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Theology, History & Science
January 16 2006 By virtueonline AMIA: Where are we in the Anglican Communion? - by John H. Rodgers

A, Essential formal marks of Anglican Identity

First what makes Anglicans to be Anglicans? What are the formal or essential marks of Anglicanism past and present.

I suggest that there are five elements essential to Anglican identity: 1. A Common Faith, 2. A Common Mission, 3. A Common Worship and 4. A Common ordained Ministry. 5. Some form of authorized belonging and recognition.

1. A Common Faith

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January 09 2006 By virtueonline J.C. Ryle on the 39 Articles

I MUST begin this paper with an apology. My subject may seem at first sight dry, dull, and uninteresting. But I ask my readers to believe that it is not so in reality. There are few points about which it is so important for English Churchmen to have clear and correct views, as about the nature, position, and authority of the Thirty-nine Articles.

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January 05 2006 By virtueonline The Gospel vs Another Gospel in ECUSA - by Bruce Flickinger

The actual reality, however, has often been lost under the caricature of the efforts undertaken to try to discredit authentic, classical, apostolic Christian faith as it had been known from the time just after Jesus to the Enlightenment period in Europe .

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December 23 2005 By virtueonline Deliver us from 'Corporate Perversion'

The Communiqué from the Third South to South Encounter is a landmark in the history of the Anglican Communion, for the reason that the non-western member churches of the Communion came together and engaged the Communion on questions of its fundamental calling as the 'one, holy, catholic and apostolic church'.

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December 16 2005 By virtueonline Evangelicalism in the [Protestant] Episcopal Church of the USA

Looking back, the evangelical school of the Church of England and the Protestant Episcopal Church in the mid-nineteenth century may be characterized in six ways, by its commitment to:

Conversionism - expecting repenting, believing sinners to have an experience of conversion;

Activism - showing evangelistic energy and busy pastoral work;

Biblicism - committed to the final authority of the holy Scriptures for faith and conduct;

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December 15 2005 By virtueonline Jesus, was he Miraculous? - By Peter Jensen

Paradoxically, this attitude was in part the product of Protestant theology. In the sixteenth century, the Protestants took two moves which unintentionally fed into the scepticism of a later age. The first Protestant emphasis was on God's power. They saw much religion as an attempt to manipulate God, akin to magic. They saw it as the church enabling people to contribute to their own salvation, by their own efforts.

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December 13 2005 By virtueonline Jesus, Religious Genius or Failed Prophet? - by Peter Jensen

Let's look more closely at it: There is the intimate opening, 'Father', typical of Jesus, but untypical of the religion of his day. There is its brevity - just five requests. And there is the absence of religious palaver - no monumental or mystical flattery of God, just five short 'asks'. And what are we asking? Only for an apocalyptic cataclysm.

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December 08 2005 By virtueonline The Psychology Behind Homosexual Tendencies

Fitzgibbons: Those with deep-seated homosexual tendencies identify themselves as homosexual persons and are usually unwilling to examine their emotional conflicts that caused this tendency. Strong physical attraction is present to other men's bodies and to the masculinity of others due to profound weakness in male confidence.

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December 05 2005 By virtueonline THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER

"And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. . . . And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem (because he was of the house and lineage of David), to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.

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November 23 2005 By virtueonline Official Vatican Document on Homosexuality

In light of this rich teaching, the present Instruction does not intend to dwell on all the issues in the affective or sexual realm that require attentive discernment throughout the entire period of formation. It contains norms regarding a particular issue, made more urgent by the current situation, and that is the admission or not to Seminaries and Holy Orders of candidates that have deep-seated homosexual tendencies.

1. Affective maturity and spiritual fatherhood (paternity)

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