Speaking at Lambeth Palace this morning, the Bishop of Chelmsford, the Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell, said that for most people becoming a Christian is 'like a journey'. Evangelism, he added, should therefore be focused on 'helping people make the journey'.

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