POST-CHRISTIANFor some years, many of us have spoken and written about America becoming a post-Christian society somewhat similar to what has taken place in Western Europe.
Why say gay? A response to "Yes to Gay Identity, No to Gay Sex?"As the author and organizer of the Dear Gay Anglicans Letter, Executive Director of EQUIP (a ministry that provides consulting and teaching on LGBT+ topics), a licensed professional counselor who m
Revisionists Create Phony Story About Ft. Worth SchismIt's a lie. A source told VOL that Anglican Bishop Ryan S. Reed offered to partner with them in the food pantry. "Despite our theological differences, everyone needs to eat.
Wake Up, O Sleeper, Rise from the DeadMy people come to you, as they usually do, and sit before you to listen to your words, but they do not put them into practice.