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Reformation & Revival
December 21 2008 By virtueonline UK: Scientists Ask Can Reason And Religious Faith Be Reconciled

To add to all this misery, Enoch Powell had made his inflammatory 'rivers of blood' speech in Birmingham, igniting a race relations crisis. Meanwhile, in the U.S., Richard Nixon, already presciently regarded by many as a crook, was elected president.

Artist Michelangelo was commissioned by Pope Julius II between 1508 and 1512 to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Here, God gives life to Adam

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December 07 2008 By virtueonline Christian worldview - an interview with Ravi Zacharias

A: I am totally convinced the Christian faith is the most coherent worldview around. Everyone: pantheist, atheist, skeptic, polytheist has to answer these questions: Where did I come from? What is life's meaning? How do I define right from wrong and what happens to me when I die? Those are the fulcrum points of our existence. I deal with cultural issues whether they be in the Middle East, Far East, the Orient or the West.

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November 20 2008 By virtueonline JESUS AND MUSLIMS: LESSONS FROM JOHN 4 - "Stuart Caldwell"

At the same I am aware of a growing atmosphere among American Christians that I would describe as fearful apprehension. I see responses among my fellow believers that call for political responses such as lobbying for the closures of mosques, or the censure of all immigration on the part of people from Islamic areas.

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The next meeting of the Association for Church Renewal is scheduled for March 9 & 10, 2009 at the Holiday Inn, Key Bridge, Arlington, Va. (Washington D.C.) from 9:00 A.M. Monday until Noon on Tuesday.

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September 26 2008 By virtueonline Greatest Christian Revival in Church History Happening in China - David W.Virtue

Yun said he became a believer in Jesus Christ when his father was supernaturally healed of cancer.

"I received a call to serve the Lord and to preach the gospel during the Cultural Revolution in China. As a result, I was arrested and ended up in prison several times.

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September 15 2008 By virtueonline Report Tracks Megachurch Growth, Changes

Protestant congregations that already have at least 2,000 people in a typical weekend had an average rate of growth for five years of around 50 percent. And over 20 percent of megachurches experienced an increase of 100 percent. Slightly more than 10 percent of the churches showed stagnation or decline.

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July 17 2008 By virtueonline Surprised By Grace: How The Risen Christ Can Change A Mainline Pastor

[i]Furthermore, this hope is based on the promise of the One True God that the Good News of the Risen Christ was not only for the Apostle's and their hearers, but also for covenant children (Acts 2:39 & 1 Corinthians 7:14) and whomever else the Lord wills to call. Taking our confidence in the Lord of 2 Chronicles 7:14, we unite in prayer for the conversion of all those within the mainline who reject the joyous truth of God's Word. This autobiographical essay was originally posted by Rev.

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July 09 2008 By virtueonline KAMPALA Uganda: Groom the youth for leadership - Archbishop Orombi

He said the youth needed to be integrated in the leadership so that they prepare to take over in the future.

"Some of us sleep early and wake up late because of our age but for the youth, it is different."

Orombi said his entourage composed of young people, whom he was instilling in evangelical skills before he retired.

"When I retire, I will go to my country home in Nebbi and wait for heaven," Orombi said.

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June 26 2008 By virtueonline Mainline Renewal Leaders Support the Witness of the GAFCON in Jerusalem

According to Association for Church Renewal President, David Runnion-Bareford, "THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE," published by the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) of over 300 bishops from around the world, is an historic call to revival, renewal and reformation for the whole church. "God has surely raised up this leadership from Africa, Asia and South America to confront the dereliction of the western church in our time," says Rev. Runnion-Bareford.

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May 29 2008 By virtueonline Thousands of Young Christians Adopt 'Humble Orthodoxy'

Over the last four days, some 3,500 young adults engaged in the study Scripture while leaving the self righteousness at home. The young Christians traveled to Louisville, Ky., for the 2008 New Attitude conference to focus on "God's Word" and take up "humble orthodoxy" - believing, living and representing biblical truth with humility.

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