Read moreWhat follows offers an interpretation of its main content and significance. It is designed especially for those in ECUSA, as they approach General Convention and as they prepare to make decisions which will have a major effect not only on their own church but on the Church of England, the wider Anglican Communion and the whole church catholic.
Read moreFrom the 1840s to the end of the19th century, key leaders believed that the culturally dominant form of Methodism had slipped from its original commitments and formed splinter groups to revive the concern for holiness taught by Methodist founder John Wesley. These groups served the poor and culturally marginalized, and taught them principles of holy living. Some split with the Methodist Episcopal Church over the issue of slavery.
Read moreThe cluster of issues I wish to address has to do with the way in which the church is called to live out its convictions regarding the meaning of sexuality, particularly as it deals with real people whose lives do not yet reflect fully God's intention for human life.
Read more"There is one number in our denomination which keeps going up," Coyner said. "It is the percentage of churches that did not receive even one person as a new member by profession of faith, a number that is now up to 43 percent.
"If there is any number in our denomination that is steadily growing, that is it, and it is causing all kinds of other numbers to decline, including our ability to stand before God and say we are doing a good job in making disciples."
Read more"And now, forasmuch as I am come to the last end of my life, whereupon hangeth all my life past, and all my life to come, either to live with my Master Christ for ever in joy, or else to be in pain for ever with wicked devils in hell, and I see before mine eyes presently either heaven ready to receive me, or else hell ready to swallow me up: I shall therefore declare unto you my very faith how I believe, without any color or dissimulation; for now is no time to dissemble, whatsoever I have sa
Read morePieper argues that the virtue of prudence (the perfected ability to make right decisions) has all but dropped out of the modern mind. It is his view that we need to recapture the meaning of prudence, because all human virtue hangs upon it. No human action or decision can be good if it is not first and foremost prudent. The other classical virtues, namely justice, fortitude, and temperance, are virtues because they are fundamentally prudent.
Read moreWhat rationale did British evangelicals give for getting involved in social reform?
Read moreThe great strength of Evangelicalism is its proclamation of the gospel as revealed in Scripture. That is first. The apostles were not sent forth to preach the catholic tradition, nor did they preach the Holy Spirit before Christ. They preached Jesus Christ as Lord, risen from the dead, the only way to the Father. The Spirit empowered them to do this and their preaching formed the church.
Read moreProfessor Weiner commences his monograph with a brief look at the wider issue of "Christians living in a Muslim world". He notes, "Despite the liberal and secular trends that gained strength from the middle of the nineteenth century, this statute [Islam] continues, to this day, to influence cultural, social, and legal practices.
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