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Theology, History & Science
June 15 2004 By virtueonline Different Gods - by Douglas Farrow

To his horror he could only regard it as heretical. ‘I therefore said to Fezer on 23 January, “We have different beliefs, different spirits, and a different God.”’ ‘That proved a bombshell. Wild tumult broke out. Fezer turned pale and was almost helpless, and some people … shouted, “Can Barth be serious?” Others … wanted to leave the place and others again wanted to throw Karl (Barth) out.

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June 14 2004 By virtueonline Newman's Treatment of Luther in the Lectures on Justification - by John C. Perry

This essay will show how Newman's hermeneutics were unfair to Luther's own point of view on justification. His citations of Luther's texts, partial and misleading, were standard for the Oxford movement from the time of Hurrell Froude. The position taken here is that Newman's treatment of Luther was more an intra-Anglican argument with the Evangelicals in his own church than an argument with Luther or the Lutherans.

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April 28 2004 By virtueonline Nicea and the "Invasion" of Bishops in Other Dioceses - by Dr. Robert J. Sanders

When one reads the acts of the Council of Nicea, several facts become readily apparent. First, it was understood that bishops belonged to the order of the Church. That is to say, all Christians were to be under the oversight of a bishop. Further, there was to be only one bishop in each diocese, or only one ruling bishop. Third, bishops were not to officiate in dioceses other than their own, except perhaps, by invitation.

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April 23 2004 By virtueonline The Death of Death in the Death of Christ - by Terence Kelshaw

The commentator had high praise for what is sometimes called the thinking man's church, the Episcopalians, because apparently we do not take the gospel story literally but rather as a set of spiritual insights to help us toward our becoming Christ.

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April 18 2004 By virtueonline CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL: Archbishop of Canterbury's Easter Sermon

The point was that most of those who first heard the Easter gospel would have found it grotesque or even frightening. Resurrection was not a joyful sign of hope but an alarming oddity, something potentially very dangerous. The dead, if they survived at all, lived in their own world - a shadowy place, where they were condemned to a sort of half-life of yearning and sadness.

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April 12 2004 By virtueonline Some of My Best Friends are Gay: A Guide to Same-Sex Marriage- by Samuel Silver

This critical debate is not truly between homosexuals and heterosexuals;
it is between two opposing worldviews, one secular and the other
religious. [2] Approximately 80% of Americans hold a religious
worldview, [3] but the secular left has done an excellent, yet
nefarious, job of dividing those with a religious worldview through
false stereotyping. Their manipulative divide & conquer strategy has led

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March 30 2004 By virtueonline "Christianity and Islam", Collision or Convergence - by George Carey

The theme of my course at the Gregorian has been ‘Unity and Mission’. My desire to offer a lecture on Christian-Muslim relations tonight has not only been fired by the course I have given, but also because for the last ten years or so it has been an important strand in my ministry as a Christian leader.

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March 30 2004 By virtueonline AMiA: Report Released on Women's Ordination

This ministry of "the priesthood of all believers" or of "the whole people of God," involves us all. Men and women are both gifted by God. They bring complementary sensibilities to ministry, and both need to be properly equipped, openly commissioned and fully recognized in the ministry of the Gospel. Given the tremendous scope of the mission that lies before us in a fallen world and in a secular society, we all need to be fully involved in ministry.

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March 20 2004 By virtueonline ORTHODOXY: The Real Watershed - by Peter C. Moore

One of Brown’s astonishing claims (presented as fast-paced truth) is that Jesus was never considered divine until, at the Emperor Constantine’s insistence, the Council of Nicea voted him so in 325 A.D. Brown doesn’t explain why Christians of that day never noticed this sudden change in their doctrine of Christ.

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March 18 2004 By virtueonline OHIO: Canon Theologian Responds to Ohio's Actions

These and other similar steps are part of a larger picture of an
Episcopal community in crisis whose primary overseers remain sadly in

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