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SURPRISE! Albany Standing Committee reverses policy, opens door to Homosexual Marriage

SURPRISE! Albany Standing Committee reverses policy, opens door to Homosexual Marriage

By David W. Virtue, DD
November 5, 2021

The standing committee of the Diocese of Albany reversed its policy to prohibit homosexual marriage and announced on Nov. 1 that the ceremonies may proceed in the diocese. This brings the diocese into compliance with General Convention's mandate to make marriage rites available to all couples, a report from ENS announced. Albany is the last remaining American diocese in The Episcopal Church to allow this practice.

"We seek the renewing and rebuilding of our diocesan community," the standing committee wrote in its announcement, which quoted the 79th General Convention's Resolution B012 and other church documents in explaining the committee's decision. "We pledge ourselves to work with one another in a spirit of mutual respect in the midst of 'theological diversity in regard to matters of human sexuality.'"

REALLY. "Mutual respect", for whom, exactly? For Bishop William Love, who was forced out because he refused this salvation denying resolution? "Theological diversity"! What theological diversity? Theological diversity in TEC now means inclusion of just one position, a position that so-called progressives, have now bullied the Church into accepting the unacceptable at multiple General Conventions and will now enshrine into canon law: that General Convention resolutions trump scripture. If you don't like it, you can toddle off to the ACNA or the Ordinariate or a Continuing Anglican jurisdiction that believes Scripture cannot be broken, twisted or perverted to make it mean what it does not mean.

The high-sounding Episcospeak and manipulation of language to dull the senses of feeble-minded Episcopalians are now all too common.

Since Bishop Love's resignation, the diocese's standing committee has been the ecclesiastical authority while a search for the next diocesan bishop is underway. Such a bishop will, of course, approve of Resolution B012 or he would not make it past the diocesan progressive gatekeepers.

There is some irony here. The standing committee brought in retired North Dakota Bishop Michael Smith for "pastoral oversight" while the diocesan goes a hunting for a new, politically correct bishop.

Smith claims to be conservative on sexuality issues and was one of eight bishops who refused to allow homosexual couples to marry using trial rites by designating pastoral oversight to another bishop.

This is called the "Pilate Principle"; washing your hands of the responsibility, giving it over to another, thus pleading your innocence to show the diocese that you do not approve of homosexual marriage, but allowing them because that is what the diocese wants.

Other bishops, like Greg Brewer of Central Florida, George Sumner of Dallas and the former Bishop of Springfield Dan Martins used the same "Pilate Principle."

I doubt that will fly at the Last Judgment.

It should be noted that the former Bishop of Central Florida, John W. Howe, finally had enough, announced he was leaving TEC and joined the ACNA because B012 was a bridge too far.

Passing off sin to someone else does not absolve one of sin.

Bishop Love said recently that it is nice to go into an ACNA parish where everyone is on board on this and other issues and there is no underlying hostility from people in the pews.

In TEC that hostility is called "theological diversity" until it isn't.

The Episcopal Diocese of Albany will go the way of all flesh, for it is written in the canons of the Church.

Just as there is no mercy in property fights, the winner takes all. TEC's pansexualists brook no mercy, even if bans technically remain, albeit briefly on the books. Local option, a concept made famous by the late homosexual Louie Crew will not triumph, and sooner or later it's a fait accompli.

And Jesus will weep. That, too, is written.


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