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Theology, History & Science
September 03 2005 By virtueonline The Negative Health Effects of Homosexuality

Instability and promiscuity typically characterize homosexual relationships. These two factors increase the incidence of serious and incurable stds. In addition, some homosexual behaviors put practitioners at higher risk for a variety of ailments, as catalogued by the following research data:

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August 25 2005 By virtueonline The Virgin Birth (Two meditations) - by Stephen Noll

Does this scholarly reserve leave us in perpetual doubt? I do not think so. First of all, the prophet Isaiah obliquely and Matthew and Luke directly attest to the Virgin Birth as a miraculous historical event, and no other authors contradict them. Secondly, the Church has consistently taught that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin. (Raymond Brown accepts the Virgin Birth on this authority.) Thus Scripture and tradition agree.

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August 11 2005 By virtueonline Shards of evidence: Palace of King David Found

It is here that Mazar - the 48-year-old widowed mother of four and granddaughter of renowned archeologist Professor Benjamin Mazar - began excavating in February, in a dig sponsored by the conservative Jerusalem think tank, the Shalem Center, where she is a senior fellow, together with the academic support of the Hebrew University.

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August 02 2005 By virtueonline False Doctrine, Heresy & Schism

How grave a matter, theologically, is the blessing of same-sex unions?

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July 26 2005 By virtueonline CHURCH OF ENGLAND: HOB issues pastoral statement on civil partnerships

The statement notes that the new legislation makes no change to the law in relation to marriage and that the Government has stated that it has no intention of introducing 'same-sex' marriage. It also notes that the Act leaves 'entirely open the nature of the commitment that members of a couple choose to make to each other when forming a civil partnership. In particular, it is not predicated on the intention to engage in a sexual relationship.'

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July 22 2005 By virtueonline Women priests? - by E. L. Mascall

Secondly - and this is closely connected with the first point - it must be stressed that what we are concerned with is the Catholic priesthood, as that has come down to us in the great episcopal communions of East and West, and not with the various forms of ministry that exist in the Protestant churches and communities.

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July 18 2005 By virtueonline ANGLICAN BELIEF AND PRACTICE

II. The Church

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July 01 2005 By virtueonline "Stay in the Boat...." - by David Roseberry

"No matter what happens and what seems to come at us, we need to stay in the boat. The Texas saying is "you dance with the one that brung you." It is the same principle. If you are following Jesus on to the stay with Jesus in the boat...even if he appears to be sleeping!

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June 29 2005 By virtueonline Shipwreck and Kingdom: Acts and the Anglican Communion

But actually I was delighted when I heard that you had been mulling over Acts, because I've been doing that as well; and I believe there are fresh things to be heard from within this great book, which comprises roughly one-eighth of the whole New Testament and yet is often neglected as we analyze the gospels and squabble over Paul.

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June 28 2005 By virtueonline REFORM IRELAND: Hopes Shattered by ECUSA's document at ACC

The document seeks to connect the acceptance within ECUSA of 'same-sex affection' (Note the new 'gentle' marketing term!) with the acceptance of societal outcasts by Christ, with the experience of the early church in accepting Gentile Christians, with women's ordination and even with the acceptance of the length of a man's hair (2.17).

In response we would say that today homosexuality is not an outcast in western society but is accepted, embraced and promoted widely.

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