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Church of England
November 18 2015 By dvirtue ENGLAND: Forward in Faith Assembly completes transition

After a keynote presentation by the Rt Revd Jonathan Goodall, Bishop of Ebbsfleet, on the Society bishops' recent statements on Communion, Catholicity and a Catholic Life, the Assembly replaced constitutional references to Forward in Faith's previous Communion Statement.

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November 16 2015 By dvirtue ENGLAND: Compassion To Refugees, Not Capitulation To Islamic State

Having said that, we must also ask about the causes of the crisis and what can be done to address them. We have to ask too about the role of international agencies in the crisis, as well as that of regional powers.

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November 11 2015 By dvirtue ENGLAND: Debating the Pemberton Tribunal

Jeremy's opening comment was that the verdict was no surprise to him. This was interesting, since it contradicted the confident comments of his supporters prior to the judgement being announced, and suggests that Jeremy initiated the case not because he would win, but because it would gain publicity. Presumably the same will be true of his planned appeal.

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November 02 2015 By dvirtue UK: Christians must not be afraid to disagree with Muslims about the nature of God

Writing in the latest Evangelicals Now, Dr Ovey has warned that Christians publicly opposing the tenets of Islam could in the near future risk jail: 'There is a risk, increasingly, that some of us may go to prison if we say what we must say in public about Islam and its blasphemous denial of the deity of the Son' (of God).'

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October 30 2015 By dvirtue Church of England rocked by third abuse priest in as many weeks

It comes after former Bishop of Lewes, Peter Ball, was jailed for 32 months on October 7 for committing acts of "debasement" in the name of religion with regards 18 vulnerable victims.

On Thursday last week, former Bishop of Chichester George Bell, was also outed as an offender after the Church paid compensation to a victim he abused more than 50 years ago.

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October 26 2015 By dvirtue UK: Don't see God as a man says first woman bishop to sit in the House of Lords

The bishop said God should not be gendered and said while she knowns many will disagree, she believes the Church of England should use both male and female pronouns when referring to God

Treweek, who is one of just six female bishops in the Church of England, said she chooses not say 'he' or 'she', but instead uses 'God', although she admitted she does occasionally forget.

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October 26 2015 By dvirtue ENGLAND: Forward in Faith defends the Seal of the Confessional

Such a change would be undesirable and counterproductive. It would discourage people who have committed criminal offences from making their confession, reducing the likelihood of a priest being in a position to counsel them to report themselves to the Police. The time and energy expended in promoting such a controversial piece of legislation could be deployed more profitably in other ways.

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October 22 2015 By dvirtue CHURCH OF ENGLAND: Revered Bishop George Bell was a paedophile

The Church of England has issued a formal apology to the victim, who wishes to remain anonymous and has asked even for their gender not to be disclosed, and settled a legal claim for compensation.

The victim first came forward in 1995 but the complaint was effectively ignored by the then Bishop of Chichester, Eric Kemp, who died in 2009.

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October 20 2015 By dvirtue Cameron should listen to Syrian bishops, not the Anglican ones

He was, naturally grateful for the CofE bishops taking an interest. "Love-wise, Christian feelings-wise, it is a good move", he said of the letter on today's Sunday Programme on Radio 4. From the perspective of what actually works, however, he intimated it was pretty well the opposite of what Christians in Syria want. "We suffer that our people would leave the country", he said. So, not so keen on encouraging the exodus.

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October 19 2015 By dvirtue The Church of England is not dying -- it is regenerating

Well believe it or not large parts of the Church of England are just about there and as you might expect, it's not a great place to be. The parish system has been on its last legs for years. Individual clergy have been taking responsibility for more and more churches meaning their limited time and resources are spread increasingly thinly.

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