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Theology, History & Science
January 19 2005 By virtueonline ECUSA'S GOD - by Dr. Philip Turner

How then does one both identify and assess the "working theology" of a church? There are theological articles and books of theology. There are liturgies, and confessional statements. Nonetheless, the contents of these documents do not necessarily control the working theology of a church. The theology contained therein may in fact not appear in the texts of Sunday's sermons.

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January 18 2005 By virtueonline Orthodox Theologian Responds to Sanders - by Ephraim Radner

However, I think he deeply misunderstands the wider context in which I have attempted to articulate a "theology of staying put". He seems to think that this context represents a kind of general or even absolute vision of the Church and of salvation history. Thus, he looks in the index of my recent book, and sees that the Cross is mentioned many times, but the Resurrection not at all. How can this represent anything other than a truncated version of the Gospel? he wonders.

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January 18 2005 By virtueonline Are we stronger than He? - by David Short

The current crisis of Anglicanism in Canada and the USA reflects a deep and disturbing change in Western culture. We are living through a profound cultural shift in the way men and women enter, leave and re-enter sexual relationships, and in the way we think about child-bearing, nurture and family structure. Cohabitation, for example, has virtually replaced engagement, and increasingly couples have children later, out of marriage, if at all.2

There are four elements in this shift.3

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January 17 2005 By virtueonline Eucharist and the Present Conflict in the Church - by Robert Sanders

I first heard of Radner's book from clergy and laity who found it rather heavy going. Radner uses complex phrasing and extensive vocabulary. He moves with an air of mastery from century to century, theologian to theologian, concept to concept. This sense of mastery is heightened by the glowing praises on the back cover from the highest theological authorities. I strongly suspect that there may be readers who will not clearly discern the true shape of Radner’s argument.

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January 11 2005 By virtueonline A WORD IN SEASON - by Christopher Seitz

I hope that a transcript of the entire proceeding will be made. It was difficult for me to pre-judge the audience and the level of their awareness of the Windsor Report, and for this reason I prepared three different sets of comments. “A Word in Season” formed the basis for my opening remarks. There are areas of overlap with the other two sets of remarks.

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January 04 2005 By virtueonline Understanding Congregational Core Values - by Kevin Martin

What I learned from this work was how much emphasis the Center put on the creation and understanding of Core Values. Yes, they did have their participants write a mission statement for the new work, but they spend much more time helping the planters spell out the core values to be the foundations for this new congregation. Furthermore, they insisted that a new church should have three Core Values and no more than four! Over time I learned how true this is.

What Are Core Values?

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January 03 2005 By virtueonline Christian Apologetics - by CS Lewis (1945)

This is your duty not specifically as Christians or as priests but as honest men. There is a danger here of the clergy developing a special professional conscience which obscures the very plain moral issue. Men who have passed beyond these boundary lines in either direction are apt to protest that they have come by their unorthodox opinions honestly. In defense of these opinions they are prepared to suffer obloquy and to forfeit professional advancement. They thus come to feel like martyrs.

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December 27 2004 By virtueonline "Homo Indifferens" Is Still a "Homo Religious"

Earlier this year I led the members and consultors of the Pontifical Council for Culture on a reflection intended to give a new impetus to the response to the challenges of unbelief and religious indifference. We began by making an updated map and analysis of unbelief in the world.

As regards the analysis of the state of unbelief in the world today, let me share with you the following conclusions:

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December 26 2004 By virtueonline This doctor is proud to have killed four newborns - by Damien McElroy

Dr Verhagen's actions have already provoked condemnation from the Vatican and others who argue that the right-to-life must remain inviolable.

Other Dutch doctors side with Dr Verhagen, however, and in the past four years have sought to challenge this by reporting 18 such cases of "neo-natal" deaths to the national prosecutor's office in the Hague.

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December 24 2004 By virtueonline WINDSOR REPORT: A "Self" defining moment for ECUSA and The Ang. Communion

As my colleague, Oliver O'Donovan, said recently, when placed along side most Anglican Documents, the Windsor Report is decidedly "up market." In contradistinction to a number of contrary judgments, I agree; and the burden of my remarks will be designed to show that, despite certain omissions and errors (some serious) the report provides a credible way forward both for ECUSA and the Anglican Communion as a whole.

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