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Reformation & Revival
March 14 2017 By dvirtue LONGVIEW,TX: Anglican church sets first confirmation service

The occasion is special enough to draw Todd Hunter, bishop of the four-state Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others. Known to members by the abbreviation, C4SO is a part of the Anglican Church of North America.

Anglicans trace their heritage to Henry Tudor's Church of England, which King Henry the Eighth founded when breaking from the Catholic Church at the start of the 16th century Reformation.

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February 28 2017 By dvirtue How Smartphones and Social Media is Changing Christianity

This more relaxed approach to phones is not the only tech-related update the Church has undergone in the past few years. The rise of apps and social media is changing the way many of the world's two billion Christians worship -- and even what it means to be religious.

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January 09 2017 By dvirtue CANONSBURG, PA: Ministering to the Least--and Youngest--of These: Christ the Redeemer in Canonsburg

Because of this calling, the Church has been ministering to people and communities for as long as those faithful to God's Word have been gathering together. Ministry isn't pretty--it is often difficult and uncomfortable. And it is certainly not glamorous. But it can be beautiful seeing lives changed, hearts touched, and God's love felt by those who do not know Him.

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November 01 2016 By dvirtue 160 Participate in Vancouver Area AAC Church Revitalization

"Over the last few years, many ANiC parishes have been praying about and working on strategic planning and church revitalization so this workshop has offered timely encouragement and fresh approaches," says The Rt. Rev. Charlie Masters, ANiC Bishop.

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October 31 2016 By dvirtue It Happened to George Washington's Church

The Falls Church Anglican has lived through such a story. In 2012, this historic church in Northern Virginia took a stand for their faith and lost everything to the Episcopal Church. After crushing defeats in the courts, the church moved out of the property George Washington had graced centuries before. They walked away from their colonial building and history. They left the soaring sanctuary they built, one that had hosted hundreds (if not thousands) of weddings and baptisms.

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September 13 2016 By dvirtue New evangelistic course addresses contemporary idolatries

After a brief introduction we were shown a promotional video about Life Explored, which has already been shared thousands of times on social media. It leaves the viewer with the question: "What would bring you fulfillment?" A slightly longer taster film serves as an introduction to the course itself.

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September 02 2016 By dvirtue Anglican Church Planting takes big step forward

The conference got off to a great start with a party on the lawn, complete with games, burgers, and beer, and just kept getting better with every session. From its inception, the team organizing this conference intended to create an environment where planters could build relationships, participate in practical, interactive sessions to learn more about their craft, and walk away with real life solutions to obstacles they are facing in the field.

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August 29 2016 By dvirtue The Long Road to Building Israel's First Post-Statehood Church

David eventually embraced the Messiah and devoted his life to serving the church in Israel. He now serves as Field Director of Christian Witness to Israel (founded by Scottish pastor Robert Murray M'Cheyne in the mid-1800s), directs the HaGefen Publishing House (which produces and translates Christian literature into modern Hebrew), and preaches around the globe.

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July 12 2016 By dvirtue Revival breaks out in France: Hundreds embrace Christ, '2,000 miracles' take place in one 'incredible night'

The conference was held amid growing concerns about economic instability and more terrorist attacks in Europe this year, with the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist organisation exerting more efforts to widen its campaign of terror.

Amid the uncertainties in the continent, the conference was called to urge European Christians to develop a stronger relationship with God. Held under the theme "Mercy triumphs over judgment," the gathering declared God's ability to heal and restore Europe.

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May 28 2016 By dvirtue Why we should share Christ with others: Because we love them

I'm a great fan of James Engel's Whatever Happened to the Harvest? and how he defines evangelism on a "scale" or spectrum. So, for instance, if we find someone at the far end of the scale as a hardened atheist and through loving conversations about Jesus help them move to becoming an agnostic who admits the possibility of the existence of God-well, that's evangelism! It's moving people towards a personal commitment to follow Jesus isn't it?

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