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Theology, History & Science
November 08 2004 By virtueonline Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity

Pearcey is a scholar, an intellectual, a brilliant writer, and she has an uncanny ability to explain profound ideas in a way that is accessible – and helpful -- to regular people. She appeared recently at the Heritage Foundation to talk about her book to a standing-room-only crowd.

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November 08 2004 By virtueonline Gospels tell of true Jesus, says Canadian scholar

"The half-dozen leaders and three-dozen members of the Jesus Seminar create the impression the scholarship is seriously divided. But I've been at annual meetings of the Institute for Biblical Research, with hundreds of scholars, and no one can take their outrageous claims seriously any more.

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November 03 2004 By virtueonline A President's 'Theology of War' - by Gregory J. Welborn

Among its primary criticisms is the claim that Mr. Bush's use of biblical
references has created a grave moral crisis in this country. Especially
discomfiting to these professors is the president's use of the imagery of
light and darkness in describing the U.S. and Iraq, respectively. They
object to his axis-of-evil theme as well as to any talk of an American
mission or divine appointment to rid the world of evil.

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October 30 2004 By virtueonline "God and Sex" or "Pants on Fire"? - by Robert Gagnon

The overall purpose of Kristof's editorial is political: to persuade "conservatives," or "liberals" who should be convincing conservatives, that there is little credible basis for opposing "gay marriage" within the Bible itself. He hopes that by doing so he can weaken efforts to pass amendments blocking "gay marriage" in various states.

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October 27 2004 By virtueonline Theology in the Trenches: A Report on the Windsor Report - by F. Earle Fox

If the reader digests the material below, including the references, he will have a serious theological education which will stand up straight and tall in the world today. This is theology in the trenches.

(For those who are reading this as a downloaded copy of the original web edition, the references scattered below are links to other resources. You can access those in the original located at

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October 22 2004 By virtueonline Anglican Report is 'Fireproofing the House' - by N. T. Wright

Archbishop Robin Eames has said more than once that leading this commission was the hardest work he's ever done. How difficult was it for you as a member of the commission?

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October 14 2004 By virtueonline The Ecstatic Heresy - by Robert Sanders

The Dammann case does reveal continuing differences in the United Methodist Church concerning the issue of homosexuality. The Council of Bishops is painfully aware of this disagreement. In such moments as this, we remember that our unity in Christ does not depend on unanimity of opinion. Rather, in Jesus Christ we are bound together by love that transcends our differences and calls us to stay at the table with one another.

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October 12 2004 By virtueonline ONE NATION UNDER GOD - by Stephen Noll

In the case of rule by one, we can easily identify unjust rule as tyranny, where a ruler like Saddam Hussein is oppressing his people and enriching himself. Now here is the surprise: Aristotle says that democracy is unjust: that it is possible for the people, or a majority of them, to rule for their own benefit and not for the benefit of the whole society.

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October 11 2004 By virtueonline “The Making of Spidermen" - by Paul N. Walker

And it’s a big day for Trinity – for the faculty, the staff, the board, the students and the graduates, all of whom I believe will experience the life-changing grace of God through Paul in the same way that I and scores and scores of others have.

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